30 - Training Class

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-Y/n POV-

It was announced in class the next day that the hero course students would be attending a week-long hero training camp. "Why are they bothering to tell us this?" Chikuchi whispered to you.

"I have no idea," you responded. And it was true; You had no clue as to why they would be sharing this information with you.

"... Principal Nezu has negotiated with the hero course teachers to allow three general studies students to attend this hero camp for educational enrichment." Mrs. Nomura continued to explain.

You and Chikuchi look at each other excitedly. "This sounds like fun!"

One of the students raised his hand. "How will they determine who gets to go?" he asked your teacher.

"I was getting to that... A test will be administered to each general studies student. It will cover all of the topics that you have been learning over the semester so far. The three students with the highest scores will get the chance to attend the camp."

"Okay, scratch that – not fun." You knew that if you wanted to attend this camp, you had to drastically improve your mathematics skills. You were barely hanging on in Ectoplasm's class; Shinso and Chikuchi were the only ones keeping you from failing. You still had another week and a half to prepare for this test, so you didn't feel the need to study for it right away... For now, you had something else on your mind.


"Hey, Shinso!" You turn to your friend. The three of you were eating lunch in your usual spot outside. You were enjoying the victory lunch that Shinso had promised you during your training session, when you remembered something that you wanted to ask him.


"Do you think you could ask your uncle if I could sit-in during one of 1A's classes to watch his students train?"

He gave you a weird look. "... Why would you want to do that?"

You roll your eyes. "I just want to get exposure on different fighting styles. I learn best by either seeing or doing, and I'm eager to learn more combat techniques."

He thought about it for a moment. "All right, I'll ask... But I'm coming with you if he says yes." You weren't sure why he insisted, but you didn't bother asking.

"What about you, Chikuchi? Wanna come with?" You turn to your other friend.

"Nah, I'm good," she said as she took another bite of her food.

You gave her a smirk. "Aww, that's a shame... You know, Bakugo will be there..."

You watched her face go red as she swallowed what was in her mouth. "Don't care."

"Hmm, really? Because your face says otherwise..." You glance over to Shinso; He was doing his best not to smirk. He knew just as well as you did that Chikuchi was smitten with the explosive blonde... She just wouldn't admit it.

"Yes, really... I couldn't care less about that guy." She took another bite.

"If you say so..." Then you leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I'll be sure to take a picture for you." Her eyes went wide and she elbowed you in the side – hard.


You look over and Shinso was covering his mouth with his hand, but you could still see his smile reach his eyes.


He asked his uncle later that evening if the two of you could watch his students train. The man reluctantly agreed, saying that he didn't want the two of you to be a distraction to his class. It was decided that you would sit off to the side and watch the class from a distance.

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