35 - Class 1A

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-Y/n POV-

It's been a little bit over a week since your first studying session. You and Shinso had studied together every day after school at his place. You would help him study for English, and he would help you with math. You would study for a few hours, eat dinner with his parents, then study for a little bit longer until it was time for you to head home. You still spent the afternoons over the weekend practicing your combat skills together, which you enjoyed. While training, you noticed that Shinso was getting stronger and stronger with each passing week.


Now, it's Thursday. You all had just taken the hero camp exam the day before, and the hero course students were leaving for their camp on Saturday. You'd been anxious ever since you handed in your test... "They only have three spots available for general studies students to attend... I hope Shinso, Chikuchi and I got the top scores."

"All right, everyone! All of your tests have been graded, and I am proud to announce that the three general studies students with the highest scores are all from class 1C!"


Everyone in the class began whispering to each other, wondering if they'd gotten high enough scores. Mrs. Nomura continued with her announcement. "In third place, with a score of 98.32%... Miss Y/n L/n!"

Everyone clapped and Chikuchi turned around in her seat to give you a high-five. You thought that you had gotten more of the math questions wrong, so you were really glad to hear that you'd done better than expected.

"In second place, with a score of 98.86%... Mr. Hitoshi Shinso!"

Everyone applauded again. "Dayum... Did Chikuchi really get the top score?"

"... And in first place, with a score of 99.14%..."

You held your breath and crossed your fingers.

"Mr. Tsutsutaka Agoyamato!"

You couldn't believe it... HOW did that big gorilla get first place?! You look over at him, and he sat there smirking while everyone clapped for him. You look to Chikuchi, and she was just as shocked as you were. "He didn't do too well on the entrance exam, but... I guess he's a lot better at academics than we expected."


As the next couple of days pass by, you become more and more excited. You were really bummed that Chikuchi wouldn't be going to the hero camp with you, but you agreed to text her as much as possible and to send her pictures so that she can see what you're up to while you're away. You weren't sure what to pack, so Aizawa told you to bring comfortable clothes... For you, that meant leggings, shorts and sleeveless shirts – the weather was still warm and you wanted to show off the new scar on your arm. You kind of wanted to bring your guitar, but you knew that you probably wouldn't have any time to play it. You also weren't sure what Mrs. Nomura had meant by 'educational enrichment' when she told your class about the general studies/hero course collaboration. "Does that mean we'll just be watching the hero students train? Or will Aizawa let us train with them?"


Saturday finally rolls around, and you can hardly contain your excitement. Your father had given you a ride to the school to help you carry your stuff. Granted, you didn't have a whole lot... You only packed the essentials; Clothes, toiletries, sunscreen, a notebook and a pen. You walk up to the school in your school uniform... Since this is a school event, you figured you'd wear it. You're rolling your suitcase behind you as you approach Aizawa, who's having a conversation with Shinso while he awaits your arrival. "Ah, Y/n. You're here." You look to Shinso, and are relieved to see that he's got his uniform on, too.

Violet | Shinso x OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now