14 - A Hero

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^^ Pretend that that's Shinso sitting in the chair.

-Y/n POV-

After Midnight drove you to the hospital, the two of you followed one of the nurses to Aizawa's room. They opened the door and you walked in to see the man lying in his bed, wrapped up like a mummy, and Shinso sitting in a nearby chair, watching over him. Your violet-haired friend was leaning forward, elbows propped on his knees, the sides of his face resting in both of his hands. There was a thick tension in the air as you entered the room. "... Shinso?"

He didn't look up at you. He just continued to stare at his uncle's unconscious body with wide, unblinking eyes.

Midnight must've sensed that you needed some time alone with him. "You two stay here, I'm going to go speak with one of the doctors," she said as she left the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

A few seconds passed. The clock on the wall ticked like a metronome. Always moving... yet stuck in one place. You decided to break the silence. "... How's he doing?"

He sat there for a few seconds longer. Just when you thought that he wasn't going to answer, he spoke. "Forty-two fractures in his arms and face. His orbital floor is completely destroyed... Recovery Girl helped treat him, but they have no idea if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed. He may never be able to use his quirk properly again."

"Oh, no... Aizawa..."

You knew that the man looked bad, but this news was just horrible. Shinso didn't move from where he sat... Didn't turn his head... He hardly even blinked. His eyebrows were furrowed, though... Something else was troubling him, you could tell.

You slowly made your way over to him and crouched down beside his chair. You looked into his eyes... You've never really noticed before, but now that you were up close, you could see that his pupils were actually white instead of black. His lack of emotion and movement made him look like a sad doll.

"I couldn't help." He spoke again. "There... There was nothing I could do."

"Shinso... We arrived after he was already injured... It couldn't be helped."

"No, you don't understand!" He stood up suddenly. "A hero is supposed to help people! And I couldn't even do that! When we got there, you were able to help the pros detain some of the villains, but I just stood by and did nothing!" He buried his face in his hands and you slowly stood up from your spot on the floor and approached him. He dragged his hands down his face until he reached his neck, then he dropped his arms at his sides. "I want to be a hero more than anything..."

He didn't even have to finish that thought. His violet eyes already held so much sorrow... He felt that he couldn't become a hero because he was incapable of it.

You had to say something. "... You know... A great man once said: 'A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway'." You ran your hand down his arm until you held his hand in yours. He glanced up at you then, and you gave him a small smile. "You can still be a hero, Shinso."

You watched as a lone tear trailed down his cheek, and you couldn't stop yourself... You quickly engulfed him in a warm hug, wrapping your arms around his.


-Shinso POV-

She suddenly threw her arms around you, and you froze. You've never experienced this kind of contact from anyone other than your own mother. You slowly reached up and placed your arms around her back.

Violet | Shinso x OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now