Chapter 19

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Jake had a black eye, a busted lip an a huge bruise on his cheekbone. 

"What the fuck?" I ask as I tilt his chin up to get a better glance at the bruises. "Who the fu-" I stop myself and shake my head in annoyance. Fucking Alex. I think back to PE when Enzo was explaining that Alex wouldn't allow it. Boy, am I going to beat Enzo's ass for telling him...

"Did Alex do this?" I mutter slowly, already knowing the answer. He nods once and looks at something over my shoulder. I feel someone grab my wrist and Kai's voice chimes into the conversation. "Ivy," he acknowledges me calmly, his voice not as amused and cheery as it usually is. 

"I swear to-" Kai cuts me off and pulls me back a few steps, snatching my uniform and bag off the floor. "I need to talk to you about something," he states, taking me back another step. "No. Kai, you can't-" Once again, I get cut off.

"Get the fuck off her, alright?" Jake yells at him. We both look to him in surprise. Wow, I mean, sure, he seems like a really nice, funny dude but I never expected him to actually stand up for me, especially after my roommate just beat him up. 

"Are you gonna say shit?" Enzo appears on the other side of me, a defensive stance and a cold glare adorning his face. "Guys, I-" 

"Betcha I am," Jake steps forward, challenging Enzo. I guess I'm just not allowed to have an opinion anymore. This is not going to be good. I mean, for one, Jake is already black and blue, and for another, Enzo is a good fighter. He will win. Without a doubt. 

I wrench my grip out of Kai's hand and step between the two of them. I face Enzo, my back ending up pressed against Jake awkwardly. "Enzo, don't start," I warn him quietly, my tone as serious as I could possibly make it. I turn back to Jake  "Right, well this has been fun and all, but my bitches and I have really got to go now..." I trail off to Jake as I push Enzo back and begin to pull him and Kai away by the ear. "I'll see ya later," I awkwardly shout of my shoulder as I drag them back to my dorm. They complain all the way back. I shove them inside and slam the door behind me. 

"Okay, what the fuck was that?!" I demand the second we were inside. Alex glances up from his phone and surveys the scene. Kai sighs, throwing my uniform and toiletries down onto my bed. "Look, I really don't think-" Finally, it was my turn to cut him off. It felt empowering. 

"Kai," I warn. I honestly am so confused right now. What was the deal between Jake and the boys? Why did they all get so defensive so fast?

"And you," I begin, pointing a finger at Alex. "You have some explaining to do." I frown at him and he rolls his eyes, his attention going back to his phone. "Now, you two can explain why you were all weird back there," I state.

Okay, so after a seriously awkward conversation between Kai and Enzo, I managed to get the truth... Or at least what the boys claimed to be the truth.

 Apparently, Jake has seriously impure intentions. They had heard that he had been going around and asking about me to everyone and anyone who might know anything, asking if they know anything about me at all, even simple things. They were really confused as to why he was so interested in me and so Enzo did some research and turns out that he has a really bad history with girls. Whatever Information Enzo had found, it claimed that Jake has almost been done for statutory rape  and has also been found drugging girls at parties and sleeping with them on multiple occasions. The only reason he gets away with any of it is because he plans the whole thing out perfectly so that he can gather blackmail evidence - they came to the assumption that he was doing the same thing with me; gathering blackmail material. He is also supposedly really picky about the girls he chooses, he won't just go for anyone. Half the school apparently though he was gay up until he fucked one of the English teachers... Like I said, bad history with girls

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