Chapter 29

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-Alex's POV-

Our slow dance ends and Ivy and I talk for another minute or two before I agree to go get us more drinks. I make my way over to the table where I had spiked the punch and grab two cocktail glasses. A few members of the basketball team rock up and pat my shoulder. "Oh, I saw you and Munroe getting a little close in that dance thing," Jason comments. I smirk back at them. "Yeah? I saw you and Marie going at it in the corner behind the Bond silhouette," I chuckle, filling one of the glasses with punch. 

He nods intently. "She is fine," I laugh along with the rest of the boys at him. "You know she has herpes?" I laugh again. Jason's eyes widen and he looks to the ground. "Not again...." 

The boys go off and clap. I grab another glass and turn to head back to Ivy and freeze. You have got to be fucking kidding me...

In front of her stood Ace. I knew being close to Ivy couldn't possibly end well. I should have left the minute I found out she had a run in with Ace. I have got to get out of here. I chug one of the glasses and down the one after before putting them back on the table. 

Without taking my eyes off the two of them, I back away, slinking through the crowd of students. Another slow song began and Ace pulled her in. I couldn't help but cringe at their proximity. She quickly glances around the crowd, and to the drink table where I was, probably looking for me. She didn't look as alarmed as I would have imagined. Was this all some joke? Was she working with him? I couldn't tell whether or not he was mad with her from his expression, not that that should have been any surprise. Ace is known to be brilliant at hiding his emotion. He has this calm, poker-face that the police and investigators haven't been able to get anything out of.

She begins to speak and I wish more than anything that I could hear what she was saying. I position a huge bond statue slightly to the left in front of the emergency exit. It was covered in Black and white streamers. My hand hovers on the door handle, prepared to open the door at any needed minute. They converse for another few minutes before he leans in, whispers something in her ear, smirks and then walks out. 

She waits a second, steals somebody's drink before following after him. I glance around in search for Kai and Enzo. I spotted them by the catering table and quickly dash over.  "We need to talk," I state, glancing over my shoulder just to double check that Ace hadn't come back inside. They both look at my frantic state, confused. "Right now," I say again. I turn and make my way back to the emergency exit, the boys following closely behind me. I burst through it and begin to walk to the nearest classroom. 

As soon as we were out of the view of the gym, I turn to them. "Ace is here," I state coldly. Enzo's face scrunches up. "Wait, for real?" he asks. I nod grimly. Kai's jaw drops and he glances around. "He came into the dance and was with Ivy, I don't know what they were talking about but he said what he needed to and left. She followed a minute or two after him," I explain to them. 

Kai and Enzo were the only two people who really knew who I was and everything that had happened. 

"Shit, do you need to get out? We can take Enzo's car and I could drive," Kai offers. I raise an eyebrow. With Kai's driving, not only would it draw way to much attention to us, but we probably wouldn't make it any further than the nearest town without being pulled over and fined.  

I shake my head. "Ace will have men everywhere, it's too risky," I say. We sit and discuss what to do before finally deciding to go back to the dance and simply seeing how things play out. We enter back through the emergency door and blend back into the crowd. Ivy was still nowhere to be seen, neither was Ace. 

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