CHAPTER 78 - Ginger

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Tuesday 09.09.25

"I will be there at exactly seven." His soft voice spoke through and I let out a light laugh. "Cal, you didn't have to cancel everything." I chided, hearing him sigh on the other side. 

"Ari, you can't stop me from missing you." Cal voiced causing a simper to stretch across my face. 

I don't know how someone can love another to this extent but it was one of the things I was grateful for in life. 

"I love you." I responded, imagining him smile behind the phone, "I love you more." He replied before we both hung up on the call. 

I bit my lips, letting out a light sigh.

I hadn't told Cal about the incident I had with Gray and honestly it wasn't something I was afraid of admitting anyway.

However, since I had stopped myself before anything actually happened, I didn't think it was worth making Cal worry about it. 

It's the least he deserved. 

With our busy schedules we barely even got to meet each other and bless the guy, he was always arranging small cute dates for us both, so telling him something like that would just ruin the mood.

Plus, I will always love Cal and that will never stop, and so telling him these things won't do any good.

"Who is it?" Lissy came into my bedroom drying her hair with the towel. 

"Callum." I chimed and she nodded as I swivelled in my chair to face her. She opened my wardrobe looking for an outfit and I raised a brow, "do you have to go?" I whined causing her to roll her eyes as she turned around to face me, "Ari." 

I huffed a breath, "you're doing this because Derek is coming today aren't you?" I raised my brows at her, watching her eyes widen at an instant, "what, no!"

Her face was flush red, only driving the small knowing smile to slip its way on my lips. 

 "Why don't you try and speak to him?" I questioned and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you crazy no way!" She defended turning back around as I exhaled a breath. 

"Lis." I called out in a much calmer tone, making her turn around to notice her chest slightly rising up and down as her breaths fastened. 

"Just come with me." I pleaded, her eyes filling with hesitation. 

Since Derek had finished his summer course, he had decided to come here for a short while before his university lectures begin. It felt like forever since I last saw him at Gray's birthday and I couldn't hide the fact that I was super excited to meet him at Lacy's today.

Lis and Derek haven't spoken yet and although we do find ourselves enduring the horrifying awkwardness each time the two meet, I can't help but still hope that they can be friends again.

They were so close then and now I find them both doing everything to avoid meeting each other. 

Last year Lis had even planned a holiday trip with her university friends just so that she can escape meeting Derek and truthfully it was getting rather annoying now.

We keep thinking they would get back together at least as friends, but without either of them giving in, it was becoming harder to hope for them.

They had known each other since they were kids and honestly I don't think anyone can ever understand them both as much as they do.

Lissy looked down, deep in thought and I knew I was almost there with persuading her. 

"I won't leave your side." I hummed and she smiled looking up before leaving a huge exasperated breath. 

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