Chapter 32

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Apparently, I make a pretty good special needs person. No matter how much I tried to convince them, Eve and John didn't believe a word I said. 

We were currently inside the airport, sitting on an uncomfortable couch, waiting for my plane to arrive. All the while, I was still trying - and failing - to conjure up a plan of escape. Things just haven't been going my way lately. 

I mean, I never actually 'create' a plan as such, I usually just wait until the very last moment when I am in desperate need to which I conduct some spontaneous activity the ends me up either in a prison-school or on the run from a dangerous mob boss. Fun times.

 Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a group of cute guys laughing and glancing at me every now and then. Hopefully I am on the same plane as those hotties. "So what's your favorite color, Gemma?" John asks, bending down to match my height.

I ignore him. I let out an exasperated sigh and glance back over in the direction of the boys. 




I'm mad.

In the seats where the cute boys once sat, was now replaced with two bulky, black-clad men, staring directly at me. I send an awkward, forced smile and one of them holds up a phone. I sigh. "Eve, I need to go to the bathroom. I want to go alone. I am not a baby," I state, getting up. She follows along beside me. "Sorry Gemma, I can't just let you go alone." She falls into step beside me. I sigh and roll my eyes. 

The two men get up, exchange a glance and begin walking our way. A sudden paranoia sets in about what they were going to do. Would they just kidnap me and take me away? Would they kill Eve and John? 

My heart begins beating faster as they close the distance. I guess I have just dealt with one too many gang-people today. I held my breath as they finally reach us. The one nearest to me shoulder-barges me ever so slightly, placing the phone into my hand as he passes. 

I have got to admit... That was pretty smooth. 

I quickly slip the phone up my sleeve and continue walking on the way to the bathroom. I turn to her once again. "You are staying here, and it isn't a question. As a human being, I have the right to my own privacy and rights and if you follow me in here, I will make such a scene that you will get you checked by security," I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

She furrowed her eyebrows for a second and bites her lip. "But I-" I cut her off and roll my eyes. "What do you think I'm going to do? Climb out the three meter high, twenty cm windows and escape into this unknown city?" I couldn't help but laugh. Little did this woman know that all the while, I was conjuring a now-desperate escape plan... It's in the moment, right?

She nods her head. "Okay, fine. I will be right here when you're done," I walk off down the hall to the bathrooms. I enter a free stall and sit on the toilet seat, dropping the phone into my hand. I take a deep breath before turning on the phone. 

Oh hell no. The phone opened into the gallery where there were photos of people. The first image was of Sarah exiting her house on her way to school, another was Ryan at lacrosse training, another was the front of my house. For fuck sake. Suddenly, a text notification pops up and I tap on it. 

- There is a black car waiting for you in the taxi park. Come alone. 

The text read. Are we seriously doing this again? Really? I don't even want to begin to imagine how angry Ace would be now. I should have just listened when he said I would regret defying him. This is what I get for fucking with a gang leader. 

Okay, now how on earth am I going to ditch Eve and John? I am going to be completely honest and admit that I hadn't thought this far ahead. Can you blame me? I mean, I'm not Einstein here. 

I sit here on the toilet, pondering my life choices when the most brilliant idea dawns on me. This is that brilliant moment that I have been waiting for that always seems to turn up at the last minute and usually ends up getting me in either a exploding warehouse or a shootout. I quickly open the weird, gang-phone and tap into google. I look up the airport's website and tap into flight departures. 


I quickly rush out of the stall and peer around the side of the wall. Eve stood, her back turned to me, at the entrance of the bathroom hallway. Okay, any second now....

Finally. A swarm of people began to grow close and entered the hall. I quickly dash in between them, barely dodging a young child that had strayed ahead of his mother. I manage to make it past Eve, disguising myself in the crowd of exhausted tourists and speed walk in the direction of the main entrance. 

I'm sure that when they find out I have disappeared, they will have my bags transferred back to wherever it was my daddies - Enzo and Kai - claimed I lived. I still wore my backpack though, that's a positive. I couldn't help but laugh at what Eve's reaction might be when they can't find me. I almost feel bad after that whole little speech I gave her about having rights and making fun of her for thinking I was going to jump out the tiny, bathroom windows. 

I spot the black car immediately, positioned right outside the doors with a tall, scary man waiting outside. He walks up to meet me and grabs my arm. "Ah, no thank you," I say, yanking it out of his grip. "I am here of my own accord, aren't I? Do you see me trying to escape?" I say, walking ahead of him as a door opens from the inside.

The windows were tinted, no surprise there and the car reeked of alcohol. Another man sat on the far side of the back seat and I slid in next to him, shuffling over to make room for the other dude. "Hey Fam," I mumble awkwardly as they speed out of the parking lot. 

I put up a seriously awkward struggle to get my bag off, my arms jutting out in all directions. I even smacked one of the men in the face. The second I did manage to get it off, one of the men from the front grabbed it and confiscated it from me.

"Well, isn't this cozy," I state with a chuckle, sitting back in the chairs. I swear, these guys must all live off steroids and protein shakes or something... Probably lots of mashed potatoes, too.

A man in the front passes a small bag back to us. One of the men next to me, takes it and pulls out a rope, a white cloth and a small vial. He passes the rope to the other guy across from me and he takes my hands. "C'mon guys, there really is no need for any of that carry on. I'm being reasonable here," I say slowly. They bind my wrists with the rope and the other man fold up the cloth and unscrews the drop-lid of the vial. He places a few drops onto the cloth. "Okay, yup. I've had enough of this shit now. Just throw whatever the hell that is out the window and I'm sure we can arrange something else."

They all stay silent. "Guys?" He suddenly presses the cloth to my mouth and I hold my breath thrashing around and trying to kick them both away. These fuckers can't drug me, I can't go to sleep here. Not in this stupid car with these stupid guys. 

They hold my legs to stop me kicking and secure my head, pressing the cloth further into my face. I try to hold my breath for as long as possible, literally to the point where my ears are ringing, but I couldn't do it any longer. A strange sweet and chemical-y scent fills my senses. I feel my eyes become droopy and I almost immediately became fatigued. 

No, c'mon Ivy. Just hold on for a little bit longer. I can't go to sleep, I just can't. I become overwhelmed with an unbeatable tiredness and it is only a few more seconds before I could no longer keep my eyes open. Well isn't this brilliant.

Just brilliant. 

. . .

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