12 - Fear

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-Y/n POV-

A couple of weeks have passed... You, Shinso and Chikuchi have become closer and closer with each passing day. You were especially proud of the progress that you've made with Shinso. He was much more open to talking about how he felt regarding his quirk, especially in front of Chikuchi. You and the boy had ramen together two days a week, which still gave you time to visit your mom in the hospital on the other days.

You soon came to discover that he hated his brainwashing abilities. He said that he felt like it was the quirk of a villain. He hated how it made people fear him. He hated feeling like he could never become a hero with a quirk like his. Both you and Chikuchi tried to make him feel better, but it was all in vain. The two of you mutually agreed to bring up the subject of quirks as little as possible in order to prevent making him feel uncomfortable.


It was the last day of the week and the three of you were heading to your usual lunch spot when you saw something come speeding toward you in the distance. A second ticked by, and you could see that it wasn't something... It was someone. As they got closer, you recognized them as the guy with the glasses from class 1A. He was even in what looked like his hero costume. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath a few yards away from you, and you immediately ran towards him.

"What's wrong?" Something was clearly not right... Why would a 1A student be running toward the school, in his hero costume, by himself?

He spoke so fast that you could only make out a few words. "... USJ... villains... need teachers..."

He rushed past you before you could say anything else, and you looked at Shinso with a worried expression before following the boy's trail of dust all the way to the principal's office.


As the three of you ran down the hall, you crossed paths with Present Mic, who was just leaving Nezu's office. "HEYY, L/N!" he shouted with his usual enthusiasm, although he seemed more distressed than he usually did.

"Present Mic! What's going on?" Being his top student, you hoped that maybe he would give you a hint as to what was happening... And you were right.

He stopped and looked around before bringing his voice down to a whisper – very unlike him. "There's been an attack on the USJ by a large group of villains. Class 1A is there with Thirteen and Eraser Head, and they need backup." As soon as he mentioned Aizawa, your stomach dropped. Sure, he was a pro hero who could hold his own better than most, but you had no idea as to how many villains he was up against... And he was all alone. Thirteen was there, but she was a rescue hero, so there was only so much that she could do in a situation like this. You looked to Shinso... All color had drained from his face and he was clearly in shock. You placed a hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort him, if only a little bit

"Are you going to go help them?" Chikuchi questioned.

"Yeah, we're all heading out now," Mic replied.

"Sir..." He looked at you as you spoke up. "Let us go with you! Aizawa is a close family friend of mine, and I can use my quirk to help! Please, let us go with you!"

He then looked to Shinso, who spoke up. "You already know that I'm his nephew... Please, Mic! We have to know that he's all right!" Shinso's voice raised a little bit higher than normal, and you could tell that he was starting to panic. You turned to Chikuchi.

"I can cover for you guys while you're gone," she offered.

You looked back at Mic and put both of your hands together to let him know that you were begging him. "PLEASE, sir!"

He pondered for a few seconds before letting out a long sigh. "I'm probably going to get fired for this..."

You nearly jump into his arms. "Thank you so much, sir!!"

He nodded, then he pointed to you and Shinso. "You two, follow me." You look back at Chikuchi and mouth a "thank you" before turning and following Shinso and Mic out the school building.


As the teachers began to gather outside, Midnight spotted you and headed straight for Present Mic when she saw that you were accompanying him.

"Mic! What are you thinking, bringing two students with you?!" she hissed.

You step forward. "Please, Ms. Midnight... Shinso and I have close personal ties with Aizawa. We need to make sure that he's all right!" You thought for a moment and then added, "And I can use my quirk to help you distract the villains, you know I can!"

She considered your offer for a moment. "Hmmm... Well, we are bringing back the student who came for our help... Fine. But Present Mic isn't going to be responsible for watching both of you." She pointed to Shinso, "Shinso, you're with Mic." Then she pointed to you, "L/n, you're with me."

"Yes, ma'am!"


           Sorry for the short chapter... USJ Incident in the next one! I'll upload it later today!

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