54 - Dress Shopping

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-Y/n POV-

You walk down the path that leads to the 1A dorms with your guitar in hand. You and Jiro had set up an afternoon for the two of you to hang out and jam together in her dorm room. As you walk, you hear a rustling in the bushes outside the building. You use your quirk on your target to silence your footsteps as you approach, and you peer through the branches to find... "Chikuchi?" She jumped and shrieked as soon as she heard your voice. She turned around to face you. Her eyes were wide and her hand was covering her mouth. You looked at her suspiciously. "... What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" she all but squeaked as her face turned a deep shade of red.

You step through the bushes and look through the window behind her to find Bakugo vacuuming the floor of the 1A lounge area. Midoriya was vacuuming in another corner of the space, and the two seemed to be avoiding each other. "That's right... Hound Dog had made an announcement to all of the students this morning informing us that two students had fought each other last night, and that everyone was expected to behave themselves." Knowing about the tense relationship between Midoriya and Bakugo, and seeing as they appeared to be under house arrest, it wasn't difficult to figure out that they were the ones who'd fought the night before. "I wonder what they were fighting over..."

You look back at Chikuchi. "So are you just going to gawk at him, or are you going to go in and say hello?" You couldn't hide the smirk that crept across your face. She'd made fun of you and Shinso so many times... It was only fair that she get made fun of, too.

"I was actually just about to leave," she responded indignantly.

"Uh-huh... Sure you were..." You give her a knowing look before turning to leave her to her spying.


You enter the lounge area and Bakugo stops vacuuming when he sees you. As you start walking toward him, you notice him look down at your feet before returning his eyes to your face with an evil glare. "Oh, right..." You stopped to take your shoes off and held them in your hand, so as not to track dirt any further into the space than you already have. He seemed satisfied with your action and turned the vacuum off so that you could talk. You finish walking up to him and murmur into his ear. "Don't look now, but my friend has been admiring you while you've been cleaning." He looked confused and weirded-out for a second and you whispered again. "The window right behind you." He slowly turned his head around in time to see a familiar girl with dark pigtails duck down into the bushes outside. You watched as his face flared up and you giggled and left him to finish his cleaning.

As you started to ascend the stairs, you took one more look back and saw that he'd continued vacuuming. "Oh my God..." Chikuchi had returned to her creeping spot outside the window, and Bakugo appeared to be flexing his muscles a bit more as he pushed the vacuum across the floor. "He's showing off... I KNEW that he liked her!"


You walk along the hallway of the 1A girls' dorms and look for Jiro's room. When you entered the area, everything was quiet. It was almost as though no one else was there, and you had to double check to make sure that you were on the correct floor. You look at the name on the first door to your right. "'Tsuyu Asui'... Well, I'm definitely on the right floor."

As you approached the end of the hall, you heard talking coming from inside one of the rooms.  You finally reached Jiro's room and you pressed your ear against the door to hear that the voices were coming from inside, and they died out as soon as you knocked. A couple of seconds later, the door whips open and you're immediately pulled inside. It slams shut behind you and your guitar is practically wrenched from your hand as you're plopped onto a bed. "What the hell?!"

"Y/n!" You look up to find all of the 1A girls staring at you.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Toru asked.

"Tell you what?" You were confused. "What the hell are they talking about??"

"Why didn't you tell us about your date with Shinso?!" Mina exclaimed while waving her arms in the air.


"You have a date with him next weekend, don't you?" Ochaco asked.

"How did you guys find out about- "

Mina waved her hand in front of your face to get you to shut up. "Never mind that! The point is, we're staging an intervention!" she said while placing a fist in the palm of her hand in a determined fashion.

"An intervention? For what?"

Momo spoke up. "We've seen the way you dress, Y/n..."

You got a little bit defensive in response to that and crossed your arms. "What's wrong with the way that I dress?"

"Nothing!" Ochaco said, waving her hands in front of her before placing them behind her back. "It's just... Y/n, do you own any dresses?"

"Dresses?" You put a finger on your chin as you thought. "I mean... I've got my school skirt... and maybe a blouse somewhere in my closet... Why?"

At that moment, all of the girls looked at each other and nodded. Then they looked back at you and spoke simultaneously. "We're going shopping."


"How did I get myself into this?" you ask yourself as you, Chikuchi, Toru, Momo, Jiro and Mina walk through the mall, looking at the different shops. You'd called up Chikuchi and asked her to come and suffer with you, and Ochaco and Tsu had been called in to prepare for some sort of special mission with their work studies, which none of you had gotten any details on. The two 1A girls had apologized profusely for not being able to go shopping with you, and you understood completely.

"Why did they all have to kidnap me, though? Couldn't they have just sent me a text or something?"

"Let's go in here!" Mina shouted while pointing to a store – it was one of those places that had an eclectic variety of clothes for special occasions as well as everyday wear. As you turn to enter the store, you think you see an oddly familiar head of spiky black hair out of the corner of your eye, but when you look again, the person is nowhere to be seen. You feel your heartbeat start to pick up out of fear.

"You okay, Y/n?" Chikuchi asks worriedly while gently placing a hand on your shoulder. Her quirk allows her to sense other people's emotions, and she must've used it to figure out that you were frightened by something.

"Yeah, I just... I thought I saw someone." You absentmindedly rub at the handprint-shaped burn marks on your wrists as you turn your head away and enter the store. You feel your stomach churn as you remember the black-haired man with the scars and bright blue eyes that you encountered at the training camp. "It's just your imagination... It wasn't him. Besides, you've got your friends with you... You'll be fine."


You walked through the racks of clothes with the other girls and watched as they pulled out dresses of all sorts for you to try on. Eventually, each girl had picked out their favorite dress and they dropped the clothes in your hands and pushed you into a changing room. You locked the door behind you and hung the dresses up on the rack. "All right, let's get this over with..."

            Anyone ever been dress shopping? Shit takes FOREVER... ESPECIALLY for prom. Speaking of which, I feel terrible for everyone who was unable to have prom this year due to the coronavirus. :(

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