69 - Confessions

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-Shinso POV-

Y/n led you to a bar down the street and took you inside. There was a woman behind the counter who reeked of cigarette smoke, and Y/n asked if her if you could borrow their restroom. She gave you an odd look but nodded her head and pointed to the back of the room. Y/n practically carried you back there and luckily the bathroom was one of those single ones with only one toilet and one sink. She brought you in and lowered the toilet lid before sitting you on top of it and locking the door behind you. The whole room reeked of cigarettes and alcohol, and it made you start to feel a little nauseous.

Once the door was locked, Y/n went right to work. She pulled some paper towels from the dispenser and ran them under some cold water from the sink before pressing them to your forehead. After a few seconds, she looked at your face, and grabbed your right hand, bringing it up to hold the paper towels in place. "I need you to open your mouth," she said. You didn't have the energy to question her motives, so you did as you were told. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and switched on the flashlight, shining it inside your mouth. After a couple seconds of looking around, she shut the light off. "Good... No broken teeth." You remembered that your face was still swollen from getting punched, and you figured that she was probably checking because of that.

"You have a cut on your cheek," she pointed out. She put the phone back in her pocket and you reached up to touch your face, but she slapped your hand away. "Let me clean it first." She grabbed a couple of more paper towels and put some soap and water on them before bringing them up to your face and gently wiping at the cut.

As she tended to your wound, you looked up at her with your exhausted eyes and you swore you saw an angel... She looked as beautiful as ever and her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she focused on what she was doing. She patted the cut dry and pulled a band-aid out of her purse. You noticed that it had cats printed on it, and you raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes in response. "These were the only ones that they had!"

"Uh-huh..." You smirked at her and she took the band-aid out and gently pressed it to your cheek with one hand. She held onto the other side of your face with her other hand to keep your head steady as she applied the bandage. Before she pulled her hand away, you reached up and lightly held it in your own as you nuzzled your face into it. She blushed as you turned your head to the side and placed a small kiss on her palm. She carefully held your face in her hands and placed a kiss of her own on your forehead. You looked into each other's eyes for a moment, but it was ruined when your stomach suddenly growled.

She let out a small laugh. "You're probably starving. I have a little bit of food and some water for you... Why don't you take care of business in here and I'll wait for you outside?"


She stood up to leave, and as she reached for the door handle, she turned to you one last time. "You don't, uh... need any... help... with that... do you?" she asked, her face a blushing mess.

You let out a chuckle at her awkwardness. "I think I'll manage." She nodded and quickly left the room, silently shutting the door behind her.


-Y/n POV-

As soon as you shut the door behind you, you facepalmed yourself. "Did I seriously just fucking ask him that?! That's so embarrassing..."


You sat at the nearest barstool for a few minutes and waited for Hitoshi to finish up in the bathroom. As you waited, the bartender lady kindly offered you a free glass of water, which you gladly accepted. You sipped on the water and went to an app on your phone and called for a cab. "They'll be here in seven minutes..."

You heard the bathroom door open and out stepped Hitoshi, looking slightly less disheveled than he did a few minutes prior. He'd cleaned off the rest of his face, tucked in his shirt and fixed the cuffs on his sleeves. He came over and sat down at the stool next to you and the bartender came by and gave him a glass of water as well. He thanked her and downed the entire glass in ten seconds. "They didn't even give him any water the whole time he was there?? Jesus..." When he finished, some water had leaked down his chin and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. The bartender came by and refilled his glass with more water, which he drank at a more normal pace. He finished about half of it before he set the glass down, turned to you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

It took you by surprise... He wasn't usually the one who initiated hugs, but you returned it anyway. The bartender made her way to the other end of the bar so that you two could have some privacy. As you hugged Hitoshi, you lightly rubbed his back to comfort him, and after a minute of sitting like this, he whispered into your ear. "I thought you were dead..."

He sounded so sad and broken that it made you want to cry. Instead, you squeezed him tighter and murmured into his ear, "I'm not... I'm right here, Hitoshi." After another minute of comfortable silence, you smiled and whispered into his ear, "It's gonna take a lot more than a couple of stupid villains to take me out." He shook a little bit as he laughed and he slowly released you, sliding his hands down your arms as he did so until he held your hands in his.

He stared down at your hands for a few moments before he spoke again. "You know, there's something I wanted to tell you last night, but I never got the chance to say it..."


"Yeah..." He gulped before he looked up at you with a nervous expression. "I... I really like you, Y/n. I have for a little while now, and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you... I guess I just wasn't sure how."

You gave him a soft smile as he looked at the floor shyly. "Well... I don't know if it's obvious after what happened tonight... But I really like you too, Hitoshi. I think it took me a little bit longer to realize, but now I know it for sure." He looked up at you and saw your smile before returning it with one of his own.


-Shinso POV-

"She... She really likes me back? Bakugo was right..."

You hugged her again and she held you close. You stayed like this for another couple of minutes until her phone made a *ding!* sound from where it sat on the counter. Y/n released you and glanced at it before looking out the window. You followed her trail of vision and saw a cab idling at the curb in front of the pub. She turned back to you. "We gotta go."

She then helped you out of your seat and you both thanked the bartender once more before leaving. Y/n looked around to make sure that the coast was clear before hurriedly taking you to the cab and opening the door to the back seat. She swiftly seated you inside and fastened your seatbelt for you. You couldn't stop yourself from blushing at her close proximity – her face was right in front of yours as she reached around you to secure the buckle. Before you could do anything, you heard a *click*, and she pulled herself out of the car and closed the door before walking around and entering the back seat from the other side. Once inside, she shut the door and fastened her own seatbelt before speaking to the driver. "Take us to Musutafu Police Station, please."

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