CHAPTER 44 - Tears

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Wednesday 23.09.19

It had been almost a week since Gray and I had the argument, and no one had spoken to him since. Apparently, Toby and El had also gotten into an argument with him when Toby interrogated him about why I was hurt by him. 

He had become pretty nasty recently, spewing vicious things towards everyone and to be fair, I was fed up with it all. He had specifically told Toby to not involve himself in problems that doesn't concern him and that got El to stand up for her boyfriend. 

It was all shocking for us to believe.

Frankly speaking, I was in no mood to face Gray. My sleeps have been completely disturbed and it had only piled upon my nervousness with joining Queen's university in less than a fortnight. 

I was to move there in a week, and I felt as if my mind was going to explode with everything going around. I had learnt to accept that mum works at Mark's company despite me still being hurt by the fact that Gray had kept it hidden for this long. 

To make matters worse, Gray's mother has been running on my mind. She texted me last night to ask me when I was ready to meet her and honestly it just added more fuel to the fire. 

Mark had been chasing me to help him deal with her and with everything going on, I really didn't know how to deal with it. The longer I thought about Gray the more and more furious I became.

My situation was only intensified when Roni had called me yesterday night. Roni hadn't properly spoken to anyone for a while and we were still giving her the time to fix herself up and even though Mase was now wounded by both Roni and Gray, he still tried to be there for us. 

She still hadn't spoken to Mase and although I've tried to convince Mase to at least approach her, he feels as though he himself needs some time. 

When I finally received her call, my excitement was soon let down. 

I clearly remember her sullen voice as she broke through the phone telling me that she plans to leave Harlow to go travelling. She was taking a gap year and I guess it was a great way for her to ease her mind and find a passion.

But I really had no other choice than to wish her luck. 

Roni was my anchor and without her being here, I really did feel weaker. She said she already had some money saved up and was going to take a random flight yesterday. I wanted to see her at least before she left but she refused the idea. 

She didn't want to see us in case she decides not go.

Toby was leaving to go to Stanford in two days since his University started the earliest. It was only an hour away from Harlow which wasn't too bad compared to mine which was almost 2 hours away. 

El, Mase and I had promised to help him pack and drop him off at the university. It was pretty hard to come to terms that it was just us 4 now and nobody could deny the change in atmosphere. It was a strange silence, one that we had never felt before.

"Toby, I think that's way too many books for one guy." I snorted, attempting to keep the air light. Even though Mase was physically here, his mind was elsewhere. He had just found out that Roni left Harlow and ever since, he had been completely quiet. 

I didn't bother asking him if he was okay because we all know how devastated he was by it. It was heart-breaking seeing him sit on Toby's wide windowsill, staring out the window, preoccupied by his own thoughts. 

Mase was never like that. 

He was always the one to remove any negative vibes in the group, wanting the mood to be light-hearted but now I find the same guy sitting here completely depressed. It was really tough on each one of us, but we had no other choice than to accept the reality.

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