65 - Preparations

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-Y/n POV-

Once you reached your dorm room, you took out your laptop and immediately began your search. "Okay, so the man said that those locks are used in schools, office buildings and factories. It's highly unlikely that the League of Villains would be hiding in a school... An office building would be weird. Could they be at a factory?" You snorted at the idea. "That's so cliché... Villains hiding out in an abandoned factory... It's a wonder that they haven't been found yet."

You searched the internet for abandoned factories in Japan. You did multiple searches for different cities, including Musutafu, Esuha and even Fukuoka. After an hour and a half of searching, you finally found something. Most of the factories were located in the middle of the cities, surrounded by people... You figured that it was unlikely that they'd place themselves in the middle of a crowded area when their faces have been made known to the public. Then you found one location that was at the edge of Hosu. "Hmm... It fits the bill. And it's about a 35 minute drive from here." Something in your gut told you that this was the place where they were keeping Hitoshi. "That settles it... I'm going tonight."


"You can do this... You promised you'd be there for him, and he needs you now more than ever." You took a deep breath before putting on your costume. As you did so, you thought over your plan. "All right... So this place is a few blocks from a bar. I'll take a cab and walk to the factory from there. This'll be a stealth mission... No fighting unless I need to." You finish putting on the leggings, leotard, arm warmers and gloves of your costume before taking a look at yourself in the mirror.

"It's a bit chilly out... I'll need something to cover this up." As you sift through your closet, you find an oversized black hoodie and the leather jacket that Midnight had made to go with your costume. "What if I encounter that Dabi guy again? I'll need something at least somewhat fireproof." That being said, you grab the leather jacket, put it on, and move around... Luckily the zippers weren't dangly, so they didn't make a lot of noise, and the underside of the arms was made with a softer fabric so it didn't make any sound when rubbing against your torso. This fabric also provided more stretch to prevent hindering your movement in a fight.

"Perfect, but this still looks too suspicious if I say that I'm just going to a bar..." That being said, you grabbed the hoodie and put it over your jacket. It was so big that it ended halfway down your thigh, hiding the fact that you were wearing a leotard. Going to your backpack, you pulled out a large granola bar, a bottle of water, some gauze and some bandages. You'd stopped at a nearby convenience store after you went to the locksmith earlier that day; You didn't know if these villains were feeding Hitoshi or if he would be injured when you found him, and you wanted to be prepared.

You stuffed everything into your purse then pulled a notebook out of your backpack and ripped out a piece of paper. Taking it to your desk, you scribbled on it before folding and placing it in the pocket of your hoodie. You then pulled open the drawer on your desk and took out your pocket knife. Your father had given it to you a couple of years ago, and you placed it in one of the pockets of your leather jacket – just in case. Then, you went to the corner of the room, picked up the bag that you got from Hatsume and placed it in your purse with the rest of your supplies. You then unplugged your phone from the charger and slid it into the left pocket of the leggings on your costume, then picked up the key that you'd found and slipped it into the right pocket.

"All right, I think that's everything." Taking one last look around the room, you slid your costume boots on and tied them up before closing the door behind you. You didn't worry about hiding yourself as you walked down the hall; With your hoodie and violet leggings, it only looked like you were heading out for an evening stroll.

You made your way down the hall to your friend's room. You knocked on the door and waited a few moments before it opened. "Chikuchi!"

"Y/n? What's up?"

You quietly took a step inside her room and closed the door behind you. You spoke to her in a hushed voice. "I'm going after Hitoshi."

Her eyebrows shot up. "What?! Are you crazy?!"

"Shhh!" You quickly silenced her. "Listen, I think I know where he is."

"Then tell the pros!"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because they won't let me go with them."

"Why do you need to go with them?"

"Chikuchi..." You let out a sigh. You appreciated your friend's concern, but right now you just needed her support. "You know that I can hide myself better than almost anyone. This will be a complete stealth mission; No combat unless absolutely necessary. I'm probably the only one that can get in, get Hitoshi, and get out without there being any conflict." You put a hand on her shoulder. "I need your support on this one."

She looked at the floor for a moment as she thought it through. Then she let out a deep sigh. "All right... What do you need me to do?"

You hand her the piece of paper from your pocket. "Take this... And keep your phone on you." You took your phone out of your pocket and checked the time. "7:53." You put it away and look at your friend. "If I don't contact you by 9:30, then I want you to call this number." You point to the phone number written on the paper. "And when you call, give them this address. This is where I'll be." You then indicate to the written address.

She nods her head and looks up at you with sad eyes. "Promise me you'll be careful."

"Of course." You stared at each other for a moment before she hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and released her after a few seconds. When you looked at her again, she had small tears in her eyes. You lightly rubbed her arm to reassure her. "I promise I'll come back. And I'll have Hitoshi with me... You'll see."

In the next one, we'll be starting Operation: Rescue Hitoshi!!

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