Chapter 26

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"Yvette," his voice was cold and relaxed as his grip tightened on my shoulder. In front of me stood none other than the one and only, Ace, aka the scary, gang frenemy that killed those two guys outside the burning remains of the warehouse before I passed out and has apparently been hunting me down ever since.

"Ah... Hey friend... I think, maybe, you got the wrong person here..." I point to Jake across the room, standing next to the drinks. "That right there is Yvette," I stutter, trying to squirm out of his grip. What the actual fuck was I going to do?!? He is most likely here to kill me and feed my entrails to a pack of stray dogs or something... But at my school prom? Of all bloody times to show up? Talk about bad timing...

"Don't fuck with me," he whispers. Damn, I will admit his voice is pretty hot though... Is that an accent I hear? He was dressed in a suit and you could see his tattoos peeking up the side of his neck and wrists. 

Another stupid slow song begins and Ace uses this as an excuse to pull me closer and prevent me from escaping. I glance around in search of any of my friends and couldn't even manage to spot any of them within the crowd of teenagers. Where is Alex, the secretive, psycho-maniac/murderess retch when I need him?

Okay, just breath. I need to think rationally for once in my rebellious life. How the bloody hell am I going to figure this one out? 

"Okay, look, I'm really sorry I killed all your buddies and blew up your warehouse and your drugs and then sorta snitched on you in court and then added to the pre-existing investigation and all that jazz but I really don't think-" he cuts me off. "Don't speak," he abruptly silences me and doesn't break eye contact as we dance. I literally have to bite my lip to contain all the chatter that was trying to burst free. I ramble when I'm nervous and right now, I'm pretty sure that I'm about to walk the red-carpeted death row out of this 007 Bond hall to my gruesome and painful ending at the hands of the man I am currently enduring an awkwardly silent dance with... Or one of his men that I haven't blown up.

After a few minutes, he speaks. "You will go to the dean at the door wearing the black cap, you will tell him your name and he will let you out. You will go with one of my men up to your room where you will pack all your things and he will lead you to a black car waiting in the parking lot," he states calmly, his face expressionless and composed. 

"If I just go missing, you will be the main suspect. I don't mean to be one of 'those girls' but my lawyer will wring your neck," I force myself to break away from his piercing green eyes and glance around in search of literally anyone who could possibly help me out of this situation.

"I have that covered," he states, his voice monotone. Does this man even have emotion? How is he so damn calm? I gasp slightly. "Did you guys kill Phillip?" I demand, my expression growing concerned at the thought of my lawyer being dead. He doesn't respond so I continue. 

"And what about my friends? What if they stop me on my way out? My girl, she planned this thing and she isn't just going to let me-" this unfortunately attractive man seriously cuts me off again. 

"I have that covered," he says again. I bite the inside of my gum as I try to think of excuses as to why I can't leave this room. "What If I kill the little friend you have assigned to follow me?" I mumble. Obviously, it is highly unlikely that I would physically be able to kill him unless there just so happens to be a few flammable canisters lying around...

He tugs me closer and his grip becomes painfully tight around my waist. "Shut the fuck up and do what I tell you" Finally, he sounds vexed. Finally, some emotion!

I shrink a little in his arms and nod my head. Wow, I really don't want to annoy him to the point where he shoots me in the head without a second thought just like the guys in the parking lot. 

"Try anything and I swear I will make your life hell," he whispers into my ear before letting me go and stepping back, turning and swiftly strolling back through the crowd of students towards the main entrance. A shiver runs through my body and I quickly snatch a glass out of someone's hand and chug it down, wincing a little. 

I take one last look around the room for my friends before following far behind Ace.

I reached the door and immediately spotted the dean wearing a hat. He looked anxious. "Ah hey... My names Yvette?" I say awkwardly. He lets out a grateful sigh and nods, pulling me by my arm around the corner to where a scary-looking, tall, buff man waited with his arms crossed. 

It's settled. I am going to die.

He glares down at me and snatches my arm, not wasting a second before dragging me towards my dorm. "Wow, okay, no need to be so aggressive, I'm being willing, aren't I?" I rip my arm out of his grip and slow the pace a little. He takes my wrist again but does not rush me this time.

We arrive outside my dorm room and I reach down under the door and slip a key out of a small slot in the frame. I fumble to unlock the door and scary, bodyguard-man gets impatient and kicks it open. He throws me inside and stands in the doorway. "Pack your things," he states coldly. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Jeez, someone is on their man-period today..." I chuckle before opening my closet and taking out my suitcases and bags. 

Okay, so how the fuck am I going to get out of here? I think back to when my dad hired some woman to lecture me about health and safety and gave me a self-protection kit. I actually brought it here, thinking I might need it to defend myself against all the crazies around this school. I make a small plan in my head as I throw some clothes into the duffel bag. 

I'll pack my necessities, pretend to be grabbing toiletries or something, pepper spray him and then hit him over the head with Alex's favorite pot plant, just to make Alex extra sad when he gets back. Then, I will take my packed bag and run the hell away from this god-awful school and from Ace. 

I throw in shoes and more clothes and many of Alex's hoodies along with other random things into the biggest duffel bag, rolling everything up to be as small as it possibly could. I finally finish and go into the bottom drawer where I kept that kit. I unzip it and clutch the mace in my hand. I turn to see him still standing in the doorway. "Hey, can you help me with this? It's stuck in the desk," I mutter, internally preparing myself. He nods.


He had began to make his way over, his face cold and scary.


I wonder how much force it would take to knock this guy out. He is like a huge rock...


Here goes nothing.


. . .

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