26 - Sports Festival End

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-Shinso POV-

As the girl with the brown hair was carried away on a stretcher, you were left to your own thoughts. You were surprised by L/n's statement regarding Bakugo, but you were also impressed by her analysis of the match. She was studying both the fighters' moves and their intentions. "I guess it makes sense... She DID say that she pays attention to detail. Her analytical skills could help her to become a great hero, one day."


After many more rounds, it was the final match – Bakugo versus Todoroki. Midoriya had gotten very close to winning in his second round, but was no match for the power of that Todoroki guy's flames.

As soon as the final battle began, Todoroki fired off a huge ice blast at Bakugo, completely encasing him in an ice prison. At first, you thought that he had lost right away... "I know that his explosions are powered by the nitroglycerin in his sweat... If he's too cold to sweat, maybe he won't be able to get out?" You thought this until the ground shook and you heard a booming noise coming from the ice. "... Nope. I should've known that's not enough to stop him." Before you knew it, he had blasted his way through.

Bakugo began screaming at the boy so loudly, that you could hear him from where you were sitting. "You bastard! I'll tell you what'll happen if you make a fool out of me! I'LL KILL YOU!! I DON'T WANT THERE TO BE ANY DOUBT THAT I'M THE BEST STUDENT AT THE FESTIVAL! THAT'S ONLY POSSIBLE IF YOU COME AT ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN! THERE'S NO POINT IF YOU DON'T FIGHT ME WITH THE SAME POWER YOU USED AGAINST DEKU! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WIN THIS, WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?! SHOW EVERYONE YOU'RE TRYING TO DESTROY MEEEE!!!!"

"Oh my God, Bakugo... Chill the hell out."

Just as you saw Todoroki lower his left hand, you heard Midoriya's voice from somewhere else in the stands. "C'MON, TODOROKI!! DON'T GIVE UP! DO YOUR BEST!!!"

"That guy... He's so encouraging to his friends. He's kind of like..." You look to your side, where L/n was sitting. She was watching this match just as intently as everyone else. She had her hands balled in fists and resting on her lap. "... He's kind of like L/n."

The left side of Todoroki's body then erupted in flames like it did with Midoriya. Bakugo launched himself into the air and came shooting toward him, using his explosions to spiral his body like a huge missile. Just as the two were about to collide, the flames went out and Bakugo launched a huge explosion straight at Todoroki, blasting him and his ice out of the ring.

Bakugo was pissed. Once the dust cleared, he immediately got back up and ran up to Todoroki, grabbing him by the collar while he was unconscious. "STOP MESSING AROUND! THIS ISN'T A REAL WIN FOR ME UNLESS YOU TRY HARDER!! IT CAN'T END THIS WAY! NOW GET UP!!"

Midnight then stepped forward and ripped a hole in the sleeve of her costume, releasing a pink cloud of dust that rendered Bakugo unconscious as well. She approached the two boys and looked down on them before raising her hand in the air. "Todoroki is out of bounds! That means... Bakugo is the winner!"

"Oh my God... Is he gonna be okay?" Togeike worried. She was on the edge of her seat, and you saw a concerned expression on her face... Something told you that she wasn't worrying about Todoroki.

You smirked. "Hm... Togeike, You seem pretty interested in Bakugo all of a sudden." You remark to her.

She spun her head to look at you. "WHAT? Why do you say that, Shinso?"

"Just an observation."

She shook her head. "Nope. You're wrong." She was in denial... But you were having fun.

"Besides... You've got some things in common."

"Oh, really? Like what?"

"Well, you both enjoy eating spicy food, you both play the drums, and..."

"... And what?"

You thought for a moment. "How should I word this?"

"... It's just that... you both have such an... intense vibe about you."

"I have an intense vibe?" she asked, pointing to herself.

"Yeah... If it weren't for L/n, I probably never would have taken the time to get to know you. You're kind of intimidating at first glance."

"Wha- NO, I'm not!"

"Yeah, you kinda are..." L/n said while covering her mouth, trying not to laugh.

Togeike sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. She looked back at where Bakugo was passed out. "I just... I admire his strength and his drive. That's all."

"Mm-hmm... Sure..." L/n was in on the taunting now. You smiled as Togeike lightly punched her in the arm. It was nice, being able to talk casually like this amongst friends.


"The first year students have completed all of the events for the UA Sports Festival! Now it's time to relax and enjoy the awards ceremony!" Midnight announced.

All of the students who participated in the events had gathered in the center of the field once more, and three podiums emerged from the ground. Everyone gasped as Bakugo was revealed; He was strapped to a large slab of concrete, with chains and metal binding his hands together as well as a muzzle on his mouth. Despite being in the first place spot, he was jerking around in rage. Clearly, he didn't get the kind of victory that he wanted. As his fierce eyes scanned the students in front of him, they locked on yours as soon as he spotted you. You smirked and gave him a subtle thumbs-down, just as he had done to the rest of you before the games started. He saw this and became even more enraged, if that was possible.

Then you felt a nudge in your side. "Don't piss him off more," L/n whispered.

"What's he gonna do? He's all tied up." You wouldn't have made that gesture to him otherwise.

"Yeah, but he won't be whenever you see him next!"

You simply shrugged; You stopped being scared of Bakugo a long time ago. Knowing the relationship between your mothers, he wouldn't actually do anything to harm you. Midnight announced that the bird guy – Tokoyami – actually shares the third place spot with the glasses guy – Iida... But that Iida had to leave for family reasons. "Gotta love those familial bonds, " she said.

"For the love of God, Midnight..."

Then, All Might came swooping down and handed out the awards. "Here they are! The winners of this year's Sports Festival! But listen closely; Any of you first years could've ended up standing on these podiums. Think about what you've done today. You've challenged each other, learned, and climbed even closer toward your goals of being pros. I think the next generation of heroes is proving to be our most promising one, yet!"

As All Might continued to rile up the crowd, you were lost in your own thoughts. "He's right... I didn't win, but I'm still closer to achieving my goal. I got as far as I did thanks to the support I've received from others." You look to L/n. "Even though she was absent from my life the past two days, she's still one of the most supportive people I have... I owe her a lot."

         Awww... The next couple of chapters will be interesting, so stay tuned!

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