Chapter 36

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-Alex's POV-

I sit in Enzo's room, waiting intently for anything. Ivy had apparently managed to escape again. The care people sent her bags back to the school office, addressed to Kai and then I had to awkwardly explain that Kai isn't her dad. We had been trying to pin point her location ever since. Where could she have possibly gone? We checked her home address. She wasn't dumb enough to go back there with Ace looking for her. Did Ace's men find her at the airport? I found it hard to believe. She probably just ran away because she didn't want to go to Nacehor. Enzo was currently checking the airport security cameras. We had found her, walking in with the care people, sitting, waiting. Suddenly, her and Eve get up and make their way across the room. A tall guy begins to head towards them and bumps into Ivy. "Wait, can we get a replay of that?" I ask, pointing at the screen.

Enzo rewinds it and I lean closer, focusing on the camera. "There!" I exclaim, pointing at the interaction. The man had passed Ivy something as he bumped into her. A small black object. I couldn't quite tell what it was with the quality but there was definitely something. They continue walking and Enzo switches to another cameras footage as she enters the bathroom. We wait for a minute and then suddenly a swarm of people enter the bathroom. "That smart little bitch..." I trail off. She would have used that as her chance to escape. But why would she want too? I mean, I assume that was one of Ace's guys, and she is literally at the airport to begin with because she needs to run away from them. 

We replay the same footage and I try to see which direction Ivy went but couldn't even spot her in the crowd. We switch to the outside footage a few seconds after she would have left the bathroom and wait. There she is, getting into a black SUV parked. Why is she so damn stupid?

I slam my hand down on the desk. "Track down that SUV," I mutter. Enzo quietly types away at the computer and pulls up multiple different street cams. We follow the SUV until it turns off onto a private section in a small town that I know all too well. 

"Fuck," I swear, turning around and punching the closet door. "Wait, what the hell just happened?" Kai mumbles, looking between me and the screen. 

"That is one of The King's main bases. That's where Ace usually is," I mutter. 

Kai mumbles something else but I don't hear it. "She won't last long in there," I state coldly. The guys awkwardly glance at the ground, avoiding eye contact. I know that they don't know what to say. 

"Will you go get her?" Enzo asks quietly. Hmm... If I show my face anywhere near that place, I'm dead. News spreads fast in that gang. "I-I don't know," I mumble. We sit in silence a few more minutes before both me and Kai retreat to our separate dorms. I collapse onto my bed and sigh, glancing over at the remainder of Ivy's stuff. 

I think for a while, about what I should do. My decision is painful. This is Ivy's mess, so she can deal with it herself. I warned her. I told her she needed to run and never look back. What the hell was she even doing? She got into their car willingly! She might not even need help. Maybe she made a deal or something. 

Fuck, what is she tells them about me? What if she gives my location or even just slips up? Fuck. 

This is so fucking infuriating! The whole situation. I get up and storm out of the room and back down the stairs to Enzo's room. I barge in and collapse into a chair. "She can fucking deal with it herself. She probably doesn't even need help anyway," I state. Enzo sits up and glances at me. "You are just going to leave her with Ace?" He mumbles, unsure. I nod my head. "And I have to leave as well. I mean, Ace is manipulative, what if he finds out I'm here? I can't risk it," I curse, glancing out the window. 

Enzo just nods. "Okay," is all he says. Enzo was always really accepting. "When are you leaving?" He asks slowly, getting up. I furrow my eyebrows. "I have no clue, as soon as possible?" I glance around. "You could just go whenever. Me and Kai can deal with both yours and Ivy's stuff if you want," Enzo offers. I smile at my best friend. "For real?" He nods. 

I spend the rest of the day making arrangements and collecting forms. I was going to be gone by the end of the week. Two more days left in this hellhole. I had no idea where I was going to go I would just leave and hope for the best. 

To think that I had finally settled in and moved past all this, I guess I was wrong. I couldn't help but notice the nagging pit in my stomach. Guilt. Guilt for leaving Ivy there whether she needs help or not. I try to brush it off. She, at least, has a chance at survival. I, on the other hand, would receive an immediate and excruciating death sentence from the one and only, Ace.

I guess Ivy will just have to fend for herself.

. . .

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