60 - Family Reunions

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-Y/n POV-

The rest of the dinner went by fantastically. You were so happy when he'd asked you to start referring to him by his first name... You'd wanted him to do the same for you, but you weren't sure how to bring it up. Hearing him say your first name for the first time made your heart thump in your chest. You couldn't describe the feeling... All you knew was that it made you extremely happy.


When you left the restaurant, you turned to start heading back to the campus, but he stopped you. "You don't really think this date is over yet, do you?" he asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

You smirked back at him. "Well then lead the way, Hitoshi!" He blushed and looked away when he heard you use his first name. He then led you in the opposite direction and you walked side-by-side for a while until you heard a familiar female voice calling out to you from up ahead.

"OH, EM, GEE... Y/N!! IS THAT YOU??"

You felt your eyes widen in a slight panic and look up to see two people approaching... You recognize the girl right away.

"... Hi, Camie."


-Shinso POV-

When you heard Y/n's name being called, you both looked up to see two people approaching... The girl had medium length, fawn-colored hair and big brown eyes. She was walking alongside a tall, muscular dude with a dark crew cut, intense eyes with small pupils and a huge grin plastered on his face. You look over at Y/n and watch her give a tiny wave before responding meekly. "... Hi, Camie."

The girl – Camie – squeals before running up to your friend and engulfing her in a big hug, which she awkwardly returns. When they release each other, Camie puts her hands behind her back and speaks in an overly-excited tone. "OHMYGOSH! It's like, SO good to see you, N/n!! I haven't heard from you in ages!!" This girl's bubbly personality completely contradicted Y/n's, and you couldn't help but wonder how the hell the two knew each other.

Y/n places a hand on her neck. "Heh, yeah... Sorry about that. I was really busy in America, and things only got busier when I came back here." As she spoke, you took a moment to take in Camie's appearance... She was wearing a leather jacket and skinny jeans, both of which were very slim and greatly outlined her very defined curves. The jacket was even unzipped a bit at the top, revealing some of her cleavage.

You quickly averted your eyes, not wanting to gawk at this girl, and took a look at the guy that she was with. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans with gray sneakers, and you noticed that his shirt had some sort of whirlwind printed on the front.

Y/n must have wanted to divert the attention that she was currently receiving from the girl, because you suddenly felt a light tug on your arm. "Camie, this is Hito- I mean, Shinso. Shinso, this is Camie... my cousin."

"Ahh, so that's how they know each other..." You nod your head politely to the girl. "Nice to meet you."

Her big eyes widen even more and she walks over so that she's standing right in front of you. "OH WOW, I remember seeing you on TV in the UA Sports Festival!! You're totes cuter in person!!" She shot you a wink and you felt your face get hot in embarrassment. You glance at Y/n out of the corner of your eye and see her mouth form a grim line, and you felt her clutch onto your sleeve with a slightly shaking fist.

Then the guy that Camie was with spoke up for the first time since you saw him. "HAHAHA! OH, CAMIE! YOU'RE AS EXUBERANT AS ALWAYS!!" You resisted the urge to cover your ears at the sound of his voice. This guy was loud. He then bowed until his head practically smacked the ground. "MY NAME'S INASA YOARASHI! BUT YOU CAN JUST CALL ME INASA!"

"That's right!" Camie suddenly exclaims after the guy introduces himself. "Inasa and I are going to Shiketsu High! We're both in the hero course! Can you believe it?!"

Y/n's facial expression suddenly fell. "You... You actually made it into the hero course?"

"Yeah! Of course, my quirk's not nearly as strong as yours, fam!!" She gives her a bright smile.

"OH REALLY? HOW SO??" Inasa asks.

"God, does this guy ever stop yelling?"

Camie then turns to him and explains. "Well, you know how my quirk – Glamour – allows me to alter a person's senses of sight and sound, right? But Y/n's quirk allows her to alter all five senses!! How cool is that?!" She then turns to Y/n and lightly nudges her in the side. "I bet you're studying to become a hero at UA, aren't ya?"

"U-Uhm... Well..." Y/n was suddenly at a loss for words. You could tell that she didn't want to have to explain how she got stuck in general studies, so you took it upon yourself to get her out of the situation.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket. "Geez, would you look at the time! I'm sorry, but we actually have somewhere else we need to be. It was very nice to meet you both!" You offer them a kind smile.

"OF COURSE! WE'RE SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU!" Inasa then bows his head again, but this time he actually hits the ground. When he pulls himself back up, you can see a trickle of blood coming down from his forehead.

"Awwww, okay," Camie says as she pouts. "I'll def see you around, 'kay N/n?"

"Yeah... def..." Y/n quietly responds. With her hand in yours, you nod your head to the two of them and continue leading her down the street.


As you walk, you keep side-glancing at Y/n... She was oddly quiet after seeing her cousin, and you knew that there had to be something else to the situation. After walking for another couple of minutes in silence, you decide to break the ice. "So, uh... You wanna talk about it?"

She turns her head to look at you. "Talk about what?"

"C'mon... I saw how you acted when that girl showed up. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's something bothering you... So what is it?"

She looks away for a moment. "Oh, that... Uhm..." You can tell that she was searching for the right words. "It's nothing serious, but I've just always felt a little... self-conscious when I'm around Camie."

"Self-conscious? Why?"

"... You have eyes, right?" she deadpanned.

You shrugged in response. "Yeah, what's your point?"

She lets out a huff. "It's just... She's always been so bubbly, and... feminine and... cute..." She looks down at the ground. "And I'm just... not."

"So THAT'S what it is... She doesn't find herself attractive."

You give her a look. "Well I, for one, have always found 'bubbly' girls to be quite annoying... 'Feminine', well... You don't have to be feminine to be appealing... And as far as 'cute'..." You suddenly felt yourself blushing like mad, and you have to turn your head away from her a bit as you mumble the last part. "... I don't think there's anyone in this world who's cuter than you."

It suddenly becomes very quiet, and you have to look at her to make sure that she's okay. You find her staring at you with wide eyes and a pink hue dusting her cheeks. "R-Really?"

You nod your head. "Really." She turns away from you shyly as you walk, but you feel her squeeze your hand in hers a tiny bit.

So now we know that Y/n and Camie are related! Sorry if Camie's dialogue is a little OOC, I couldn't get her way of speaking down.

Violet | Shinso x OC/ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin