Chapter 34

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Fucking Elijah.

Stupid fucking Elijah.

He stood in the doorway, eyes as wide as mine. He looks at me, then Ace and then the position we are in and then his face morphs into a mix of disgust and anger. Ace was still facing me and Elijah quickly pulls a finger to his lips. I knew what he meant. 

"C'mon dude, your boyfriend is here," I smirk at Ace and awkwardly remove my arms from his around his neck, pushing him away a little bit. Shit. I already know that this is going to go terribly. Ace glares back at me before turning away. "Did you get the money?" Ace asks Elijah, going and taking a seat back at his desk. Elijah walks up and places a duffel bag on the desk, unzipping it to reveal stacks of cash. "They still alive?" Ace asks, picking up one of the stacks. Elijah glances at me for a second, his expression unreadable. "No,"

Goodness gracious. Elijah is a murderer now. Just what I needed.

I awkwardly wander away from the wall and inch towards the slightly open doors. "Well, this has been fun and all, I'm just going to go now..." I mutter awkwardly, backing up. "Yvette," Ace's voice comes out cold and stern. "Come here," he finishes. He sounded so serious that I was genuinely scared of what he would do if I didn't follow his instructions. 

I turn around and amble towards his desk, stopping beside it. Elijah was watching me intently the whole time. "I'll give you one last chance. Where is Alexander?" Ace asks slowly. Alexander... When you say his name like that, it actually makes him sound important. "No Fucker, I ain't no snitch!" I holler at Ace.

 Ace reaches into a draw and pulls out a set of restraints, throwing them on the desk. 

"Ohh, they look neat... What are you going to do with those?" I mumble nervously, gazing at the heavy chains and cuffs. He aggressively grabs my wrist and pulls me forward, trapping me in between his arms against the desk. "Jeez, you aren't one of those sex freaks are you?" I mutter as he pulls my hand into one of the cold steel handcuffs. 

He ignores me and continues. "Are yall going to kill me or what? I'm kind of hungry..." I trail off as my stomach growls. I pat it a few times with my free hand. "Shh," I whisper to it. 

Ace rolls his eyes and I can hear Elijah sigh from behind me. "Oh! Could you please stop stalking my friends?" Ace finally looks up at me, looking mad. "I find threats are an easy convincer." He smirks, tightening my cuffs, causing me to wince. "Dude, they are minors, that's creepy. Speaking of which, so am I," I point out, raising an eyebrow as he steps closer. "I don't give a fuck," he mutters. 

"Okay, we were off to a pretty good start but now? I don't understand why you're so cold..." I mutter. It takes everything in me not to break into the Maroon 5 song right here and now.

He continues to ignore me and glances over my shoulder at Elijah. "Take her to the basement," he says. Oh jeez... I don't even want to know. Without questions, Elijah comes forward and takes my arm in a firm grip. Ace hands him a small silver key. "Little bitch," I whisper and send a wink in Ace's direction as Elijah begins to lead me away. Ace simply narrows his eyes and a sick smile makes its way onto his face.

We make it out of the room and the second the door shuts behind us I let out an exasperated sigh. "Thank goodness." I roll my shoulders back a few times. "What are you doing here Ivy?" Elijah asks sternly, not looking at me. I roll my eyes. "I'm sightseeing," I say sarcastically. My chains dangled awkwardly as we walked, clanging on each other and weighing me down. He shakes his head, annoyed. "I don't think you realize what kind of people you are dealing with right now," he says, stopping me and turning me to face him. 

I furrow my eyebrows. "It isn't like I want to be here," I mutter, glancing at the ground. "Yeah well if you want to live, you will learn not to fuck with Ace, especially when he is mad," he continues pulling me down the hallway. I wondered where we were going, hopefully to find a secret exit. "I personally think he enjoys our banter." I smirk, glancing around. He simply tugs harder on my arm.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we reach a staircase. "To the basement."

He can't be serious. "Wait, what?" I stop walking abruptly in the middle of the stairs, causing him to stop as well. "You heard Ace," he states coldly. I bite my lip. "Elijah," I begin, rolling my eyes at him as if he were a child. "You can't take me down there, you need to help me get the hell out of this place."

I swear if Elijah is just another one of Ace's little pets... "I can't just let you go," Elijah tugs me along, trying to get me to walk. I stop us again. "C'mon, are you for real? You are just going to leave me here to endure whatever Ace has in store for me?" I look into his eyes, looking for any signs that he was joking, or even emotion in general. Nothing. Just like Ace. Where was the sweet, kind boy from my childhood? The one who would protect me from anyone and everything no matter the cost? I'll tell you one thing, this wasn't him.

We ended up in some kind of game of tug of war, him trying to pull me down the stairs to the basement, me trying to retreat back up. Elijah was winning. "Yeah well you should have been more careful about not being caught," he mutters. I scoff. "Um, last time I checked I wasn't just out here wearing a sign saying 'Ace, it's me Ivy, come and kidnap me'. He fucking blackmailed me," I state with a glare. I don't like gang-Elijah.

"Yeah but you didn't exactly try all that hard, did you?" He smirks coldly at me as he drags me along. I scoff. "Huh, well I'm sorry I wasn't quite ready to disappear off the face of the earth and abandon the people that love me," I grumble, glancing at the ground. Okay, maybe that was a bit too far. He stops, turning to face me, his eyes narrowed at me. He pulls a small kit out of his pocket and opens it, revealing three small vials and a syringe. 

Okay, so what kind of sociopathic bitch carries things like this around in their pocket?

"What is that?" I ask, trying to squirm out of his grip. He ignores me and opens a vial, fills the syringe with the strong-smelling, clear liquid and turns to me. 

"No, no, c'mon. Look, I'm sorry. I will shut up and come with you, I swear, just please don't-" He stabs the syringe into my arm, injecting the liquid into my arm. Without thinking, I punch him straight in the face. "Bitch!" He shouts, clutching his jaw. He grabs my chains, dropping the kit on the ground and yanking me forward, causing me to stumble forward.  I collapse to the ground and if it weren't for the shackles, I most likely would have tumbled all the way down this pretty, mahogany staircase. I was beginning to feel drowsy. I can't believe it, this little slut actually drugged me. So much for functional friendship.

He drags me to my feet and pulls me swiftly down the stairs. 

I tumble again on the last step and he catches me effortlessly, causing bile to rise in my throat. "Get your fucking hands off me," I growl, ripping myself out of his arms and backing away. I was silently willing myself not to fall asleep. Elijah steps forward a few times and I punch him again. "Fuck you," he groans. I pull the finger at him and back away. 

"Ivy, just calm down," he cajoled. This only made me angrier. "Calm down? Bitch, after everything, you fucking drug me? I fucking forgave you! For everything!" What the hell did he give me? It felt like all my emotions were heightened by one million and couldn't contain themselves. Finally, hurt fills his eyes, only for a split second, but it had still been there. I loved that it hurt him. 

With the last of my remaining energy, I move forward to punch him one last time but he catches my fist, spinning me around and bending it behind my back. I let out a low hiss of pain. "Just stop," he whispers. "Your only going to make this harder," I hear him whisper.

Black spots began to appear in my vision and my eyes couldn't stay open. I think I manage to hear him apologize before it all went black. 

. . . 

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