70 - Proud

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-Y/n POV-

You sat in the back of the cab with Hitoshi and gave him the granola bar from your purse. He scarfed it down in seconds, and by the time you were about halfway to the police station, he had fallen asleep with his head resting in your lap... When you'd spoken with Aizawa on the phone earlier, you filled him in on everything that had happened and he told you to meet him at the precinct in Musutafu. He'd sounded tired, but you couldn't tell whether or not he was angry by the tone of his voice... He was pretty good at hiding his rage when he spoke.

As the cab pulled up in front of the police station, you saw Aizawa standing by the entrance... He had his arms crossed and he looked extremely unamused. He was with another man... This guy was in a tan overcoat with a matching fedora, black pants and black shoes... His appearance screamed 'detective'.

You quickly paid the driver and got out of the car before rushing over to the other side and helping Hitoshi. You put his arm around your shoulder and you helped him walk, even though he seemed to have more strength than he did before, and the man in the tan coat came forward to greet you. You stopped once you reached him, and he introduced himself. "Hello, Hitoshi Shinso and Y/n L/n. I'm detective Tsukauchi." He took his hat off and gave a small bow. "I'd like you to come to my office and answer some questions. If you would follow me, please..." He placed the hat back on his head and turned around, indicating for you to follow him.

As you approached the entrance to the station, you passed by where Aizawa was standing. When you looked up at him, he had his eyebrows furrowed. His mouth was hiding behind his scarf, but you knew that he was frowning when he spoke. "You and I need to have a talk."

"Shit... He IS pissed..." You nodded your head and looked away before responding meekly. "Yes, sir."


Tsukauchi took Hitoshi into his office first to question him. You sat in a chair outside the room and Aizawa stood in front of you, staring you down. You could feel his anger coming off of him in waves, and you looked at anything but him. After a few minutes of this uncomfortable silence, he finally spoke up. "Where'd you get the costume?"

You were surprised that this was his first question... "Of all the things he could ask, he chooses THAT?" You shifted in the chair and folded your hands in front of you. "Midnight made it for me."

He let out an aggravated sigh and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "That woman, I swear..." he grumbled. You suppressed a smirk... Clearly the two of them had some sort of history together, and from the looks of it, it involved her annoying him to no end. He released his nose and looked back down at you, and you averted your eyes again. He stared you down for another minute and you assumed that he was trying to decide which question to ask next. He eventually crossed his arms and let out a sigh. "I guess I'll cut to the chase... Why'd you go against my wishes and pursue Hitoshi on your own?"

You sat there for a few seconds as you tried to come up with the right way to word your answer. "I... I promised myself that I would always be there for him. He's my friend, and I'd do anything to help him. I wasn't going to sit by and wait while the villains did God-knows-what to him! I knew that I could get in, get Hitoshi and get out without there being any conflict, and- "

"And was there any conflict?" he interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

You put a hand on the back of your head nervously. "W-Well... I sort of punched a guy ... But only because he was about to kill Hitoshi while he was defenseless!!"

Aizawa nodded and fired off another question after a few seconds. "Did anyone else know that you were there?" he asked.

"Only my friend, Chikuchi... I gave her your number and the address of the villains' hideout in case anything went wrong."

"... Did any of the villains see you?"

You thought back to the man in the orange trench coat and top hat. "Just one person, but he let us escape... Apparently he admired me for my quirk and didn't want Shigaraki to kill me."

"Hmm..." He placed a hand on his chin as he thought. "It's odd that the villains keep letting you get away on purpose..."

"Yeah, I thought so too." You really had no idea why that kept happening, but you decided to take it as a blessing.

He crossed his arms again. "Well, regardless, I want you to know that I'm not happy with you for going against my wishes like that... You could've gotten yourself killed. How would I have explained that to your father, huh?" His voice raised gradually as he spoke and you put your head down in defeat.

"I'm sorry," you whispered. As you sat there, you saw his feet enter your peripheral vision and you looked up at him. He leaned forward and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Promise me you'll never do anything that reckless again." He looked at you with an expression that was a mix between stern and pleading.

You nod your head. "I promise, Aizawa."

"Good... But still..." He suddenly pulled you up so that you were standing, and he gave you a hug. "Thank you for saving him," he whispered. You were a bit taken aback by this sudden display of affection, but you wrapped your arms around him anyway. As you embraced, you heard hurried footsteps and looked to the side to see Mrs. Shinso come running up to you.

"Where is he?!" she nearly yelled. Her face was the definition of worry, and you couldn't blame her... Hitoshi was her only child, and she said so herself that she cared for his safety more than her own life. This was reflected in her appearance... Her shirt was wrinkly, and the bags under her eyes rivaled those of her husband. She must've lost a lot of sleep thinking about her missing son.

Aizawa released you and turned to face her, raising his hands in front of him. "Calm down, Sis... He's with the detective, he'll be out soon."

Mr. Shinso then came up from behind her. "We came here as soon as we got your call," he told Aizawa. He had bags under his eyes too, but that was normal for him. Since he didn't need any sleep, you wondered if he stayed up all night worrying about their son as well.

Mrs. Shinso then came up to you and placed her hands on your shoulders. "Shota told me everything." Without warning, she pulled you in and wrapped her arms around you. "Thank you so much for saving my baby!" You hugged her back, and when she pulled away, you saw that she had tears in her eyes.

You smiled at her. "I'd do anything for Hitoshi, Mrs. Shinso." And it was the truth – you'd risk your own life to save his any day.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and took your hand in hers. "Please, dear... Call me Mihoko!"

Mr. Shinso came up to his wife and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. He then looked to you with a grateful smile and nodded his head. "Thank you, L/n."

You nodded back to him with a smile. "You're welcome."

Mihoko then glanced between you and Aizawa, giving him a stern look. "I hope my brother hasn't been giving you too much trouble after you saved my son..."

You looked to the man with a smile. "Nope... Not too much trouble."

She looked at him with an exasperated expression. "Shota... if anything, you should be proud of her! Look at her! She's practically a hero already!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but then he looked to you with a half-smile. "... I am proud."

Awww. x3

Violet | Shinso x OC/ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora