Chapter 22

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The rest of the day consisted of Sarah's over-the-top weekend activities - manis pedis and now dinner - and Alex being a dork the whole time. I kid you not, he could barely keep his hands off me. Sarah and Ryan kept shooting me looks and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. 

Now, we were sitting in a booth at an old, 90's diner. This diner represented Sarah's personality almost perfectly. 

It had black and white checkered flooring, pink and blue booths, the room lit solely by the bright neon lights and signs lining the walls, waitresses and waiters wearing roller skates, record covers on the walls, it even had a photo booth in the corner of the room next to the bathroom door and a few pinball machines by the counter. The ceiling was painted in different shades of purple and had swirly neon lights travelling down the pillars. It was awesome to say the least. 

We take a seat at a booth, Alex and I sitting on the blue seat while Sarah and Ryan take pink. 

I grab a menu out of the pile and begin to scour through it. I swear, this diner was perfect in every way possible. The menu consisted of awesomely-named burgers, delicious-sounding milkshakes, food that I completely forgot existed, and food I couldn't wait to try. 

After a few minutes, a girl wearing a pink, pinafore dress, black and white striped, crew cut socks with white frills and pink and blue roller skates to match. Her makeup was exotic and bright and she wore her hair in pig tails. The rest of the waitresses were the same, with their own unique touch, and the waiters wore blue button ups and white pants, matching roller skates and purple baguettes. 

"Hello folks, my name is Sophie and I am your server for tonight. Are you all ready to order?" She chirps kindly. Sarah answers first. "I sure am. Can I please get the creamy chicken cordon bluer along with the gado-gado salad, and a green tea frappuchino with extra matcha, whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles," Sarah states in one go. Ryan chuckles from beside her as Sophie rushes to note it all down. "I'll have the note bene burger, hold the mayo and a vanilla milkshake," 

I ordered a burger called 'The Marben' and an apple juice while Alex got chicken tetrazinni and a chocolate milkshake. 

We chat about simple things while we wait for the food and thankfully, Sarah or Ryan didn't bring up my 'moment' with Alex. The food arrived and it looked delicious. 

We spent the next hour or so continuing with the light conversation before heading back to the motel. Boy, if I knew what dirty, drunk, little secrets were to be shared during the rest of the evening, I would have just slept in the bathroom back at the diner. 

Agreeing to play kings cup, truth or drink and whatever the hell 'monopoly shots' was supposed to be, was probably my biggest mistake of the weekend... So far, anyway.

I mean, we each started off with five shots before even beginning kings cup - which apparently is some super popular, teenage drinking game (that I, a struggling, teenage alcoholic, has never heard of before) only to drink even more. Sarah is the biggest lightweight ever, which I guess is a bonus for us because she is an absolute dork when she is drunk. 

After a seriously intense and competitive dance battle, five - yes, five - boxes of pizza and four bottles of bourbon down, we had finally all settled and were squashed up on one of the beds watching 'Meet Joe Black'.

I groan and smother my face into a pillow at the events on the screen. "C'mon! Don't bother asking! Just kidnap her!" I whisper yell to the characters. Alex chuckles from beside me and holds his index finger up to silence me. He gestures behind us where Sarah and Ryan were both asleep, wrapped in each others arms. 

He grabs the remote and switches off the TV. I glare at him. "Hey! I was still watching that," I mumble. I mean, the movie was more cringey than I could even express but damn, young Brad Pitt was such a hottie.

"It's fucking three am," he chuckles under his breath and gets up, stretching. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Well jeez, if I knew you were going to be such a negative Nancy then I would have banished you to bed already," I get up as well and stumble over to my bag. I had way to much to drink. I all but collapse into him and he catches me effortlessly. He glances down at me and gives me that same, signature smirk.

And then within five simple minutes, I was in my underwear... Okay, yeah, so I definitely could have worded that better. Damn people, get your mind out of the gutter! By that, I simply meant that I was so drunk that I stripped off my clothes before going through my bags to find my PJ's. I spent a few good minutes searching through all my stuff but I guess I was too drunk to find my comfy, Winnie-The-Pooh pajamas. I ended up throwing a mini, whisper tantrum to which Alex threw a huge, Alex-smelling shirt at me and told me to shut up. I didn't complain. 

And now, here I was, lying in bed, over thinking life while listening to the muffled sound of water running in the bathroom from Alex's shower. I was originally planning to share one of the beds with Sarah, much to her and Ryan's dismay, of course, but they just looked so peaceful and calm... Plus Alex would go all 'disappointed mother' on my ass for both waking them, and for not wanting to sleep in the same bed as him.

Eh, I mean it's not like I haven't shared a bed with him before or anything...

He stumbles out of the bathroom, a huge grin spread across his face. His hair was wet and tasseled and he was only in his boxers. I groan. "Your such a doofus," I slur and roll out of bed, tumbling across the room to grab the almost-empty bottle. He rolls up beside me and wraps an arm around my waist, snatching the bottle out of my hand before I could take a drink and holds it away from me. "Mine." he chuckles before swigging the rest of the bottle. I scoff and glare up at him. "Bully," is all I can mange before a yawn escapes my lips. "Just like you." He winks, placing the bottle down on the table.

He leads me back to the bed and pulls away the sheets, gently laying me down. He walks around to the other side and joins me. He grabs my hip and pulls me backwards into him. I simply groan and turn my head to glance at him. "Your so pretty," I mumble, rolling over to face him, his arm still around me. 

He smirks down at me. "Your so handsome," he replies with a smug grin. "And your abs are super nice too," I reach down and place my hand in the center of his torso. A small, puny voice in the back of my mind is screaming and laughing at how stupid this but the drunk part of my brain (aka most of it) kept screaming that his abs were nice.

"So is your ass," he retorts. He had a strange, unexplainable glint in his eyes. I had no clue what it was, but it was kind of hot.

He ends up sitting up at one point to kick off all of the blankets except the thin sheet to cover us. I moan and pinch my eyes shut. He always does this back at the dorm as well. He always gets too hot at night, even though he sleeps in literally nothing, and kicks off all the duvets. "It's cold!" I whine. He rolls to lie flat on his back and pulls me even closer. 

"Why use blankets when I'm so much hotter." He smirks. Oh, I'm sure he is proud of himself for that one. 

I simply roll my eyes and hum in response. I notice my - wait no, it's his - shirt had began to ride up again, for the millionth time in the past twenty minutes. At this point I was just ignoring it, all the while Alex was making it worse by sliding his hand under it.

The last thing I can remember was Alex soothingly running a hand through my hair.

It felt real nice.

. . .

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