Chapter 3

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Before I knew it, it was four in the afternoon and I had spent the whole day sitting on the uncomfortable bench in the back of a police car.

It had arrived outside my house this morning -  the bloody wankers decided it would be funny to make me wake up at fucking 9AM on a SUNDAY morning.

Little did they know that I would be all but verbally torturing whoever the unlucky motherfucker assigned to be my driver was. And because I had to put fresh dressing on the huge gash on my ribs from where some stray piece of burning building hit me, I had to wake up especially early.

I was not happy to say the least.

We had the struggle of a lifetime trying to fit my bags into the car, and when I say 'we', I mean the officer and my dad. There was my biggest suitcase in the passenger seat, jutting out awkwardly towards the officer and leaning against the dashboard while the rest were squashed into the trunk.

The drive quite literally consisted of what could have been considered the seven - yes, seven - hours of my life. Officer Myers didn't say a word to me other then explain that I was not to touch the bars that segregated the front of the car after I had tried to stroke his shiny bald egg-head but failed because the bars where too close together.

We finally arrived and the huge steel gates swung open as the police car slowed, stopping in front of the main entrance. The school was massive to say the least. It stood a good three stories and, if I didn't know any better, resembled Hogwarts a little more then I liked considering I am the most definitely a muggle.

He opened my door and guided me out before collecting my bags from their various locations and, thank goodness, left my hands free and uncuffed. A guard came out of the huge mahogany doors and helped with the suitcases while I took my duffel bag with a slight struggle.

I glanced over my shoulder one last time before we enter the school, taking my last look at the disappointing excuse of 'freedom' that was the forest and sad little road leading back to the highway. This damn school was literally in the middle of nowhere, the nearest town being forty minutes away and consisted of a supermarket, a dairy, a few cafes and a school.

We entered into this foyer thing where there was a receptionist desk and two hallways either side. The guard loaded my bags onto a trolley and wheeled them away, leaving me slightly concerned about where that little fucker was taking them.

Officer Myers handed what I'm assuming was my file to the lady behind the desk. She makes a few notes on her computer, not saying a word, and then finally glances up, looks me up and down and rolls her eyes.

What a bitch.

I snarled as she sends us down the hallway on the left to the headmasters office. The officer knocks, leads me in, places my file on the desk and then walks away, not even shedding me another glance. Ugh, rude! I really thought we bonded over our friendly little road trip together, I mean, he didn't exactly say much but I think he was just a little shy is all.

"Miss Munroe." The headmaster, a scrawny, bald man who's tie wasn't tied properly starts from behind his huge desk as he read through the first page of whatever was in that damn file. "We are very pleased to have you here at St. Louis." He gives me a wide, forced smile and passes me a small booklet along with a clear file. "In here is your class schedule, a map and all of your dorming information." He holds up a small silver key with a tag reading 'FO 216' and passes it to me. "This is your dorm key. Counselling sessions at this school are compulsory and your sessions will be explained and scheduled into your school day, you will see it in your timetable. You are in Ferraine dorming house, it's on the left side of the school but if you have any trouble finding it you can always ask your peers. Everything you need to know is in the file. Do you have any queries or concerns about your transfer, Miss Munroe?" He finally finishes saying his rehearsed little speech and leans back in his chair.

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