Chapter 39

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"Hurry the fuck up!" I shout again after a few minutes. At a guess, it had been another week since my unfortunate little visit from Ace, and I have resented myself every second since then for kissing him back. Tattoo-Guy had been around a few times but these past few days I had just been alone. 

I hear faint footsteps down the hall and then someone knocks aggressively on my door and pulls the curtain away from the window. "Be quiet," a man sneers. I wince as a few small slithers of light shine into my eyes. I glance over and pout. "But I just got my period!" I mumble. Much to my discomfort and dismay, it wasn't a lie. My underwear were black and at first I wasn't sure if the blood on my chair was period blood or just from one of the many open cuts on my legs but nope, now I had stomach cramps to confirm it.

The man at the door furrows his eyebrows and walks back down the hallway. I was grateful that he left the window open and I still had light. I mean, yeah, after a while my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and all that jazz but it was blatantly satisfying to be able to see clearly for the first time in ages.

I hear faint conversation down the end of the hallway and try to listen in. It was all incoherent mumbling.

The footsteps grow louder and I count each one, as usual. I had memorized the amount of casual steps it takes to get from my door to the end of the hallway; twenty seven, sometimes thirty for the guys who weren't power-walking. The other end of the hallway was a dead end, nobody ever walked down that end unless they need to go to what I assumed was another cell.

Four men enter my cell, holding chains and cuffs. They surround me and my chair and begin to attach the cuffs onto my wrists. "So guys, whats popping?" I mumble. One takes a roll of duct tape out of their pocket and rips a piece off, smoothing it over my mouth. What the fuck is this guy, a fucking robot? Nobody - and I mean nobody - can just rip duct tape like that.

I continue to mutter random stuff through the tape just to be annoying. The guys attach the same chains to my ankles and release me from the shackles on the chair. They pull me to my feet and abruptly begin to drag me out of the room.

I was momentarily blinded by the fluorescent light flooding the hallway and continued to stumble along beside the men. The two on either of my sides literally had to hold me up by my arms because that's how weak I was. I hadn't even considered trying to escape up until now because my whole body ached with pain that overcame almost everything else.

I don't even think I have the energy to throw a solid punch right now. I mean, sure, sitting down in my torture chair, I might have been able to, but now that it was taking everything in me simply to stay standing? Not a chance.

By the time we had reached the end of the hallway, my feet were catching on the ground and dragging behind me as we went. I felt disgusting on a level that I didn't even know was physically possible. Blood began to trickle down my leg and my whole body was shivering with the air-con on the wall. There was a faint trail of dried blood and saliva on my collarbone and chest where they had beaten me unconscious and I had drooled.

My arms and legs stung agonizingly as the cuts and wounds opened up as we climb up a small set of stairs. I felt like we were running a marathon right now. Everything ached and burned and my mind was so consumed with all the pain to even realize where we had arrived.

We stood in the doorway of what seemed to be a huge, communal-like, shower room. To be completely honest, they resembled prison showers a little too much for my liking. They lead me over to the tiled shower wall and undo one of my shackles, attaching it to a hook on the wall, holding me too it. They unshackle my feet to and my other wrist but keep me chained to the wall. I all but collapsed against it to keep myself up right.

Over their shoulders, I see Ace and Elijah walking past. Ace stops and glances around the room distastefully before his eyes landed on me. He smirks and clears his throat to get his men's attention. They all turn and immediately straighten their posture a tiny bit. Ace makes his way over slowly with Elijah quietly following suit. I couldn't put into words how immensely satisfying it was to see that Elijah had a slight limp in his right leg. Little bitch.

The four guys make room for him and he stops right in front of me. He roughly grabs my chin and pulls my face up to meet his. He rips the piece of tape of my face and I wince. One would think I would be used to the pain considering the past month but no, it still burned for a moment.

"Your fidelity to someone like Alexander is simply... Fascinating," Ace remarks quietly.

I scoff. "Oh, no babe, this is me being fucking annoying because I hate you and don't want you to get what you want," I mutter with an awkward cough. "And anyway, why the hell should I even believe a word you say about him?" I ask glaring up at him.

"Because I haven't given you any reason whatsoever not to believe me," he states coldly. Well... I mean he kind of has a point. Why else would he want to so desperately find Alex? How else could he have known him? Not to mention how secretive Alex always was about his past.

Alex seemed pretty guilty at the moment.

Gently, he brings his hand up to caress my cheek, ignoring the blood and scabs. "C'mon, I know you can't take much more of this," he whispers. I don't waste time and spit directly in his face. "Fuck you," I would have just punched him but I don't have the energy and my hands are bound.

He pinches his eyes closes and pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket, wiping his face. I watch in amusement at the repulsive expression that forms on his face.

He just stares at me for a moment, his eyes cold and then within a minute he was right in my face, so close I was sure he could hear my heart thumping in my chest.

He roughly grabs my shoulder and shoves me up against the wall. Oh no this man wasn't going to try and kiss me again, was he? I mean, sure, now I am am thinking straight and wouldn't kiss him back but it would still be fucking annoying if he tried. 

"Eventually, you will break, even if these useless fuckers can't do it for me," he sneers, quietly enough that the rest of his men couldn't hear. Maybe his little pet Elijah, though, who stood close behind him with his eyes on the ground.

I stop struggling. I can't show this fucker any weakness. He isn't going to kill me, at least not until I tell him what he wants to know, he just assured me of that. I smirk up at him and I see him falter, just for a split second. I got him. "Oh, Honey, you can't break what's already broken," I wink. Well... That certainly took a dark turn...

His expression was completely unreadable. He wasn't even the slightest bit angry or amused or anything. Just nothing.

That only lasted a minute and then he let me go, stepping back a bit and turning to Elijah. "We need to get going." They begin to walk past the rest of the men when Ace stops and turns back around. "And guys? Feel free to have a little fun with this one," Ace smiles sickly at me.

Oh hell no. 

. . .

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