CHAPTER 61 - Breathless

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Sunday 12.04.23

"You know, I can travel by myself." I looked up at Gray smiling at him. He simply shrugged, glancing at me way with that charming grin of his before focusing back on the road.

His hand reached out for mine, wrapping his fingers through mine and I was immediately filled with warmth, causing my smile to stretch even further.

"Anything for you." He simply replied and I shook my head, letting out a small laugh, hiding the fact that those small words made my heart flutter.

"Mr CEO, I think you have more important things to do than drop your friend off." I replied and he scoffed, "you're my number one priority," his dark green eyes found me and I was frozen for a moment as my pulse accelerated under his deep gaze, "always." He spoke in a low voice, averting his eyes back onto the road.

I diverted my own gaze, attempting to calm my racing heart.

"RiRi." He called out, bringing my attention back to him. "Yeah?" I answered, hearing him let out a sigh, "why can't you move back to Harlow?" He asked and a small laugh escaped my lips.

"Why? I think I quite like Queens." I replied, my smile stretching over as he turned to glance at me with a deadpanned look causing me to let out a small giggle. "You're so far from me." He answered, his hand tightening around mine comfortably.

"What you obsessed with me?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrows at him despite the fact that his eyes were on the road.

Gray simply chuckled, causing my heart to flutter, "maybe, but not just that, I feel so much better when you're next to me." He spoke, sincerity flooding through his tone, causing me to form a genuine smile as I leaned forward.

"I have a secret to share." I whispered and he glanced my way with his eyebrows cutely furrowing.

"What?" He whispered back, his green globes glinting with alacrity before moving his gaze back to the road.

"I'm planning to have a fashion studio at Harlow not Queens." I whispered and he brought his widened forest green orbs back to me. His eyes were filled with so much emotion but the excitement that lay spread within them were too evident.

"Thank god." He whispered, causing my smile to stretch even further.

Just then my phone vibrated, notifying me a message. I eagerly grabbed the device from my light coat pocket, looking down to read the message.

'Your mum made enough stir-fry for today but I find none!! - DAD'

I let out a small laugh, bringing Gray's attention towards me. "What is it?" He questioned, causing me to look up at him. "There are no leftover shrimp stir-fry for dad." I replied causing him to lightly rumble.

Gray, El and Mase had all huddled at my house yesterday just after dinner and since Mase as usual was starving, we ended up having our midnight feast by engulfing down mum's dinner.

It was a shame that Roni and Toby missed it; Toby had gone back to Stanford earlier in the morning and Roni had gone to Spain to collect all her belongings from Isabella's house.

They had both missed out the highlight of the night, when we sneaked up on Lissy and Derek who were sharing a kiss right outside the house, which was all recorded on El's phone.

It was hilarious to watch them blush horribly from embarrassment but it was a total cuteness overload.

I was truly so happy for them both and although I wish I could be as brave as her for admitting her feelings, I was glad that at least she wasn't a coward like myself.

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