CHAPTER 46 - Baby blue

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Friday 04.10.22

"What!" Jo shouted in the face time call as I sat there with widened eyes and a hanging mouth. "Ew, Lily, that's fucked up." Callum rubbed his face as I processed her words.

"No, no listen, that wasn't the worst part." She continued and we all groaned in cue, not wanting to hear anymore of her not-so-erotic night. "I sneezed his own cum all over him!" She shouted and this time Jo burst out with laughter as I sat there with a grimaced expression.

Cal looked as if he was about to puke and I really couldn't blame him since it must have been even gross for him as a guy to hear another man have his own semen being spat straight onto his face.

"Why didn't you to just push him out when you snorted his cum in the first place?" Callum questioned, shuddering at the mention of it. "What no! I couldn't, it all happened so fast." Lily defended as Jo fell back, guffawing breathlessly.

"Ok, that's my cue to go, I'm leaving!" I announced, feeling bile rise up my throat at even the sound of the incident. Before any of them could say no, I hung up on the call smiling to myself as I shook my head, wondering what kind of friends I truly have.

I turned my head towards the female mannequin that plainly stood there, waiting for me to make a design for it. With a sigh, I got up to observe it for the nth time.

El, Toby and Mase had got it for me on my birthday last month and although I was super happy to get it, I have been hugely struggling on my first official design as a graduated fashion designer.

Graduating wasn't as easy as I had expected but with the new people I had met in my life, nothing was impossible. For so long I believed that I could never get any other friends than the 5 I held so close to, not that I didn't want to, but simply because they were the only ones I really needed.

But I as proven wrong.

When Gray and Roni left, I started fresh, giving myself a new hope as I opened my arms for the possibilities life could give me. That's where I met Joanna and Callum. We all got along pretty well and when Lily joined our small circle, it got even better.

Sure we made more friends, but we four were the ones to still keep in contact even months after graduating from Queens University.

Though only Joanna shared the same course as me, we both have completely different ideas about fashion. We would often inspire each other with our divergent passions and work well together.

Now we were currently attempting to get some inspiration and perhaps apply for companies, but it wasn't as easy. Since we were practically still new to the industry, people often preferred someone more qualified. For now, I was thinking of applying to a small course as I constantly try to apply for a job.

Instead of moving back to Harlow, I decided to rent a place here so I could be less distracted and actually focus on my work. At the beginning when I first moved to Queens, living alone seemed severely difficult.

It was strange not having your family members right beside you and enter the accommodation without someone you love to come and greet you affectionately. But slowly I got used to it all and in fact it made me so much more independent as a person.

I had learnt so many things I hadn't known before and I guess it has really developed me as a person.

I sighed, turning around and rubbing my head, reaching my phone up to call the takeaway when suddenly it buzzed with Mase's name on the screen. A small smile played on my lips as I placed the device against my ear.

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