To Baby Troy,

             I think you stressed out yesterday, so I called the school for you to skip school today. I made some spaghetti to you in the fridge, heat it up when you want to eat. We're come back from work tomorow and your sister will be sleepover at her whatever friends' house. Keep the house clean and no party mister. Bye..

                                                                                                       <3 Mom and Dad and Tamari...

                   Great, they left me when I was nearly had a nervous breakdown... Whatever... I grabbed the spaghetti and didn't bother to heat it up. I ate all of it and cleaned it, then sat on the sofa watching some tv.

                   When I was watching the exciting part of "EXtreme Sport", someone was knocking at the door. God! Didn't they know my butt hurt? (A/N: No.. They don't...) *Troy: Shut up Author..*

                   The knock was getting louder. Jeez, people nowadays were lack of patience! (A/N: You too..) *Troy: You are so annoying...*

                   Wait... What if it was Jessie... Would him drive all the way to come here? Yes... He's crazy... What could I do? Or what would I do! I was nervous now and the knock was getting louder and louder. Damn, I didn't care.. I swung opened the door, banging the door on the wall..

                     Just that... I saw my worst nightmare again...

                     His black hair was shining under the sun and his black eyes were filled with anger. I was shivering... No! I would not let him get me this time! I grabbed his hands and bent it onto his back. But he was faster and he tied my hands with his prepared rope. No! I was being kidnapped again! BY SAME GUY!!!! He pushed me and my face was slamming on the door.

                   "Miss me..." He whispered and biting my earlope... His hard-on was rubbing on my butt. NO! My butt already hurt!


                   "HANDS OFF HIM YOU ASSHOLE!"

                   Did the God has answer my prayer? I was so sure this was not a dream! It was him!

                  "Jessie!!!!! Help me!" I didn't know why. My tears fallen down again. I think I was happy that he was just in time.

                   "Who this?" He grabbed me and shoved me outside the house. I was now face face with Jessie. His dirty blonde hair was dashing as always. He covered my mouth and his one hand, didn't let me make a sound. But my eyes met Jessie's furious eyes. Jessie was going to puch this guy when I felt something icy cold on my neck. With that, Jessie stopped.

                   "Come near me. Your boyfriend died..." He threatening him. That's a KNIFE!!!!!! I was crying silently and I was sweating too. He shoved my mouth with a cloth and used the free hand running up and down under my shirt. He was touching my chest and my abs. I could see Jessie's face red. He was going to explode! He kept the knife closely to my neck...

                  I had to do something... I couldn't just stand here and got sexually touch by him when Jessie was watching! I didn't care much now. I spitted out the cloth and bite the arm of him. He yelped and dropped the knife. I made a run out of his hold but when Jessie was going to catch me. He grabbed my arm and shoved me back.

                 "Shit! You think you just run away like this? No way, I will not got to prison before I kill somebody!" He raised his knife... I didn't close my eyes, I was watching Jessie's grey eyes... He made me felt so alive... I was so happy he would love me...

                "NO!" Jessie shouted, he was going to stop him when suddenly I saw something flied straight on to my way... Wait... IS THAT AN ARROW?

              "Urgh!!!!!" I heard the guy yelled and he let go of me. I dropped into Jessie arms. He was hugging me tightly.

              "Everything is fine now.."

               I faced back to him, I saw the arrow was shot straight through his left arm and making the knife dropped. How....

               "Move away!" A voice shouted. Jessie hugged me away the path and a shadow came by so fast like a wind just knocked the man with a back kick on the head. The man instantly unconcious, I think.

                "Are you alright?" The voice asked....


              Sorry if this part is not excited... I am so sleepy..... CLIFFYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! Yes, I prepared this part from yesterday! Didn't I tell you I am going to put new characters? LOL!Yes! This one is going to...... NO spoiler!!! lol!! Find out urself!!! Peace out!! VOTE AND COMMENT PEOPLE!!!! <3 YOU ALL!!!!


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