44 - The Question

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-Y/n POV-

The three of you head back to the camp in silence. Aoyama had Toru and Jiro with him when he was hidden behind the bushes, and he'd just left them there! "He BETTER have had a damn good reason for leaving like that!" Since your wrists were burnt, you only carried the girl with the horns... Shinso carried Toru and Jiro. Agoyamato was taller and had a bit more muscle to him, so he carried Kaibara and the boy with the carbon black skin, whose name you learned was Kuroiro.

As you near the camp, you hear an agonized scream in the distance and you all stop in your tracks. "What was that?" Agoyamato asked.

"That sounded like... Midoriya," Shinso said quietly. The two of you look at each other with wide eyes. "No... Could they... Could they have CAPTURED Bakugo?!"


As you regrouped with class A, you checked in with all of your friends before getting your injuries treated. The one in the worst shape was Midoriya... Apparently, he'd gotten the shit kicked out of him by some villain with a strength quirk, and he'd destroyed both of his arms – especially his right one – in the process. He did it all to save the same kid who'd punched him in the nuts on the first day of camp. "Poor kid... He had to witness all of that. That must've been terrifying."

You learned that Aoyama had followed the villain in the bodysuit, and had aided in the saving of Tokoyami, so you let him off the hook for leaving your friends behind. He also expressed his gratitude to Shinso for stepping in and saving his life. Shinso then apologized for having brainwashed him during the Sports Festival and Aoyama immediately accepted his apology. As you sat off to the side, a thought occurred to you. "I'd better call my dad."

*ring*... *ring*...


"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, kiddo! It's late, is everything all right?"

"I wish I could say so..."

"... What do you mean?"

"... I just wanted to tell you so you don't end up hearing about it on the news, first..."

"Tell me what?"

You took in a deep breath. "... We got attacked."

"WHAT?! By who??"

"The League of Villains... But don't worry! We're all right... mostly."

"Are you hurt?"

"I got a couple of burns, but other than that, I'm okay. Shinso..." You look over at your friend. He was talking to a police officer, telling them what had happened to you during the attack. "... Shinso saved me."

"... He did?"


Your dad was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "... I'll be sure to thank him."

You smile a bit. "Okay."

"How is he?"

"Shinso? He's all right... Made it out with some bloody knuckles."

You heard a low whistle come from the other end of the line. "Damn... Kid's tougher than I thought!"

"Yeah, no kidding..." You replay that fight in your mind... In that moment, Shinso was like a wild animal. He had no reservations and no remorse for what he was doing... And you recalled what he was yelling: 'DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!' ... He had reacted that way all because you were in danger. Seeing him snap like that was a bit frightening... But after some thought, you realized that you would've reacted the same way if he'd been in your situation.

Violet | Shinso x OC/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now