CHAPTER 85 - Grayson

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Friday 11.01.26

"No lets not forget the day when Mase took us to that restaurant that didn't even exist." Toby rolled his eyes, ultimately making us all laugh as we remembered that day.

"I was so ready to kill you that day no lies." Gray growled at him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Well I don't think that should be surprising from this guy." Dad rumbled with laughter as Mase simply pouted.

"Oh shit yeah, that day when he said that it had the best meat and it didn't even exist." Roni smacked his head, only causing me to laugh even harder as I recalled that day.

It was during summer just before we went to Italy and Mase insisted that he read online somewhere about a restaurant that apparently made the best meat.

He hadn't even tried it before but he was so sure about it being good.

After much convincing, he led the way to the restaurant and of course when we had arrived at the destination, the restaurant he claimed to exist there and the meat we were all expecting to taste were neither there.

We were all starving and since we had travelled so far for it, we ended up eating at McDonalds, which I personally think would have been better than the restaurant he suggested anyway.

Gray did his research and found out that Mase had of course taken us to the wrong place and we all wish we could blame him, but we really couldn't especially when we were the ones to follow after him, knowing well how bad his navigation skills are.

"I didn't check the location properly!" Mase defended himself, only causing Lissy to scoff in reply. "Best meat? Where is it?" Derek leaned forward and we all groaned in unison.

Mase reached forward fist-bumping Derek as Roni once again smacked his head.

I shook my head, smiling, before dipping in my spoon and sipping on the chicken noodle soup mum made for us.

I swear every year, it tastes even better.

"Why don't we all make a trip there altogether?" Mum questioned, making our eyes dart up. "Mum?" Lissy gasped, surprised that mum was truly taking Mase's suggestions out of everyones.

"I wouldn't recommend that Tala." Toby voiced, only causing Derek to nudge his sides, "I'm up for it." He voiced and I turned my face over to Roni, both of us giving the same mortified expressions.

"Taking in Mase's recommendation is like a suicide mission." Gray voiced, only causing me to let out a giggle, "yeah I'm out, sorry mum, I'm sure Derek and Mase will be up for it though." I voiced, causing the rest to snort.

"Do you want to get food poisoned Tala? I mean Mase is practically immune to any food, but I wouldn't risk it if I were you." Roni retorted, only causing my parents to chuckle with humour.

"Oh boy, you lot are too mean to this one." Mum voiced and this time I snickered in reply.

"We're too kind for even allowing him to sit here with us." Toby mumbled but we all heard it as the room erupted with laughter.

Our guffaws bounced off the walls of my dining room and my heart whelmed up with true happiness.

A bliss that couldn't be described when you see the most important people to you enjoy our time together.

Each and everyone that sat in this room have grown in our own way, teaching me lessons I could never have imagined to learn.

Mum used to be someone I heavily looked up to, especially when dad was healthy. She used to have the most contagious laugh, her smile even having the ability to light anyone's day. But fate didn't let that smile last for too long.

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