71 - Consequences

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A/n: ^^ oh look, it's Daichi. 😂🏐

-Y/n POV-

Once Hitoshi was done with detective Tsukauchi, it was your turn. The door opened and your friend stepped out looking just as weary as he did before. Despite how he felt, he managed to put on a genuine smile for you, and his parents immediately swarmed him and surrounded him in hugs as you entered the detective's office. You quietly closed the door behind yourself and turned to face the man. He was sitting in the chair behind his desk – his hat and coat had been discarded and were hanging up on the nearby coat rack. He looked much more casual with the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up and his tie loosened around his neck.

Although his attire seemed laid-back, he wore a stern expression. He sat with his elbows propped up on the desk, his hands folded in front of his face. He pulled his hands apart and indicated to the chair in front of you before leaning back. "Please, take a seat."

You gulped... You knew that you were in trouble. You had suspected that you would be, but now you were about to face the consequences of your actions... Saving Hitoshi on your own meant breaking rules, which was not something that you normally did.

Slowly, you sat down and quietly adjusted your leather jacket. Tsukauchi leaned back in his seat and folded his hands in his lap, staring you down. You looked away nervously and sat like this for a good ten seconds before he finally spoke up. "... Interfering with a police investigation... Tampering with evidence... Trespassing... Engaging in combat without a hero license... Not to mention, staying out past campus curfew..."

You cringed as he listed off all of the laws and rules that you'd broken in the past 24 hours alone. You finally looked up at him and found his dark eyes boring into your soul. Finding your courage, you forced yourself to stare back at him, albeit with less intensity. His eyes softened after a couple of seconds and he continued talking.

"Aizawa informed me that you want to become a pro hero one day. This is a very admirable goal, but as an unlicensed minor, you could get in serious trouble for doing what you did... It'll be on your record for life, and it could prevent you from becoming a pro in the future."

You internally panicked. "Oh, shit... He's right. Did I just completely ruin my chances at being a pro hero??"

He must have seen the look on your face because he raised a hand in front of him before continuing. "Now, Aizawa is my friend... He's personally asked me to keep any and all punishments to a minimum for you. Seeing how you acted heroically while causing as little damage as possible tonight, we want to avoid anything that could potentially tarnish your reputation... So this is what we're going to do..." He leaned forward on his desk once more and slightly lowered his voice.

"We're going to report that Eraser Head was the one who rescued Shinso. Since the boy is his nephew, we'll say that he went on a covert rescue operation. I explained this to Shinso a minute ago, and he's agreed to keep this a secret."

"But wait... Wouldn't that get Aizawa in trouble for the other offenses?"

"He's already told me that he's willing to take the heat."

You couldn't help but feel bad... Aizawa is your friend, and now he was about to get in trouble for something that you did. "What'll happened to him?"

"Worst case scenario, he'll have his hero license temporarily suspended for a couple of weeks... But our chief is pretty forgiving about these sorts of things, so it likely won't come to that. Does anyone else know about what happened tonight?"

You nodded. "Just my friend, Chikuchi."

"Then I advise that you inform her of our decision to change the report of what happened. It's better if the public isn't told two different stories after we make an official press release. This means that you can't go telling others about what really happened, either."

You nod to him and look at the floor. "Right..."

"Dammit... I'm not going to get ANY recognition??"

"But..." At the sound of his voice, you look back up to find him smiling softly at you. "... And this is completely off the record... We're very grateful for what you've done tonight. From what young Shinso told me, he likely wouldn't even be alive if you hadn't stepped in when you did."

You smiled knowing that your actions were still appreciated, but the moment was ruined when he continued speaking. "I'll let Aizawa decide what sort of punishment should be made for staying out past curfew... For now, you should head back to your dorm, and don't tell anyone else about what happened tonight. But first..." He leaned forward in his seat. "I want you to tell me how you figured out where the League of Villains was hiding."


After relaying everything to the detective, he finally released you from his office. You stepped out to find that Hitoshi and his parents were gone, and Aizawa was left standing outside the door. When he saw you looking around, he spoke up. "Hitoshi went home with his mom and dad... He's going to stay there for a couple of days to recover since he doesn't have any injuries that require a hospital visit. He wanted me to tell you to hang onto your phone and that he'll call you later."

You nod your head silently and he indicated for you to follow him. "C'mon... I'll take you back to the dorms."


As you follow him through the station, you try to think of something to say... Aizawa was willing to get himself in trouble for something that he didn't even do, and he was doing it for your sake. You walked in silence for a couple of minutes until you finally gave into the urge to say something. "So, uh... Tsukauchi told me that they're going to report that you were the one who rescued Hitoshi..."

He nods. "Good... And he told you the reason for that, right?" He kept his eyes looking straight ahead as he spoke. His hands were stuffed into his pockets and he had his usual disinterested expression on his face.

Although he wasn't looking at you, you nod your head in response. "He did... Thank you. I'm sorry that you have to get in trouble for me."

He shook his head. "It's fine... You saved my nephew, and in return, I want you to be able to live out your dream as a pro hero."

"I only did what I thought was the right thing to do." The leaves crunched beneath your feet as the two of you exited the police station.

"... You care about him, don't you?"

You were surprised by this sudden question. "I-I mean, of course I do... He's one of my best friends."

"That's not what I meant..." You look to him only to find him smirking at you from behind his scarf. You instantly feel a blush line your cheeks and you quickly look away.

"How could he possibly know that I like Hitoshi?! Is it really that obvious??" You didn't think you'd manage to put together a coherent sentence, so you decided to keep your mouth shut. In response to your silence, you heard the man let out a quiet chuckle.

You and Hitoshi had only just admitted your feelings to each other earlier that night, and you weren't sure how you were supposed to act. "Are we dating now? Should I tell Aizawa about it? God, I don't know!!"

He then broke the silence. "I don't mean to delve into your personal lives... But just know that if you two ever decide to get together, I'll support it one hundred percent."

"Oh God, please stop..." You put your head in your hand and he chuckled again. You lightly smacked his arm and he laughed a bit louder as you both reached his car, then headed back to the dorms in comfortable silence.

            Just a couple of chapters until we reach the end! 😱

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