CHAPTER 33 - Crash

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Monday 24.07.19

"Fuck no! Barbecue tops off anything!" Roni shouted and I sighed, rolling my eyes to myself. "We literally had barbecue yesterday, what the fuck is wrong with your obsession over it?" Toby whined as Mase placed his arm over Roni's shoulder.

"Guys can we just get anything, I'm too hungry to care right now." He asked and we all looked over each other amusedly before shouting "no!"

It truly was exhausting walking down the streets of Italy in the burning heat with our hunger slowly taking over our energies, but we still enjoyed the moment. Italy was far much better than I had expected and when Mark invited us all over for dinner last week, showing us the golden ticket to the country, we almost burst from shock.

We had always wanted to go on a holiday together, but it never really happened, mainly because of our financial issues. That was until Mark had decided to plan it for us instead. It was so sweet how considerate he was of us and I couldn't deny how appreciative I was.

Initially Gray was completely against the whole idea by taking on the trip to make his dad happy but after some intense convincing, he finally agreed to it. The guy was too stubborn, even for himself.

We had only arrived in Italy 4 days ago, intending to leave the day after tomorrow and I can't deny how badly I'm going to miss this place.

We had done all sorts of things, such as travelling on the water buses down the Grand Canal, visiting a museum in which we almost got kicked out of, going to a beach and of course eating loads.

Though I was the only one still under 18, I already felt like an adult as we travelled together.

"Wait stop." Gray's deep voice halted us in our spot. His eyes were focused on something at a distant as a small smirk devilishly made its way on his lips.

"How about we eat a high quality meal for free?" He looked back over us and Roni crossed her arms in confusion. "What do you mean?" Toby questioned, quirking his eyebrows.

Gray didn't say anything, simply nodding over at the place he had been looking over at. We all turned our gazes to his line of sight finding a sign that read 'Welcome to our wedding Emilia and William' at the end of the street.

I furrowed my eyebrows as El gasped, "don't tell me-" but before she could continue, Roni interrupted. "Fuck yes!" She shouted as I looked at them with a baffled expression. I moved my gaze to Gray questioningly and his smile widened.

"Get ready to crash a wedding." His eyes gleamed with amusement and I couldn't help but widen my eyes in surprise.

I didn't even know what was properly going on as I was dragged into a thrift shop having random dresses shoved my way, still trying to figure out if these lot were serious about doing this. To be honest, after knowing them for so long, I really wasn't surprised.

"Way too flowery for a dark soul like Roni" Toby scrunched his face as Roni grimaced at the bright yellow floral dress El held in front of her. "You Ari?" El moved the dress towards me. I simply shrugged reaching forward to grab it when my hand was suddenly pulled, swivelling me around.

Those bright emerald orbs filled my gaze as something washed over his expressions. He cleared his throat, earning everyone's attention before pulling out a white dress and pointing it towards me. He looked over at the others behind me as I curiously watched him.

"I think white suits her better." He spoke and my heart suddenly fluttered. White?

"Fuck yes this will look good on my baby Ari" Mase hollered, grabbing the dress as he placed it in my hand. "Yeah El I think you should wear the that one, yellow always looks good on you" Toby exclaimed and I didn't fail to notice her blush as she reached forward to give him a peck on his lips.

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