CHAPTER 22 - Fashion

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Friday 21.01.19

"Lissy, stop texting Derek" I warned my little sister who simply wouldn't get off her phone. "I'm not!" She exclaimed, annoyance distinctly radiating from her tone. I simply sighed, focusing on taking a bite from my toast, knowing that Lissy was too absorbed by the phone, to even consider listening to my words.

Ever since mum had gifted her the device, she literally won't stop using it, burying all her time into the gadget. It was a little beneficial to me since she didn't have to use my phone to text Derek who already has a phone, but it wasn't entertaining either. We often find us rushing to school because the girl is too busy focusing on texting her best friend instead of eating her breakfast and truthfully, I didn't appreciate it one bit.

Lis was almost 13 now, the earliest stage of teen-hood and probably one of the first stages, and I knew her hormones were already starting to become inconsistent. Don't mind me, I absolutely adore my sister but I couldn't deny that sometimes dealing with her attitude wasn't exactly what I preferred.

She was pretty feisty for her age though, taking her inspiration from Roni, and I must say that I'm proud that at least my sister didn't turn out as a wuss like me. But sometimes her mood swings can get in the way.

"Alissa, your sister is right, finish your breakfast off before Grayson comes." Mum's intimidating glare towards Lis made my sister finally unleash a deep sigh before putting her phone away. I felt a small sense of accomplishment ascend through me as I watched her chew on the toast.

"I wonder how Elana and Derek walk to school daily." Dad chuckled, looking up from the book he was reading just as mum joined us on the table with her mug in her hand. "Oh god yes, these two can barely even make it to school on time even after being dropped off." Mum responded, taking a sip of her morning coffee as she raised her brow at us. I simply offered her a sheepish grin in return.

Since El was trying to be as eco-friendly as possible, it was no wonder that she forced her little brother to join her especially since her attempts of convincing us completely failed. "We should be more like them and take care of the environment." Dad voiced and both Lis and I whipped our heads at him, eagerly shaking it as a way of saying 'hell no'.

A rumble of chuckles emitted from him as he raised both his arms up patting each one at the top of our heads. "Alright, eat up both of you, Grayson will be here any time soon" Mum urged and we turned our attention back to the food, stuffing the rest of the toast in our mouths.

As if on cue, Gray's car suddenly honked, almost startling me. Lis was still munching down her toast as I got up from my seat, placing a kiss on my parents' cheek before pacing out to put my shoes and coat on. Lissy soon followed behind as I opened the front door, letting the cold breeze hit me as my eyes caught that expensive black car of his causing a smile to rise on my lips.

However, confusion soon assembled through me as I stood there with furrowed eyebrows realising the front passenger seat being strangely occupied. The mop of blonde hair reached my sight as I trudged my way through the snow towards the back door of the car.

"What you both doing in here?" I questioned, eyeing both Roni and Mase as I waited for Lis to come and occupy the middle seat. The unexpected passengers could barely even raise their heads at me as they gave off an impression of elderly people who had missed their precious nap.

Roni's groan was audible as Lissy finally came running through, entering the car before I followed after her. The warmth of the car, instantly brought a smile to my face as I shut the car door behind me, allowing Gray to zoom off.

"His fucking car broke down." Roni's voice was groggy but honestly, I was surprised she was even answering me. Mase didn't even bother turning around, tiredness consuming him as a whole. "I'm surprised you're both here on time." I scoffed as Lis giggled beside me, knowing what I meant.

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