39 - Day Two

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-Y/n POV-

After briefly texting Todoroki, you already felt better about Shinso. "So he really WAS jealous about Todoroki giving me his number..." You still weren't one hundred percent sure if you liked him and you had no idea if he liked you back... Just thinking about that conversation with the girls was enough to make you blush. "How on earth am I going to face him tomorrow?"


You and the 1A girls head to the cafeteria for breakfast at about 5:00 am. The sun was just beginning to rise, and you would've preferred to have gotten more sleep. Once you reach the cafeteria, you get in line with the other girls for food, when you feel two hands on your shoulders. Before you knew it, you were being steered away from the food line. You look behind you. "Mina! What the hell are you doing??" She said nothing and only smirked as she continued to push you. You face forward again and find yourself come face-to-face with...

"Shinso!" You saw that he had two hands on his shoulders as well, and you peer around him to find Kirishima. He and Mina wink at each other before releasing you both and running off in opposite directions.

"What the fuck?"

Now that you were standing there, you got a good look at Shinso. You saw that he was blushing and looking away from you, and you felt your cheeks get warm as you recalled your conversation with the girls from the night before. "Does he really... LIKE me? Do I even like him?"

"... Hey." He finally looked at you as he broke the awkward silence.

"Hey..." You weren't really sure what else to say, but you wanted to make up with him.

You both spoke up at the same time. "I just wanted to say- "

"Uh... You go first," you insisted.

You watched as he took a breath. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry... for talking to you the way I did yesterday. You didn't deserve that. I was just..." He took another deep breath. "... jealous about Todoroki giving you his number, and it made me get snappy at you. And for that, I apologize." He put a hand on the back of his neck nervously.

"It's all right. I was actually going to apologize for making you feel jealous..." you murmured. He seemed surprised by your confession and he took his hand off of his neck.

"You have nothing to apologize for, L/n." You look at him to find him smiling at you. When you see that, you smile back. Then you remembered something.

"I, uh... I actually got jealous of something, too," you admitted shyly. He looked at you, confused. "When we first met the Pussycats yesterday, you seemed like you were... captivated by them, and... it made me feel kind of... sad... But I guess it was also jealousy that I was feeling." His expression neutralized as you spoke. "Anyway, I just want you to know that you weren't the only one who was feeling jealous." He slowly smiles and nods his head in understanding.

"... You wanna get breakfast together?" you suggested.

"Yeah, let's," he says, still smiling. You follow him back to the food line, and as you pass by the table of 1A students, you think you hear one of them whisper, "I ship them so hard."


After getting something to eat, you, Shinso, and class 1A stand outside and await further instruction from Aizawa. You were all already in your UA gym uniforms and everyone was still yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes. You and Shinso had talked to each other at breakfast and agreed to train with the everyone else... Aizawa had given you two the option of either training or observing that of the other students while taking notes. "Taking notes sounds so boring... I'd much rather improve my fighting skills while I'm here."

"Good morning, class." Aizawa gets right to business as soon as he shows up. "Today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially, so that each of you earns a provisional license..."

"Lucky bastards... As far as I know, the provisional license is only available to students in the hero course. Shinso and I won't be able to get one, at least not this year."

"... This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully." He then held up a ball in his hand and tossed it. "Look alive, Bakugo." The boy caught it with ease, and Aizawa continued with his instruction. "Try throwing that for me."

"Yeah, sure. Like in the fitness test," Bakugo grumbled.

Aizawa nodded. "That's right. When you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters... Let's see if you've improved."

"Shit... 705.2? That's pretty damn good."

"Oh, I get it!" exclaimed Mina. "We're checking our progress!"

"A lot's happened to us in the last three months... Maybe he can throw it a whole mile now!" said Sero.

"C'mon, get it, Bakugo!!!" Kirishima shouted.

You watch the boy loosen up his right arm before launching the ball into the air with a huge explosion. "GO TO HELLLLLL!!!!!"

Your eyes follow the ball as it flies through the air and lands somewhere far off in the forest. "... That was 709.6 meters," says Aizawa, holding up a small screen with the recorded number on it.

"What?!" Everyone was surprised... Everyone except for Aizawa.

"You've had a single semester at UA, and due to your various experiences, all of you have definitely improved... But those improvements have mostly been limited to mental prowess and technical skill, with a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. As you can see, your quirks have not improved much on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers." He smirks. "This'll be so hard, you'll feel like you're dying... Let's hope you all survive."

You look at Shinso... He's just as surprised as you are. "Shit, I guess he's not even this rough with Shinso during THEIR training... I've never seen this side of Aizawa before... It's kinda scary."



You let out a huff of frustration and throw another punch. You were currently training with Tiger, the only male member of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats. It was you, Shinso and Midoriya who were working on developing your physical strength and fighting styles with him, but his damn 'Pliabody' quirk made it impossible for you to land a single hit.

Shinso and Midoriya were currently fighting each other without the use of their quirks nearby. Since it was hot as hell out, you had gotten permission from Tiger to remove your gym shirt and train in your sports bra like you usually do. As you took your shirt off, you saw Midoriya pause what he was doing and his eyes went as wide as saucers before Shinso glared at him and punched him in the gut. "Pfft..."

As you're getting more and more aggravated during your sparring session, you spot movement out of the corner of your eye and you turn your head to find class 1B emerging from the forest. "I was wondering where those guys were..." You spot Tsuburaba and Kaibara in the group and wave to them. You hear Tsuburaba let out a low whistle at your attire before a girl with an orange ponytail smacks him in the back of the head. Before you can laugh, Tiger roundhouse kicks you in the stomach and sends you flying into a tree.

"FUCK!" You slowly push yourself onto your hands and knees and suck in a huge gasp of air.

"Pay attention!" He shouts at you. "If you don't push yourself, you won't shred your muscle fibers... And then you won't get stronger!!"

"YES, SIR!!" you yell as loud as you can before pushing yourself off of the ground.

         I had written a chapter here that shows Y/n trying to expand her illusory capabilities with the other students at the camp, but it didn't really feel necessary, so I left it out.

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