46 - Dorms

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-Y/n POV-

A couple of days later, you got a letter from UA in the mail. It explained the introduction of a new dormitory system for all of the students on campus. The next day, your dad received a call from your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Nomura. She was asking if he would allow you to be part of the dorm system, and he happily agreed. The only thing that really concerned him was the fact that he would be all alone at home, and you promised you'd video call him every night so that he wouldn't feel too lonely... Besides, he still had your dog, Moose.


Today was move-in day, and you were incredibly excited! You brought in your furniture, a few boxes of clothes and things, your guitar, amp, and one of your dad's paintings. As you set the last box on your bed, you hear a knock on your open door and you turn around. "Chikuchi!" You drop what's in your hands and run over to her, engulfing her in a big hug. You hadn't seen her since before the camp, and even though you had texted her while you were gone, you still missed her. "I've missed you!"

"I missed you too, Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay! Where's your new scars?"

You let go of her and hold out your wrists. They were still a bit pink, and the scars were in the shape of two handprints. You had told her about your encounter with the villains and how Shinso had saved you. You also informed her that Agoyamato was no longer an enemy. She carefully held your wrists. "Dayumm... These are pretty sick!"

"I know, right?" You smiled... It was nice to know that Chikuchi appreciated scars just as much as you did. She started looking around your room. You had already unpacked most of your stuff and she stopped as soon as she saw your guitar. She pointed at it with a shocked expression on her face.

"You play??"

You avoided eye contact as best as you could. "I mean yeah, a little bit..." You were still too modest to admit how good you were to anyone. You knew that she played the drums, but you never told her that you were a musician, too.

You hear the sound of your amp being plugged in and turned on, and you turn around to find her holding the guitar out to you. "Play something for me? Pllleeaasseee??"

"Put that back." You face away from her again and you can almost hear her pout.

"Fine! I'll play something!" After a few seconds, you hear horrible sounds coming from the instrument, and you pretend to ignore it for a minute. Eventually, you have to cover your ears. You can't take it anymore, and you quickly walk over to her and snatch away the guitar before putting the strap around your shoulder. You pull a pick from your pocket and strum a chord. "Ahh... Much better." You look up to see Chikuchi standing there excitedly, hands clasped together, waiting patiently. You sigh.

"What do you want me to play?"

She raises her eyebrows. "I can make a request?"

"As long as it's something I've heard of, then yeah."

She puts a finger on her chin as she thinks for a moment. Then her eyes light up and she snaps her fingers. "I've got an easy one! How about 'It's a Long Way To The Top' by AC/DC?"

"Sure." You set your fingers on the frets and play the intro. This  was one of the first songs you learned how to play years ago. After a few bars, you start to sing along.

A/n: FOR BEST EXPERIENCE, PLEASE USE HEADPHONES/EARBUDS. Just the first 1:24 of the video, you don't have to watch the whole thing. :) If you want to read without the video, I've included the lyrics here as well.

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