The End!

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Well Fam, it seems you have made it to the end of Mischief! Congrats! Bravo! You've done it! I certainly know it was a weight off my shoulders once I had finally finished the last paragraph of chapter 41. I have to say, writing each and every one of these chapters was a bit of an immense, emotional roller-coaster in their own way. I mean, don't get me wrong, if I didn't enjoy writing it then I would have given up a long time ago, but it definitely was a challenge.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. The guilt I felt for putting Ivy through everything she endured was pretty intense, but at least I gave her a relatively happy ending, right?

I know, I know, the ending could have definitely been better but I wanted to keep the story line open becauseeeee...





Yep, you read it correctly guys, a sequel is to come... Eventually... I ended chapter 41 how I did because I wanted to try close this story off, while still leaving space for a sequel without leaving you guys hanging while it comes.

I can't even express how relieved I am to have finally finished it! It's done! Now I can take a break from all the stress it brought and all the worry lines I gained while trying to stick to my writing/updating schedule... I didn't do very well... But y'all know how I am, ya girl is the queen of procrastination.

I would still love to hear any of your feedback. As my readers, your feedback matters the most because, well, the book is kinda for you guys :) So, that being said, now would be a great time to share that feedback, hit me up, slide into those DM's, post to my board or even swipe into the comments. Comment your favorite scene, what you likes about it and why, and if you are feeling extra helpful, comment your least favorite scene and why you didn't particularly like that one. I am all for constructive criticism.

Thank you all so much for your love and support and for being amazing readers! I hope to see you all in the sequel :)

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Don't forget to like and comment :)


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