Chapter 6

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I stir slightly and snuggle closer into the source of warmth. Wait... What? My eyes open too see a different ceiling to the one in my room. It took me a minute to adjust and realize where I even was. It was then that I realized why it was warm. Alex fucking Miller lay shirtless on the bed with me, his arm draped around my waist and the other tangled in my hair. I quickly bolt upright and kick Alex away, resulting in him tumbling off the bed and landing flat on his ass. I couldn't help but stare at his abs for a second or two longer than I probably should have. "What the fuck!" I glare at him as he laughs, yawning. "You moan in your sleep," he muses, sitting up and pulling down a blanket and a pillow from the bed. I roll my eyes at him and glance at my alarm clock. It was 7:10 and I still had an hour and a half until I needed to be at school. I roll off his bed, making my way to my closet. I might as well go for a run. 

I open my drawers and rummage around until I manage to find a pair of leggings and a tank top.
I turn around. "Right... How the fuck are we going to do this?" I demand, glancing down at his shirtless self. He may feel comfortable roaming around half naked but I do not. I hadn't even considered how I was going to get dressed everyday with us sharing a room. He glances up at me with his signature smirk. "What are you on about, Babe?" I glare at his use of the pet names and chose to ignore it. Kai had already explained that there is no way in hell that I was going to be able to stop them.
"Crackhead," I mumble, shaking my head. "Right, you can fuck off outside now." I gesture to the door and walk over and kick his body that still remained on the floor.

"Jesus woman, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?" Alex glares as I kick him again. "You fucking did, you wanker," I say. As I go to kick him again, he grabs my ankle and pulls me down, causing me to lose my balance. I land on the ground next to him with a thump and a groan. "Dick," I mutter as he laughs his ass of from beside me. "You alright there, love?" My hand comes to my aching ribs and I sigh. "You do need to get out though," I state, getting up.

"I won't look!" He grumbles, rolling over on the ground so he wasn't facing me. "Alex, out. I need to get changed!" I complain. After a solid five minutes of whining, Alex finally gets up and goes and waits in the hallway for me to get changed.

I pull off my hoodie and sweatpants and glance at my gauze in the mirror. I forgot to change it last night so I would have to do it after my jog. I pull my tank top over my head and quickly slip on my leggings. I grab my bottle out of the mini fridge on the desk. Thank my lucky stars that Alex has a mini fridge. I take two Tylenol tablets and chug them along with half my water bottle. I open the door, allowing Alex to come back in. He looks me up and down and bites his lip. "Damn..." He mutters. I roll my eyes and grab my phone. "I'll be back, don't eat my food," I state, making my way towards the door. "No promises..." Alex mumbles as I close the door behind me.

Enzo had mentioned that there was a track through the forest behind the gym that I could jog on, the only problem was that I would have to first, climb onto the caretakers shed roof, then jump the brick wall and the only way back in was to climb onto the old barrel on the other side and jump the wall again.

After quite an embarrassing few tires, I manage to make it to the other side. I plug my headphones in and play my music as I begin at an easy jog. Running was my best de-stressing mechanism. That's what it was that landed me outside the warehouse; stress running.

I don't know how far I had gotten deep into the forest before the alarm I had set went off on my phone. I turn around and before I know it, I was back at the wall.

I honestly think that getting back over the brick wall was what made me the most exhausted compared to my run. I make my way back to my dorm and wander through the door. Alex was sitting, still shirtless, on his bed with a cigarette at his lips and Enzo was sitting on the desk next to the mini fridge with his feet up on the desk chair.

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