68 - Escape

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-Shinso POV-

"Y/n?" Your voice was dry and cracked from not having been used in a while, and you looked up in confusion at the girl who stood before you. She turned to look at you – her eyes were wide and her eyebrows were furrowed in rage, but they softened as soon as they saw you.

"Hitoshi!" She immediately crouches next to you and wraps her arms around you and the back of the chair. She buries her head in your neck and she starts shaking as you feel her tears start to soak through your shirt. She then lifts her head and gives you a hard kiss on the cheek before hugging you again.

"But... But I thought you were dead?" You were confused... That Dabi asshole had killed her. How could she be here now? Did he actually kill you and now you're just seeing things? "... Am I dead?"

She pulls away and looks you in the eyes. "I'm not dead, and neither are you... I'm getting you out of here."


-Y/n POV-

Quickly, you pulled out the knife from your pocket and tore through the rope that bound him to the chair. You knew that you had to work quickly – you had no idea if anyone had heard your scream. Once you'd taken care of the rope, Hitoshi nearly fell out of the chair. "He must be exhausted..."

You folded up the knife and put it back in your pocket before putting his right arm over your shoulder and hoisting him onto his feet. It took him a moment before he found his footing and you carried him over to the doorway, peeking outside. Using The Finder, you heard the footsteps of maybe three or four people coming from your right. "Shit... That's the way I came from! And that's the only way out of here that I know! This hallway is too narrow for the both of us to go through without running into any of them... Ugh!" You quickly carried Hitoshi out the door and to your left. "I'll have to find some other way out!"

You flipped the night vision of your scope back on and closed the door behind you, hoping that it would buy you an extra second. Being able to hear where your targets were, you dampened the sound of you and Hitoshi's footsteps from them. You made your way down to the end of the hall and found yourself in a large warehouse-like space. There were wooden crates all around you. "This must be where that large garage door was..." You look to your right; Sure enough, you could see a large door behind a pile of crates. "If that was at the front of the building, then the entrance that I found at the back of the building must be this way!" You turn to your left and drag Hitoshi with you.

As you rounded the corner, you were met by a man in an orange trench coat and a top hat. He had a mask over his face, and he spoke with the gusto of a showman. "Ahh, my dear! You must be the famed girl that I've heard so much about! You may call me Mr. Compress." He took a deep bow. "I was so disappointed when Dabi said that he'd killed you... You see, I'm a man of many tricks, myself!"

You heard the sound of footsteps in the distance behind you. "I don't have time for this!"

He raised a hand in front of him. "But fear not! I don't wish to stop you from leaving this place..."

"... Wait, what?"

"I find myself so glad to see you alive and well, that I'm willing to let you and your friend leave. I know that, if he catches you, Shigaraki won't hesitate to kill you, and I'd hate to see a fellow trickster fall victim to his wrath."

"What is it with villains giving me a free pass on everything? First Dabi, and now this guy??" You nodded to him. "I guess I'd better be polite."

"Thank you, Mr. Compress."

Although he was wearing a mask, you could tell that he was smiling behind it. "You're quite welcome, my dear! I do hope that we can meet each other again soon!" He bowed once more and you did the same as best as you could with Hitoshi hanging off of your shoulder. He stepped aside and held his hand out, allowing you to pass him. Once you did, you broke out into a sprint and ran as fast as you possibly could. Despite his kind words, you had no idea if this 'Compress' guy was bullshitting you or not.

You soon reached the door at the end of the hall and used your free hand to turn the handle and pull. The door unlocked on its own, and you dragged Hitoshi outside. You pulled him across the grass and into the shadows of the trees, following the treeline until you reached the spot where you'd left your purse. Slinging it over your shoulder, you held onto Hitoshi and pulled him away from the factory and back into the city.


Once you reached the main street, you checked the time on your phone. "9:27... Just in time." You quickly pulled up Chikuchi's number and called her.

*ring*... She picked up right away.


"Chikuchi, I got Hitoshi!"

"You did?? Holy shit, that's amazing!! I was getting really worried when you didn't call..."

"I know, and I'm so sorry for having to drag you into this."

"It's all right... I'm just glad that you're both okay!"

"Yeah..." You look at Hitoshi as he hung from your shoulder. His cheek was swollen from getting punched and he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open... He hardly classified as being 'okay'. "Listen, I gotta go Chikuchi... There's someone else that I have to call."

"Okay, Y/n... Stay safe, please!!"

You smiled. "I will. Thank you again!"

"No problem, bestie... I'll see you soon. Bye!"

"Bye!" You hung up. Then you went to your contacts and scrolled through the list of 'A's. Once you found the name that you were looking for, you tapped on it, pressed the phone to your ear and waited.

*ring*... *ring*... *ring*...


"Hey, Aizawa!"

"Y/n, what do you want? I'm on patrol right now... We're busy looking for Hito- "

"Hitoshi, yeah I know... Uhm, listen... I have something to tell you, and you're either going to be really proud... or really pissed..."

            Lol, which one will it be??

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