Chapter 16

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Elijah and I continue to catch up for another few hours before I finally take a moment to check my phone. My eyes widen as I see all the missed calls from Alex, Kris, Enzo, Kai and even one from my dad. My dad never calls me, like ever. Unless of course it was a real emergency, which is what got me worried. Not to mention the fact that I was sitting with my old best friend/alleged-dead-serial killer-ghost who is apparently now also best friends with one of the most dangerous men in the country, who also just so happens to want me dead. Fun times.

I read through a few of the messaged that Alex had sent. 

-Where are you? 

-I just went to Kris's dorm and your not there, not with the boys either.

-The guards just showed up, looking for you...

- Now the headmaster.

-Everyone is looking for you.

I glance at Elijah. "Shit..." I mutter. "The guards and headmaster are looking for me and even my dad tried calling me." I wince. It must be bad. I wonder what's going on... I text Alex back.

Why are they looking for me?-

Okay now is a good time to be thanking Ryan for securing my phone so that Enzo can't hack it and figure out where I am.

"Probably something to do with me... Trouble just seems to follow me everywhere." He grimaces and kicks a stone. We had left the picnic table and had been walking on my running track, further into the forest for about twenty minutes now. I shake my head and chuckle. "Well it follows me too so either way."

For the past hour, we had each been talking about both our lives. I told him about Sarah and Ryan and things with my dad and stuff at school I basically told him everything (although he already knew snippets from all the creepy, pedo-stalking that he occupies himself with doing of not only my life, but also Ryan and Sarah's.

-Apparently your with some weird dude that is claiming to be your cousin? I figured it was Elijah and I didn't tell them anything but I swear to god, if you don't tell me where you are, I will.

Alex replied with almost immediately. I ignore his threats and show the text to Elijah and sigh. "Who is that?" He mutters, while reading the text. "Alex, my roommate."

I had also told him about Kris, Noah, Kai, Enzo and Alex and how my rooming situation was fucked up, although, now that I think about it, I never gave him Alex's name. "Well, I guess I'm not your cousin anymore..." He chuckles.

Yeah, I'm with him right now. I don't exactly know where we are... -

We are out in the forest behind the school -

Don't come looking for me, I will come back soon. I just need a little more time -

I reply to him reluctantly, simply so that he wouldn't tell anyone about Elijah.

"I should probably get going..." Elijah mumbles. I swear, I couldn't have objected any faster than I did in that moment. "No, please!" I compose myself and glance awkwardly at the ground, hiding my desperate eyes. "Will I see you again?" I ask quietly. He glances around the forest. 

"I'm not sure, not for a while anyway. I shouldn't have even come today but I owed you an explanation. You simply knowing that I am alive has put you in more risk than you were with having blown up the warehouse. If Ace finds out that we met today-" I cut him off. "He won't," I state. "Please, I just got you back. I know it may seem selfish, but I'm not ready to loose you again," I mutter. I am not very good at expressing my emotions, but Elijah was always the one that I opened up to. I guess that's what I was trying to do now, although it just didn't feel right.

"Here, what's your number?" He pulls his phone out of his pocket and opens it, handing it to me. I type my number in and pass it back to him. "I'll call you. It will come up as a private number or something weird and you wont be able to call or text back but I promise, I will call you," he states.

"Thank you," I mumble, shoving my hands into my pockets. "You need to get back before they send out a search party or something." He chuckles. I think back to the search party that I was a part of while he was 'missing' and frown. 

"Be safe. The less people that know your name and what you did, the better," he says, pulling my into a hug. I hug him back, tightly and sigh. "Noted." I chuckle. We part and he begins to walk backwards off the track. 

"Goodbye," I say as he gets further and further away. "Goodbye, Yvette."

I turn and walk back down the path towards the school. My heart was beating insanely fast and I couldn't control my thoughts. I get to the picnic table and pause. What am I going to say? People are obviously wondering where I have been and who the hell my 'cousin' is. I wonder how the school found out that I didn't actually have a cousin on my dads side? My dad was an only child.

I text Alex again and ask him to meet me at the picnic table. I waited for about five minutes before I saw his figure walking down the track towards me. I give him a small, guilty smile. "Hey..." I mumble awkwardly as he sits down across from me. "Where's your cousin?" He sneers with a huge smirk spread across his face. "He left. Now are you going to help me or what?" I ask slowly. He nods and so I continue. 

"So wait, the guards and headmasters showed up looking for me?" He nods to confirm it. "Did they happen to mention how they knew Elijah wasn't actually related to me?" I ask slowly, hoping he had the answer. "Well no, but I am assuming it was because they called your dad. Whenever we get a visitor that isn't our immediate family, they get us to confirm and then they contact our parents to inform them that we have a visitor," Alex explains. 

I groan. Well that is bloody inconvenient... "Well, what am I going to tell them then? My dad obviously told them that he has no fucking idea who 'James Ryder' is." James Ryder was the alias that Elijah had used on the sign in form. 

"They are probably going to assume that he is either your drug dealer or your boyfriend from town. Either way, you will get extra counselling sessions." Alex chuckles at my unamused expression. No way in hell am I going to EXTRA counselling sessions. The few that I have already been assigned to were bad enough. 

"Well, I mean, I could always use the drug dealer thing but instead have him deal me prescription meds for my ribs. Do you think they will go easy on me then?" I ask, hopeful.

"I don't know... I guess it's worth a shot."

. . .

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