43 - My Hero

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-Shinso POV-

"HEY, YOU!!"

"I didn't get a chance to apologize to him, yet... I'm NOT going to let him die!!" These are the thoughts that propelled you forward and out of your hiding spot in the bushes. You ran out onto the path in front of the two villains and caught their attention, distracting them from discovering Aoyama's hiding spot. You never had the opportunity to apologize to the guy for brainwashing him in the Sports Festival, and you'll be damned if you let him die before you got the chance! The villain in the bodysuit speaks first as soon as he sees you.

"Oh, look! It's- ahh, shiiitttt..." His eyes suddenly go blank and his arms fall to his sides... You had used your quirk to immobilize him. When the other villain sees this, he smirks.

"Well... If it isn't Hitoshi Shinso." This guy wasn't being affected by your brainwashing.

"Dammit... I can really only use my quirk to affect one person at a time." You had tried to see if you could get them both that time, but it turned out to be ineffective.

He slowly makes his way over to you with his hands in his pockets and speaks in a bored tone. "I remember you from the Sports Festival. That quirk of yours is pretty powerful... But it's not really suitable for someone aiming to be a hero, don't you think?"

You grit your teeth. "He's just trying to rile you up... Stay calm." 

He gives you a twisted smile before continuing. "I mean, come on... A hero who can brainwash people? You and I both know that society would never accept that. Why don't you come join the League of Villains? It'll be much easier than trying to become a hero with a quirk like yours." You were angry that he would even dare to suggest that to you. You were going to become a hero, no matter what!!

"I've gotta stop this guy..."

"You and the League of Villains can all go to HELL!!"

He smirks again, and lifts a hand towards his mouth before making a zipping motion across his lips. He wasn't going to respond to you. "Shit! How does he know how my quirk works?!" He then holds up his hand in front of him and blue flames appear in his palm as he extends his arm and points it in your direction.

Before he could do anything else, he doubles over while clutching his stomach. "FUCK!" he shouts. You then feel a hand grab onto your wrist and pull you into the bushes on your left.


-Y/n POV-

Once you're behind the bushes, you slam Shinso down on his back. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, you idiot?!?!"

He looks up at you and blinks for a second as he processes what just happened. Then you see a scowl appear on his face. "I was trying to keep him from finding Aoyama!!"

"WHY?! I could've made a distraction with my quirk! I could've lured him away that way! Why the hell would you put yourself in danger like that?!"

"Because that's what a hero would do!!!"

"What was your next move going to be, huh?! Did you ever think that far ahead?!" He clamped his mouth shut... It was obvious that he hadn't thought that far ahead.

You think you see a bright blue light coming from behind you, and before you can even turn your head, you see Shinso's eyes widen before he suddenly pulls you down so that you're flushed against him. Just as he does that, you feel a scorching heat on your back as blue fire is shot directly over you. Once the flames dissipate, you stay there for a moment before slowly pushing yourself off of him. You look down... Your faces are mere inches apart and you're both breathing heavily.

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