19 - Obstacle Race

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-Y/n POV-

All at once, the doors open and all of the students race forward to the entrance of a tunnel. The space immediately becomes packed, and everyone is bumping into each other, shoulder-to-shoulder. "Why'd they make this tunnel so small? Shit, I'll lose at this rate!"

Then you thought about it. "Hang on... This has to be the first obstacle! All right, how can I get out of this?" You needed to find a way to clear a path ahead of you. "If I can get everyone around me to stop pushing and shoving, I might be able to make my way through. I'll need something to distract them for at least a few seconds..." Quickly thinking, you remembered something that might be able to help you.

Your dad once took you to a sky diving simulator while you lived in America. You're terribly afraid of heights, and he wanted to take you sky diving, so he figured that that was the next-best thing. You recalled how it felt to feel the wind rushing past your face, the sensation of gravity pulling you downward while you had nothing beneath you, and the sound of the air as it whipped against your ears... That feeling of free fall. You've also seen plenty of video footage that people have taken while sky diving, so you knew what the sight looked like.

Using nearly all of your concentration, you focused on the people directly ahead of you. You could use your Illusion quirk on up to fifteen people at once. You knew that you would have to move fast... Once the others realized what was going on, they would be sure to take advantage of the situation as well. "Here goes nothing..."

Imagining the sensation of free falling in your mind, you activated your quirk on the line of people in front of you. You watched as they dropped like flies and began yelling and kicking their legs and arms. The others around them watched in confusion and you quickly took the opportunity to run through the pathway of writhing students, being careful to avoid stepping on them. After a couple of seconds, the people around you began to do the same once they saw you advancing through the crowd. As soon as you passed the last student on the ground, you quickly released the effect of your illusion. You hated having to pull a dirty trick like that, but you needed to advance somehow. You finally reach the front of the mob, when ice suddenly crawls across the ground and freezes your feet in place. "Crap!"

Looking up, you spot a boy with half-red, half-white hair running ahead of everyone. After a moment, you saw a few students fly above the crowd, avoiding what you assumed was his ice trap. "This really IS a free for all... Guess that trick I pulled wasn't so dirty, after all."

"I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY SO EASILY, YOU ICY-HOT BASTARD!!!" You look up to see that Bakugo had launched himself over everyone else with his explosions, all the while cursing out the red/white-haired guy.



After wrenching your sneakers out of the ice, you continued to run – well, more like slide – across the ice. You stopped when you came face-to-face with a wall of gigantic robots. "They're the same as the ones from the entrance exam... But I can't use my quirk against those!"

Mic announces through the loudspeakers, "Ohhh, enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a treat here! A test of strength and cunning... IT'S A ROBO-INFERNO!!!"

You hear a girl with a black ponytail say, "Where does the school even get the funding for these things??"


As one of the robots launches forward to attack, the red/white-haired guy steps forward and slides around on some ice before he swings his right arm and completely freezes it in place! "Holy shit... This guy's amazing!" You were astounded by his power. "He's so lucky to have such a strong, heroic quirk like that..." He then takes off between the robot's legs.

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