CHAPTER 23 - Mischief

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Friday 18.02.19

"Mi casa es tu casa" Sophie repeated. "Mi casa es tu casa which means my house is your house, right?" Roni questioned. "Yes!" Sophie chimed and Roni raised her hands in the air cheering. "How long has she even been trying to learn Spanish?" I scoffed, strolling through my phone, the movie that played on the tv completely forgotten.

We were all supposed to stay home and study but Roni insisted that we meet since she said, and I quote, 'I'm literally going insane without meeting you lot' and let's not forget when she said, and I once again quote, 'and Mase is getting too boring for me'.

We only received a one-week break and Toby demanded that we all make it productive by staying at home and using the time to study for the upcoming exams in early June. Though the rest of us had decided to follow the rule, Roni and Mase broke it after a good 13 hours streak - unsurprisingly.

I couldn't blame her though. We practically meet each other every day and to not see each other for a short term-break that we had been eagerly looking forward to, was pretty harsh in a way. "For about a year." Mase sighed and I giggled at his response, slightly astonished.

"She might as well quit already." Gray mumbled, making sure Roni doesn't hear him as we let out a rumble of giggles. "Why does she want to learn it so bad?" El questioned and Mase groaned. "So she could understand the shit I say in my sleep" he spoke and we all laughed.

A cute grin was plastered on Mase's face, his sapphire eyes glinting as reached forward grabbing the camera from the long coffee table. I didn't bother asking him what he was doing - it was the perks of knowing the guy for too long. Mase was always carrying his camera, even more than he carries his cracked phone. He'd go around taking photos of us at the most unexpected times, stating that he wants to make a memory of it.

The guy turned around from his seat, carefully raising the device before taking a snap of Sophie, his mother, and Roni who were both sitting by the stools of the breakfast bar practising Spanish. I sighed, shoving my phone on the sofa before placing my head on Toby's bony shoulder which was strangely a lot more comfortable than it looks.

My intention was to pay attention to the movie but soon I found my eyes drift towards the several black and white photos that hung upon the wall around the tv. The photos covered the entire wall and every single one of them were astonishing, catching my fullest interest.

Most contained photos of Mase, mainly when he was a cute young boy, whilst the rest were photos of special objects and nature. There were even a few of the family of three but since Chris, Mase's father wasn't exactly a fan of being in front of the cameras, there weren't much of the family photos.

They were all photos taken from Sophie, Mase's mum, and every time I looked at them, I was reminded of how talented she is. It was no wonder Mase was inspired from her to go into photography.

Sophie has an entire room for photography where she would often take photos of models that would go on magazines. Sometimes, she would even allow us to go in there and take group photos of us all. That's what I loved about her. She allowed us to enter her work life and see what she enjoys doing, knowing how chaotic we can be when we are all together.

"Veronica, listen carefully sweetheart, creo en la igualdad." Sophie repeated in her calm voice causing me to raise my head to turn to face them. A light giggle escaped a few of our mouths as we watched Roni scratching her head from frustration.

"It's I believe in... something." She sighed, her legs shaking as she thought hard about what that 'something' could be as Sophie eagerly nodded, her warm smile stretching across her lips. "Ok I don't know what it is." She exasperated. "I believe in equality, you mug" Mase shouted over before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her.

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