Chapter 42

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I had been driving almost non-stop for the past eight hours. At first I wasn't really sure where I was going. I had to pull a map out of the glove box and really see where I was. I decided on going back to the academy. I would imagine that is the last place Ace would expect me to be, considering but even then, I am only going to confront Alex.

Going out in public was extremely embarrassing. I looked abused. All I got were pitiful looks and sad smiles. Little did they know... I stopped for coffee three times, using some cash I found under the passenger seat, stopped to use public bathrooms, buy more feminine products, food and water. As much as I wanted to rest my sore muscles, I wasn't going to stop and rest for too long, I honestly just wanted to get there. I was still in scrubs and it was beginning to get late meaning it got cold really fast, especially with my window permanently open.

I finally arrive, parking my stolen car around the corner of the property, on the side of the forest. I would have to jump the brick wall if I wanted to get in undetected. It was dark now and everyone would be in their rooms.

I swig the last of my water and lug myself out of the car. I walked for five minutes before I had to take a break and sit under a tree to stretch my muscles. Oh wow, it seems like the meds are wearing off. I get up and trudge on before I finally reach the wall. Well... This surely is a roadblock in my plan. Now how the actual fuck am I going to get over this wall? I roll over the old barrel lying a few meters into the forest. I stand up on it and still wast high enough to be able to get up without it being excruciating.

This is not going to go well. I simply jump, latching my upper body around the side of the wall and spinning. I lose my grip and slam into the roof of the caretakers shed.

A groan escapes my lips and I roll to my knees, ignoring my ankle that burned at the position it was in. I shimmy towards the end of the roof and climb down the ladder. As much as that was ungraceful, I was hella proud of myself for getting over that wall without having a breakdown or breaking another bone.

I maneuver around the side of the gym, where there were no cameras and slip through class blocks until I reach my dorm. I slink into the empty elevator and quickly press the button to my floor.

I pull my surgical mask back onto my face and pull my hair out of the messy bun it was in to cover my face. I glance down the hallway and sigh in relief when it was empty. If anyone comes out and sees this, I wouldn't exactly blame them if they were scared shitless. I mean, a bruised, battered, freaky looking surgeon in their school dorm? Not to mention that blood had began to seep through my scrubs from my ribs and leg. I must have opened the wounds at some point. Probably while jumping that stupid wall.

I reach our door and take a deep, shaky breath. Here goes absolutely nothing.

I yank on the door with as much power as I could muster. It gets stuck sometimes.

My anxiety was run short at the sight of our completely empty room. No bedding, clothes, decorations, not even little Peter.

I furrow my eyebrows and step out, checking the number on the door. Yep, it's the right room. I walk further in and check the closets and drawers. Nothing. What the hell was this? Did Alex move rooms? Where was all my stuff?

I slink backwards out of the room and back to the elevator. My next stop was Kai's. I could hear Elijah's voice through the door and smile. It was nice to hear it again. I pull my mask down.

I knock quietly, wincing as I forgot my hand was fractures and used it to knock. I hear faint muffling and a thump before the door opens and Elijah's face appears on the other side. "What the fuck?" He stares at me, wide eyed before enveloping me into a bear hug. I wince and try to remove my hand so that he wasn't crushing it. He lets go and backs up "Shit, sorry." Kai appears behind him. They both looked confused and shocked.

"You are still alive!" Kai exclaims with a chuckle. "And... And what are you wearing?" They both glance down at my semi-blood-soaked attire. "It is a very long story," I mumble. They both frown and concern fills their eyes. "Who the fuck did that to you?" Kai demands, coming up and lifting my chin so he could get a better look at my bruised face.

"Honestly, I would love to rant about everything that has happened but I really need to find Alex. Do you guys know where he is? Our room was empty," I mumble, glancing around their room over their shoulders. Nothing had changed.

The boys exchange a grim look and their eyes fall back on me. "About that..."

Okay, so apparently, Ace wasn't lying and Alex was involved with him and they all found out that Ace got me and Alex said that it was my problem and then resigned from school and disappeared. The boys packed both mine and Alex's stuff and sent all of it back to my dad's house.

I sit quietly as I think about everything they had told me. That backstabbing, lying little bastard. I went through all of that shit, all that torture for a whole fucking month and a half just so Alex could blame me and run away? Fucking pathetic.

I was really fucking angry. Angry at Alex for leaving me in there when he knows better than most how brutal Ace and his men can be and angry at the little part of myself that trusted him and believed he would do the same for me.


I spent the rest of my night catching up with the boys, sharing stories and explaining how I escaped and then I went and found the twins. Kris cried when I went to her dorm and Noah couldn't stop mothering me. They gave me a change of clothes, thankfully enough. A nice pair of comfy sweatpants and a crop top with a hoodie over top. They also had Peter and promised they would take care of him for me. I explain everything, excluding everything about Alex out of the story and missing some of the more gruesome details. I explain that I will have to go again but I will stay safe and will keep in contact.

Enzo had set me up a phone that had heaps of extra security and pretty much prevented any of my information of location from being hacked. He even went as far as creating me a new passport, ID and drivers licence under a new name. I was now going to be 'Evelyn Noble'.

I said my final goodbyes and wandered back out to my car.

I drove for another six hours back to my dad's house to quickly stop in and get what I need, and a new, non-smashed car before getting back on the road.

I get home at last and my bags were in a pile on my bedroom floor. Nothing seemed to have changed since I left for boarding school to begin with. Not that it surprised me, but my dad was not there. I grab one large suitcase and begin to empty some of my duffel bags, going through what I will and won't take. I stumble across a small box. It must have been Alex's although it was in my bag. There were little trinkets and stuff but a strip of photos on the side caught my eye.

It was the photos from the arcade photo booth. We both looked so... Happy...

I shake my head and place the photos back in the box. He betrayed me, remember?

I continue to pack the remainder of my clothes and toiletries before zipping up my suitcase. Before I go, I take some morphine and lug my suitcase down the stairs and into the garage.

My eyes wander across the three cars in the garage. My dad liked fast cars. I walk past the first two and place my suitcase in the back of the Tesla. This was my favorite car because I liked the doors.

I go back inside, snatch the keys out of the drawer and lock up before getting in the car and driving away without looking back.

I make it onto the highway and sigh. I connect my new phone and begin to play my playlist.

I can't go home, I can't go to the Academy, Alex is God knows where and I can't tell another soul in the world what my real name is but I'm free, right?

So, what do I do now?

. . . 

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