Chapter 8

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-Alex's POV-

I watch as Ivy as she wanders casually across the room. She is so strange, definitely different from the other girls around here. She was so strong-willed and careless, also a fucking crazy bitch half the time.

She comes closer to where Jake stood and pulled a few sheets of paper out of her pocket. She 'accidentally' drops them right in front of him, and bends down to grab them. I'm not gonna lie, she had a nice ass, not to mention hot.

She stands back up straight and turns to look at him, small smile playing on her glossed lips. I read her lips as she apologizes to him. He smiled back at her and they began talking. Damn, she really did that. She glances over at our table and I catch her eye. She winks and goes back to talking to that geek. "Huh... I like her," Enzo states. Both Kai and I give him a questioning look. "Really?" Kai asks slowly. Enzo doesn't like many people, or at least he never admits it anyway.

He nods and goes back to watching them across the room. "Is it because she was bullying Alex?" Kai laughs, glancing at me. Enzo nods again. I just shake my head.

-Ivy's POV-

I pick up the papers that I had purposely dropped on the floor right in front of the boy. I stand back up and turn to face him. I give him a small smile and glance down, trying to be cute. "Hehe sorry, I'm so clumsy." I glance back up at him to see his expression, he was smiling as well. "Hey, it's alright. Your the new girl, I'm Jake, Jake McMillan." He extends a hand and I shake it. "Ivy. Yeah, your on the football team, right? My friends mentioned you." I put the papers back into my pocket and quickly send a glance to my table where the boys still sat. "Yup, quarterback," He states proudly. I have no idea what a quarterback even does, I am no football fan. "Oh, cool," I say slowly.

Oh no... What else am I supposed to say? What if he isn't interested? What if he just wants to go back to ordering his food? There is no way in hell that I am going to walk back to that bloody table, to Alex, without this guys number. "Hey, I'm sorry, this is so blunt, but you are really cute." He smiles sweetly at me. I glance back up at him, a little bit shocked and a little bit flattered. He thinks I'm cute?

"No, it's okay. You are pretty cute yourself," I mumble awkwardly. I have officially lost all the flirty confidence that I had only a few moments ago. "Can I get your number?" I blurt out. He doesn't even miss a beat, his smile just widens and he takes my phone, typing his number in. "We should catch up some time after school or something," he states.

Wow this escalated very fast. One second I had simply 'dropped' my papers, next thing ya know I have a guys number and he is suggesting that we catch up? "I would like that." We say our goodbye's and I leave him to get his food. I make my way back to our table, doing a little victory chant in my mind. I slide back onto the bench next to Alex, a huge, smug grin spread across my face. "He wants to 'catch up sometime'." I smirk, propping my chin up on my hand. Alex nods his head. "I'm not going to lie, Munroe, I'm impressed." He chuckles.

We finish our lunch and the bell rings. This fucking bell is going to play a serious part in my nightmares. Every time I hear it, I want to gauge someones eyes out. Enzo and I had PE so I followed him out of the cafeteria. "So you guys have a basketball team, right?" I ask slowly as he leads me in the direction of the gym. "Eh... Kind of. An all boys team," he states, smirking at me in the corner of his eye.

I groan. "Seriously?" That was one of the very few factors that made this school even relatively bearable, and now the world has turned against me and crushed my pretty little dreams. So, what? I have to jump a fucking three meter brick wall whenever I want to go on a jog, and now I can't even be on the basketball team! Well I mean... I pause to think, glancing down at my shoes as we walk. Maybe, just maybe, if I ask the sports coordinator really, really nicely, whoever they are might be kind enough to try gather up a girls team. I'm sure that I am able to blackmail some of the girls in my gym class to back me up if need be.

We arrive to the gym and Enzo gestures to the girl's locker room. The room that I entered screamed the definition of 'wretched bimbo' and could have passed off as a magpies nest, except reeked of perfumes and deodorant and instead of shiny nick knacks, it was cluttered with underwear, towels, magazines and pom poms.

I walk in and set my bag down on a bench, pulling out my PE uniform; a tight fitting black and dark green shirt with the school emblem sown into the front, my trainers and black shorts. I get changed quickly and shove my school uniform back into my bag. God forbid I would have to tie that damn fucking ribbon again.

I follow a few of the girls out and sit down on one of the benches where Enzo waited.

The lesson ended faster than I expected. We played a shitty game of volleyball. My team won. Enzo was jealous. Now, I was making my way towards Miss Sully's office to try and talk to her about a new team. I knock on the door and she shouts from inside.

I walk in and awkwardly wave. "Oh, hey Ivy. How's your first day going so far?" She smiles, throwing a bunch of files onto the desk. Miss Sully was my favorite teacher so far, in fact, so far she has probably been one of the most reasonable and relatable teachers that I have had.

"Hey, good. So I was talking to one of my friends and I heard that you guys have a guys basketball team and not a girls. I played as a shooting guard on my team back at my old school," I explain slowly. Damn, I never really thought about what would be a good way to lead into this conversation, I just sprung it at her.

She nods her head with a sigh. "Wow, that's cool. This school-" She leans forward, pulling her index finger to her lips, signalling to keep it a secret. "- this school is pretty trash. I have tried, on multiple occasions to get a girls team going, trust me, I have, but the school council didn't like the idea to begin with, and then we didn't get enough volunteers from the girls." She shakes her head, thinking about it. I sigh. I mean, I didn't exactly expect her to just suddenly arrange a team or anything but it still fucked me off that I wouldn't be on a team.

"Oh, yeah that's okay. That's a shame though." I try to refrain myself from swearing. She was young, maybe late twenties, and as I said, was the most understanding teacher that I've had so I kinda wanted to stay in her good books.

I turn and begin walkout the door. I was on my way towards the locker room when she shouts from her office. "Hey, I know it's not ideal, but if you really want to we could get you a trial for the boys' team?" She gives me a small smile, propping her feet up on the desk. I blink a few times. "The boys' team?" I ask slowly, thinking that I had misheard her. "I mean, yeah. The board says we can't have a girls team but they never said we can't have a girl on the team." She smirks, proud of herself for finding the loophole. "You will have to be good though, those guys are vicious. I would know, I'm their coach." She smiles, proud again.

"That would be amazing. Thank you so much, and don't worry, I am good." I send her a mischievous smile before exciting the room and making my way to the locker room. I had my first counselling session now, thankfully Alex had pointed out where the room on our way back to the dorms after dinner.

I get changed quickly and simply tuck the ribbon into my pocket, not bothering to tie it again. I all but run into Enzo on my way out of the room. I jump and down a few times with an excited scream. "I got my way!" I laugh as we exit the gym. "What are you on about?" He asks as we walk slowly. "I might be on the boys basketball team by the end of the week." I wink before turning and walking in the direction of the counselling office.

My counselling session was as bland as I had imagined it would be. We had to go through the whole introduction stuff and all the 'why did you think blowing up that building and killing those people was feasible?' bullshit. I didn't like the woman very much. Her name was Janice. She made me want to lash out and scream. I basically deflected all her questions with my snarky comebacks and witty humor until finally, the session was over.

Lunch. My savior.

• • •

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