49 - Support Course

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-Y/n POV-

"Where are we going again?" Shinso asked. The two of you were on your way to the Development Studio. You had Shinso come along because Chikuchi was busy, and frankly, you didn't want to venture into support course territory all by yourself. As you walk down the hallway, you look around; This is a part of the school you've never seen before, and it honestly wasn't much different. The only difference that you noticed was the sound of tinkering coming from the room up ahead of you.

With the way your quirk works, you have to be able to see or hear your target in order to be able to influence them with your illusions. You'd noticed that you needed to squint in order to see someone from far away, and you can only hear things that are in your immediate vicinity... When you were designing your costume with Midnight, you got the idea to have a pair of fingerless gloves with steel in the knuckles, and you were wondering if there were any other support items that could be beneficial to you. "We're going to see if the Development Studio can create support items for non-hero course students," you told Shinso.

As you approached the room, the ground suddenly shook and you heard a loud explosion come from inside. Black smoke began to crawl out from underneath the door and you turn your head to your friend and mutter, "Let's just hope we don't die in the process..." He nods his head in agreement, and you step forward and knock on the door.

After a moment, you hear clanging sounds before the door swings open and a cloud of black smoke hits you in the face. You cough and wave your hand in front of your face in an attempt to clear it, and as it thins out, you see a short man standing in front of you. He's shirtless, but has on jeans, thick gray fingerless gloves on his disproportionally large hands, and he has some sort of weird orange caps on the ends of his fingers. He's also got a large yellow thing on his head that looks like it came from an excavator construction vehicle, and you can see some ginger-colored hair sticking out from the back. "How the hell does he SEE out of that thing??"

"Can I help you?" he asks.

You realize that you'd been staring at him for a couple of seconds, taking in his appearance. "Uh, hi... I'm from general studies and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to get a support item."

He puts a large hand on his chin as he ponders the idea. "Hmm... We don't normally make items for students outside of the hero course. What do you need it for?"

"Ah, well... I'm hoping to transfer into the hero course, and in order to do that, I need something that can help me with my quirk."

As he thought about it, you heard an excited girl's voice come from behind him. "Mr. Power Loader! I opened up the vents and cleared out the smoke from the..." She steps out from behind him and her voice fades out when she sees you. She's got oddly-shaped pink hair and big green eyes that look like they have some sort of targets or scopes on them. She's wearing a black tank top, black pants and black fingerless gloves, and she's covered in soot. "Hi, there!" She pushes past this 'Power Loader' guy and takes your hand in hers. "My name's Mei Hatsume!"

"Y/n L/n," you say politely while giving her hand a shake. You recognized this girl from the Sports Festival. "I think she fought Iida... Well, not 'fought' so much as used the opportunity to show off her inventions."

She looks past you and spots Shinso, and her eyes get even bigger, if that's possible. "I recognize you!!! You went up against Izuku Midoriya at the Sports Festival!!" Before he can respond, she walks right up to him and starts feeling up his chest and arms. "Wow, you seem to have gained a lot of muscle since then!!" His face goes red and his posture becomes rigid. You clench your teeth and start feeling a vein throb in your temple.

"Hatsume!" Power Loader yells at her. She puts her hands up in surrender and takes a step away from Shinso, but she still has a maniacal grin on her face.

"Sorry! So what do you two need?!" She sounds psychotic as she asks.

Power Loader indicates to you and speaks to the girl. "L/n here is from general studies, and was wondering if she could get a support item... I'm just not sure if we're authorized to do that."

"Of course we are!!" she exclaims. "According to line 3,587 of the support course manual, we students are allowed to create any item as long as it helps those who aspire to be heroes!"

"Wow..." As annoying as she was, you had to admit, this girl was as sharp as a tack.

"You actually read that?" Power Loader seemed impressed as well. After a few seconds, he nods his head. "Very well, come on in." He gestures for you and Shinso to follow him and you do so, with Hatsume right behind you. You walk into the Development Studio and are amazed by the various tools and inventions that lined the walls. The man sits in a stool at one of the work benches. "So what do you need?"

You're startled out of your amazement as you remember why you came here in the first place. "Oh, right! Well, my quirk allows me to create illusions on people, but I can only do that if I can see or hear my target... I was wondering if I could get something that can amplify my sight and hearing."

Before Power Loader can get a word in, Hatsume shouts from right behind you, "OH!! I have the perfect babies for you!!" She runs over to a huge pile of gadgets in a corner of the room and sifts through it before eventually pulling out two devices. One looks like a set of goggles, and the other looks like a large hearing aid. She holds up the goggles first. "These can allow you to see up to 4 kilometers away!" Then she holds up the other item. "And this can amplify sound waves that fall below a certain volume, so you don't have to worry about rupturing your eardrum! It can also indicate which direction the sounds are coming from!"

You take a look at her inventions; They seemed like they could work, but they were a bit bulky. You didn't want to have to wear a full pair of goggles on your head, nor did you want a big thing stuck in your ear. "Is there any way to combine these two and make them more... streamlined?" you ask her.

"Absolutely!! I can have it done in two days!"

"Two days? That's it?!"

She takes the items to her workbench without another word and begins tinkering. You look to Power Loader and he lets out a sigh. "That girl's always finding something new to invent... It's her passion." You return your gaze to Hatsume and see her humming to herself and working on disassembling the devices with a screwdriver.

"Well, thank you very much for allowing us into your workshop, Mr. Power Loader!" You bow to him and he nods his head in acknowledgement. You turn to leave, but see that Shinso is standing in place inside the room. "... Shinso?"

"You go ahead, I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay...?" As you left the studio, you couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.

            What could Shinso possibly need from the Development Studio??

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