13 - USJ

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-Y/n POV-

You and Shinso followed the hero teachers toward the USJ. "This place is HUGE!" you thought as you approached it. But you couldn't take any time to admire the establishment... Your friend was in danger. Midnight turned to you as you near the doors. "As we're engaging with the villains, I don't want to see you fighting them up close. You stay back and use your quirk from afar. Understand?"

"Yes, Ms. Midnight."

Rushing through the main entrance, you watched as all of the teachers lined up, side-by-side. There was a group of students in their hero uniforms not far from where you stood. They were all looking at the scene in front of them, so none of them had noticed the teachers yet. You looked past Midnight and down the massive set of stairs to find that the whole ground area had been completely obliterated. Villains were scattered all over the place, knocked to the ground, but slowly getting back up.

All Might stood there, surrounded by clouds of dust. In front of him, you saw a big black mist with glowing yellow eyes. There were a few students to All Might's left, and one of them – you recognized him as the boy with the green hair and freckles from the entrance exam – was leaping through the air, ready to strike the misty guy with his fist... But another guy with hands all over his body had reached through the mist with his arm outstretched, ready to grab the boy's face. "Oh, shit..."

A shot rang through the air. You look to your left to see that Snipe had fired at the man, taking out his hand in the process. He fired a couple of additional shots in another direction through some sort of rocky area. Even while squinting, you could barely see, but it looked like he had taken out another villain who was holding a student hostage. "Dayum."

All of the villains and students looked in your direction, and Principal Nezu announced in his usual cheery voice, "Sorry, everyone... I know we're a bit late, but I got the teachers over here as fast as I could."

You heard one of the girls from the group of students exclaim, "It's Iida!"

The boy with the glasses responded. "Your class rep has returned! I've fulfilled my duty, and I've brought reinforcements!"

You look to your right. Shinso was standing beside you and he rolled his eyes as if to say, "Is this guy for real?"

Some of the villains started charging toward you, and Present Mic stepped forward. He took a deep breath and you and Shinso quickly covered your ears. "YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he screamed, knocking the villains down right away with his powerful vocal chords.

Ectoplasm then opened his mouth and smoke came out, racing forward while turning into clones of himself. "Our priority is to protect all of our students!" Nezu ordered to the other teachers while perched atop another teacher's shoulder.

"Yes, sir!" the teachers announced before they all stepped forward. Respecting Midnight's wishes, you hang back with Shinso. You use your quirk to distract some of the villains while Midnight quickly detains them with her whip. It wasn't much, but you were glad that you were able to help out at least a little bit.

You watched as the hand guy turned toward the black mist guy. More shots were fired and you saw him collapse on the ground before being covered by the mist. "We need someone who can capture him from a distance," Snipe spoke through his mask.

You heard a weak voice. "I'm on it." Looking around to see who spoke, you find Thirteen, who had her hand outstretched, and the caps on the ends of her fingers opened before they began sucking in the black mist from afar. Taking a moment to look at Thirteen's condition, you saw that she was in really bad shape. Her entire back – "Or is that her costume? I don't even know..." – was completely gone, as if it had been ripped off. She was so weak that she couldn't even stand, and she had two students helping to support her weight.

Before Thirteen could finish pulling in the villains with her quirk, the mist and the handy man disappeared. "That mist guy must have some sort of teleportation or vortex quirk." As you take in what had just happened, your eyes wander... Until you spot a familiar head of long black hair.


You and Shinso ran to where he was being supported on his feet by a tall boy with bat wing-tentacle thingies for arms and a mask over the bottom half of his face. The boy looked a bit confused, seeing two students who were not from his class, but who were clearly worried about his teacher. As you approach the two, you saw that Aizawa's right sleeve was gone and that his elbow was all messed up. It looked like the skin and muscles had been shattered as if they were pieces of glass. He also had blood all over himself, and his face appeared as though it had been smashed in. As you inspect his injuries you feel tears begin to prick at the corners of your eyes. Your eyelids must have begun to turn red because the boy with the mask spoke up at that moment. "He's alive. He just needs to get to a hospital. He'll make it, don't worry."

You nod your head in agreement and rub your eyes. "Right."

You look back at Shinso, who hadn't said a word... He was frozen in place, staring at his uncle's decrepit form. A moment passed, and the man slowly lifted his head and saw his nephew before opening his mouth to speak. "Hey, kid," he croaked.

"Uncle..." Shinso's voice cracked and he looked like he would collapse at any moment. You rush to his side and hold onto his shoulder and elbow to support him in case his knees gave out. You look to the tall boy... You now saw a mixture of both shock and confusion in his eyes. "I guess the only students who really knew about Shinso and Aizawa's relation are the ones from 1C..."

A deep voice from behind you made you jump. "The ambulances are here. Let's get this man some help." It was Cementoss. You, Shinso and the tall boy nod your heads and make for the emergency vehicles. The boy hands Aizawa off to the EMTs, who carefully put him on a stretcher and roll him into the back of an ambulance. Shinso approaches one of the EMTs before she can close the doors. "May I go with him? He's my uncle."

The woman agrees and lets him board the back of the vehicle. You go to follow behind him, but she stops you. "Family members only, please."

You back up to where you were previously standing as the ambulance doors begin to close. You catch eyes with Shinso. "I'll meet you at the hospital!" you call out to him just before the last door swings shut.

The unnamed boy was still standing beside you. "Hey..." He looks to you as you address him directly.

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping him... What's your name?"


"Thank you, Shoji."

He nods his head before leaving to join his fellow classmates. You watch as the ambulance holding two of your closest friends starts to drive away. As you stand there, you feel a hand gently rest on your shoulder. "I'll give you a ride to the hospital."

"Thank you, Ms. Midnight."

            Octopussy gets some screen time in this one because he deserves it. The battle scene here isn't very involved, because most of the damage happened before the teachers had arrived... So I'm sorry for the lack of excitement in this chapter. ALSO, I use 'her/she' pronouns for Thirteen, because it was confirmed in the BNHA Ultra Analysis book that she's a female. That's just what I read... So please don't get butthurt over it. Thank you!

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