42 - Villains

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-Y/n POV-

You and Shinso run as fast as you can along the trail through the forest, keeping your mouths and noses covered to avoid breathing in the toxic fumes. You keep running until you hear a rustling sound among the trees nearby. The two of you share a glance before you step forward and call out, "Who's there?!" The rustling sound picked back up again and you got into a fighting stance. Then, you see a face with a familiar long chin and pompadour haircut emerge from the shadows. "... Agoyamato? What are you doing here?" You were confused. He was wearing a t-shirt and was using what you presume to be another shirt to protect himself from the gas, just like you were.

"What do you mean, 'What am I doing here?' I came along for the ride like everyone else!" He seemed annoyed that you were even asking.

"... Why were you hiding in the trees?" You couldn't help but be a little bit suspicious.

He then motioned for you to follow him. After looking to Shinso, you followed Agoyamato, and he brought you to three unconscious students on the ground behind a large bush. You recognized all of them from class 1B... The boy with the carbon black skin and white hair, a blonde girl with a round face and horns on her head, and... "Kaibara!" You knelt down to the three of them and checked their pulses. They were still alive. "Thank goodness..."

Then, a voice entered all of your heads at the same time. "Everyone!"

You recognized that voice right away. "It's Mandalay!" The pink Pussycat then continued to relay her message to all of you.

"Two villains attacked us. It's possible that there are more coming. Everyone, return to camp immediately! We're regrouping... Do NOT engage any enemies!"

The three of you look at each other for a few moments before you finally speak up. "As much as I want to keep searching for more people, we should probably listen to the pros... Besides, we need to get these guys out of here." You indicate to the three unconscious students on the ground in front of you. Agoyamato and Shinso both nod their heads in agreement. "... I'll take the girl. Shinso, you take Kaibara, and Agoyamato, you take the other guy." You point to the boy with the black skin.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do..." the taller boy grumbled as he as he swiftly wrapped his extra shirt around the bottom half of his face and tied it in the back to create a makeshift mask.

"That's... actually pretty clever."

He then picked up his friend and slung his arms around his neck, carrying him on his back. You wrapped your extra shirt around your face like he did and picked up the girl. Shinso hoisted Kaibara onto his back, keeping his nose and mouth tucked into his t-shirt, and all three of you started heading back down the trail where you came from.

The three of you walked in awkward silence. You were in the middle, Shinso was on your left, and Agoyamato was on your right. After a few minutes, you decide to break the ice. "So, Agoyamato... I was wondering, what's your quirk?"

He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. "We told everyone about our quirks at the beginning of the school year... Or did you forget?"

"No it's just that I, uh..." You look away for a moment. "I got distracted... thinking about something else, and I wasn't paying attention." You return your eyes to him, and he stares at you before looking at Shinso and then back to you. He looks between the two of you a couple of times... "Wait... He knows! How did he figure out that I had been thinking about Shinso??" He lets out a sigh after looking away.

"... seriously, you two should just go out, already..." he mutters under his breath.

"WHAT?!" You quickly glance at Shinso out of the corner of your eye and find him staring at Agoyamato with wide eyes. You get flustered and you feel your face get extremely hot. Thankfully, your extra shirt was covering your cheeks a bit, so it wasn't quite so obvious. You quickly change the subject. "A-Anyway, y-you didn't answer my question... What's your quirk?"

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