Chapter 5

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Alex finally gave me my phone back after another five minutes or so of aimless bickering and my seemingly hollow threats considering that I couldn't move my arms and he was VERY strong. It was nearly 5:30 which was when I read dinner was in the booklet. I had unpacked two suitcases and had my duffel bag left.

Alex and I had played twenty questions and now I knew weird, little things about him like what his cat's name was and his favorite color. I had come to the conclusion that my roommate was a dickhead. He says the stupidest shit in the most terrible times and honestly made me want to cut his hands off and shove them down his throat so then he wouldn't say that my ass looked good in these sweatpants again.

I grab my phone and we leave the room, Alex locking the door behind us as we head down the hallway. I begin my way towards the staircase with a sigh before he grabs my arm. "What the fuck are you doing?" He laughs, looking at me like I was crazy and pulls me around the corner where a elevator door was. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Alex leads me to the cafeteria and I take a nervous glance at the guard stationed next to the door. I wonder how many of me it would take to beat this guy in a fight? Probably about seven? I mean I'm not going to lie, I am pretty weak... Although, I can box. This is why I rely solely upon my brilliant ideas, such as the brilliant ideas that got me into this school of death in the first place... Although I do have really good reflexes as well, which I guess makes up for it. Now that I think about it, these guards look a lot like Mr. Terminator before I blew him to smithereens.

The second we walk through the door, all eyes were on us. The boys were looking me up and down, and the girls were glaring. Most of them anyway. "I hate being the fucking new kid," I grumble, quiet enough that only Alex could hear me.

We make our way over to the line of students waiting to get their food. "Rate the food here out of ten," I say to Alex, hoping it would be at least above five. I swear to go I will actually die if they serve gross, cliche cafeteria food here. He chuckles and thank my lucky stars his answer was nine.

I grab a plate out of the stack and follow Alex. I get the fettuccine and a small bowl of fruit salad and pour myself a drink of water from the cooler to go with it. I elbow Alex to get his attention. "Don't think that I'm not sitting with you, you little fucker. I have no friends and am NOT sitting by myself. I'm the new kid and your roommate so you have to be fucking nice to me." I sneer, following him as he makes his way through the maze of students. He laughs. "Bitch, I thought you were made at me for eating all your pringles." He leads me toward an table and places his food down. I glare as he reminds me of the pringles I will never get to enjoy because of him. I sit across from him. "Don't tell me you have no friends either?"I ask in disbelief, glancing disapprovingly at out empty table. Surely nobody with a face like that can be lonely. I feign a gasp. "No... This all makes total sense now. You are a sociopath, aren't you?" I state, nodding me head with a chuckle.

He shrugs and smirks. "Your no mundane yourself there, sweetheart." As the words left is mouth, two other boys arrived at the table. One sat next to me while the other took a seat next to Alex.

"Hey Hunny, my name is Kai. You must be the new girl. A word of advice, we are not the kind of people you want to be hanging out with..." He leans in and whispers a little too loudly to actually be a whisper. "Especially that one." A boy with cute little dimples smirks, pointing at Alex. He had freckled mocha skin and nice green eyes, his brown hair was in cornrow braids. He was cute.

Alex chuckles from across from us. "She's a red." He steals my glass of water and drinks half of it. I glare at him. "And his roommate." I sigh. "And a pyromaniac." He rolls his eyes and continues eating. "And has complete access to stab you in your sleep." I give him a sweet smile and drink the remainder of my water.

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