15 - Threats

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-Y/n POV-

­The week after the 'USJ Incident', as the media has come to call it, everyone at school was talking about what had happened. Chikuchi had covered for you and Shinso so well that none of your classmates, nor Mrs. Nomura, suspected that either of you were involved in the incident. Everyone was talking about how 1A helped fight off the villains, and to be honest, you were a little disappointed that you weren't getting any credit for having helped the teachers... But at least Principal Nezu thanked you for your assistance.

Shinso was acting like his usual self again. Aizawa was released from the hospital over the weekend, despite him still being covered in bandages. You were glad to see him back on his feet so soon, and you knew that Shinso was grateful as well.

Since you arrived at school this morning, you've been hearing murmurs about an upcoming event being held at the school. The UA Sports Festival was something that you looked forward to every year. The last time you saw it was when you attended with your dad five years ago. They didn't broadcast it in America, so you'd missed seeing it for the last few years. Not only would you get to see it again, but this time, you would be in it!


When the bell rang for lunch, all of the students rushed out of the classroom at once. You looked around to find that only you and Chikuchi were left in the room. "Shinso left, too? Huh, that's weird..." your friend thought out loud.

"She's right... Where did he go?"

"Maybe we'll find him in the cafeteria."

The two of you left the room and began heading to lunch when you spotted a bunch of students loitering outside of classroom 1A. You and Chikuchi made your way to the back of the crowd, when you heard a somewhat familiar angry voice. "At least now you know what a future pro looks like... Now move it, extras!"

"'Extras'? Ah, shit... It's THAT guy again." You recognized him as the guy that you ran into on the day of the entrance exam.

After hearing the angry blonde's classmates scolding him for his attitude and choice of words, you heard an even more familiar voice speak up. "So this is class 1A... I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?"

"Oh my God... Shinso, what are you doing?!"

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs..."

"Shinso, STOP before he kills you!"

"I wanted to be in the hero course. But like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track... Such is life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us into the hero course... And they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

"Wait, is that true?? Did Aizawa tell him that?" People around you began quietly murmuring to each other. "Is he the only one who knew about this?"

"Scouting out the competition? Maybe some of my peers are... But I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you."

"Okay, I have to stop this!" You immediately push your way through the crowd just as he finishes his speech.

"Consider this a declaration of war."

"SHINSO! That's enough!" You whisper-yell and take his arm in your hand as you reach the front of the horde. After making yourself known, the angry hedgehog glares at you, and you glare right back. Tugging on your friend's arm, you whisper to him. "C'mon... Let's go." You start to drag him away when you hear the blonde asshole deal one final kick in the teeth.

"That's right... Better keep the dog on his leash."


You spin around to rip him a new one, but Chikuchi beats you to the chase. She gets right up in his face before practically tearing out his throat.

"Listen here, JACKASS! I don't know who the FUCK you think you are, but NO ONE speaks to my friends that way! So unless you have a DEATH WISH, you keep your fucking comments to yourself... GOT IT?!"

She whirls around before grabbing your arm and dragging both you and Shinso out of the crowd and down the hall.


-Bakugo POV-

You stand there, frozen, staring at where the girl with the pigtails once stood as a light blush dusts your cheeks. You've never had a girl (who wasn't your mother) speak to you like that. You had gotten used to the old hag saying that sort of shit to you, but hearing someone else say it was another thing, entirely.

"... That was kinda hot."

            Does Bakugo have a love interest in this story?? Only time will tell... ;)

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