Chapter 20

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It was Friday before I knew it, thank goodness. I had spent the majority of the week preparing myself to confront Jake about everything that Elijah had told me but every time I came to face him, I simply couldn't do it. I had no idea what to say. 'Hey, Jake. Are you a rapist?' 'Do you drugs girls at parties?' 'Do you blackmail your victims?'. 

He had tried to speak to me on multiple occasions and I always managed to find an excuse to leave.

On the bright side, I had no more awkward, steamy encounters with Alex, other than the usual hugs from behind and hand holding for no apparent reason. As I have in every other situation, I have learnt there is no use in fighting him about it.

Sarah and Ryan had called and now I was even more excited about our weekend than I was before. They had made bookings at a motel and so we could stay there for three nights as long as I am back at school on Monday. The only downside about that is they want Alex to come as well. I had created a whole plan as to how I was going to 'forget' to ask him if he wanted to come with me but he came back to the room while I was on a call and she asked him herself. Of course, the fucker said yes. 

We had both packed a bag this morning so that we wouldn't have to fuss around once lunchtime came.

I was currently sitting in Bio with another twenty minutes until the bell rang when Alex knocked on the classroom door, coming in. "Why, hello Alex," the pretty, young Bio teacher basically swooned. Scandalous.

He smirks and his eyes travel around the class until they meet mine. He gestures for me to get up and so I grab my bag. "I need to steal Miss Munroe," he says, handing the teacher an early dismissal slip with my name on it. She nods her head and signs the form before handing it back. "Very well. Don't forget to do the homework. It's due on Tuesday," she smiles at me as we walk out the door. 

"I just got called to the office to collect the forms, Sarah and Ryan are here," Alex muses as we begin to make our way to the office. Sarah specifically requested that we sign them in so she can come in and see our dorm and meet Peter. 

We walk in the office doors and the second my eyes landed on Sarah and Ryan, I lost control of my excitement. I let out a shrill squeal as I rush towards them, arms open. They both embrace me into a tight hug, spinning around a few times before finally letting go. "Jeez, I missed you guys," I gush. 

I sign them in and then I introduce them to Alex. "This is Alex, my roommate," I state, gesturing to him. As we walk, Sarah pulls me in and whispers in my ear, "I was right he is a hottie. I ship it already." She smirks as we make our way back to our dorm. I just roll my eyes.

We arrive at our room and Alex kicks the door open, revealing our totally amazing dorm room. Sarah and Ryan's mouths were ajar. "Are you even aloud to decorate it this much?" Ryan chuckles as he walks in. I shrug. "Probably not."

We show them Peter and we even let Sarah feed him before we grabbed our bags and walked out of the dorm, locking the door behind us. I had arranged for Kris and Noah to feed Peter over the weekend because I didn't trust that Kai and Enzo would actually remember. 

We head back to the office and Alex and I sign the last of the forms before heading out the main doors that I hadn't been through since the day officer Myers dragged me through them. "Freedom!" I breath in the air outside that horrid school. Maybe it was just me, but the air on this side of the building is simply better.

We walk around to the staff and guest parking lot where Sarah's fully black Ferrari with windows so tinted, I was almost entirely sure they were illegal. The car's licence plate was her name and her break lights are the shape of hearts. The inside smelt like roses and she had pink, faux fur seat covers, a food stash in the glove box and TVs installed into the back seats. The car fit her personality perfectly. Sarah was always super out there. Her hair was bright orange with streaks of red here and there and she always did her makeup to perfection. She wasn't insecure or anything, she just liked doing makeup. She always wore extravagance clothing and always stood out in public. I envied her confidence. Her dad was probably one of the richest men I had ever met, explaining her car. She literally lived in a mansion. 

Alex and Ryan get in the back and I hop into the passenger side with Sarah. She always drove really, really slowly. She may be one of the most confident people I know, but boy she got anxious while she was driving. She followed every single road rule imaginable and took every precaution she could. Traveling with her was honestly excruciating, I felt sorry for Ryan.

Considering how Alex drives, I can imagine how he would feel right about now as we begin driving away from the hell-school. 

We drive for an hour before we reach the city and Sarah takes us to the motel. We leave Ryan and Sarah to check in and Alex and I begin to unpack our bags, loading them onto a cart to take to the room. Once we had the key, we head to the elevator that would bring us to the rooms. 

Sarah lets out an awkward chuckle as the elevator dings, the door swinging open. "So, there may have been a booking mistake or something along those lines so instead of having four separate singles, we have..." She trails off, unlocking the door and pushing it open to reveal the main room with one double bed and another door of the side which I can only assume was another bedroom. "Two double," She finishes, striding into the room and plopping down on the first bed. 

I already know what is going to happen. They are going to make me sleep in one of the double beds with Alex. Sarah had explained on a call that her and Ryan finally had a bit of a thing and so I already know that she is going to want a bed with him. I don't think I have it in me to deprive her of that, especially after everything she has done to make this weekend possible. 

Alex removes all our luggage and leaves the cart outside the room.

"Okay, here is our weekend plan," Sarah muses, pulling a folder out of one of the five huge duffel bags she brought. She opens the folder an takes out an A3 sheet of paper, holding it up for us too see. The whole sheet was color-coded with pastel highlighters and was organized to perfection. 

"For the rest of today, we have a spa day. Boys, you have to participate as well, no exceptions. After that, we go out for dinner at this cute restaurant I found online and then after that, we come back and watch movies and play board games," she finishes, going into another bag and pulling out a game of monopoly, a deck of cards and some other random game. She also pulls out four bottles of bourbon ad sets them down on the counter. 

The entirety of my calls with Sarah within the past week have been planning this weekend. She asked so many questions about Alex, one being if he had any serious addictions to avoid, hense the alcohol. We all smile at her enthusiasm.

"Saturday we have rock climbing at whatever time we are all alive, then we go prom dress shopping for Ivy and possibly Alex, along with normal shopping for everyone. We can engage in whatever activities we find throughout the city for the rest of the day," Sarah continues. She explains about Sunday as well and the plan for getting Alex and I back on Monday morning. She was prepared for everything, literally. She had brought an entire over-sized first aid kit, she had games and activities, she brought enough junk food on the way here to feed a small country and she even managed to manipulate one of her older friends into buying alcohol for her. She packed two entire bags filled with clothes and shoes for different occasions such as 'just in case we see someone famous' like she would magically carry the outfit around with her everywhere and get changed as soon as she saw them. 

I noticed the little things about Ryan and Sarah. The way he looked at her when she was in her zone or talking about something she was passionate about, the way he smiled when she caught his eyes. They were absolutely adorable and I couldn't wait for this to become an official thing.

. . .

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