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Sitting in her room on her bed Hadiya messaged Patience back and forth as her parents argued over her punishment. Stevenson wanted to take away her privileges and whoop her but Chelly thought that was too much. They still didn't know where Hadiya went and she didn't plan on telling it either. When the school called they were both shocked because she hadn't done anything like that before and they knew Patience wouldn't influence Hadiya to do anything that bad so they knew it was something. Chelly had, had a good idea it was a boy but her heart wouldn't let her accept it. She just knew her baby wouldn't do anything stupid, right? Hadiya heard their room door open so she quickly put her phone down and focused back on her homework.

"As for today you can have your phone but first thing tomorrow it will be gone until we decide for you to have it back we give you freedom and try not to hold you hostage because we know what that could do and all we ask for from you is to be good, bring back good grades and never disappoint but you do the exact opposite and skip school, for what?" Stevenson asked. His voice was naturally deep so he didn't have to yell.

"I..I dont know" she knew but she wasn't about to say anything what she did with herself is what she did and Hadiya knew she would get a whooping if her parents found out she had sex. She was going to do it again because of the things Terrell said to her and this time It felt different she felt like he meant it.

"I'm very disappointed, Hadiya" Chelly looked at her daughter who seemed consumed in her own thoughts causing Stevenson to shake his head and walk out the room. "Please dont be out here messing up your life baby it's not worth it" Hadiya mentally rolled her eyes. She couldn't tell it wasn't because her mother was married with two kids. Once her mother closed her door she smiled and grabbed her phone replying back to Terrell's message.

Hadiya walked through her school with a blue tie dye sleeveless dress with her white air forces. Her hair was crimped making it stop to her back and she had on lipgloss that glistened. Spotting Terrell standing by his locker facing forward she smiled and sneaked behind him putting both hands on his eyes. He felt her hands and removed them from his face, turning around.

"Why you always playing" he said with a smile on his face Hadiya stepped by him and seen why he was facing forward. There was a girl that just stared at them with a mug on her face. Hadiya looked at him then looked at her trying to get him to tell her who she was. "Oh, yeah this my friend princess we was just chopping it up I'll talk to you later, Ight" the girl nodded her head and walked away Hadiya paid attention to how she looked and compared the two in her head instantly becoming insecure. Hadiya had no reason to have trust issues with Terrell because she never caught him doing anything the only thing there was, was rumors and she wasn't the type to go off what people said.

"Why you got that look on your face" he asked putting an arm around her shoulder as they walked outside to the patio. She shrugged her shoulders and he picked her head up.

"Don't worry about her" Hadiya stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. Terrell gripped her butt and deepened the kiss he pushed into her more making her feel his hardness through his jeans. Pulling away from each other Hadiya bit her lips with lust in her eyes, giving him a flirtatious look.

"I don't have a probably taking you somewhere and fucking the shit out of you but I got practice" Pouting her lips Hadiya just wanted to have sex with him again.

"Well could you pick me up later tonight around ten o'clock" Terrell knew where she lived because he dropped her off a few times and he also knew she didn't have her phone she made sure to mention that to him before her parents took it. Before going to class they agreed to meet up and Hadiya was more than excited. The feeling of being able to do what she wanted did something to her she liked the rush.

"Why you so gittery" patience asked giving Hadiya a weird look.

"Don't scream, okay?" Patience smiled while nodding her head she was excited to know what Hadiya had to tell her but she was no where near ready.

"Terrell and I had sex" she whispered the last part making patience scrunch up her face. She had a feeling she knew what she said but she thought she was tripping.

"Bitch, say that again" she put her hair behind her ear and scooted closer to Hadiya.

"We had sex" Patience heard that causing her to suck in a breath and look at the work that was laid on her desk. Before Hadiya could question her behavior their teacher walked in. Patience didn't like Terrell she knew what type of guy he was and she knew all he wanted was pussy. Of course she heard all the rumors of him messing with someone other than Hadiya and Patience believed them. Dennis was friends with a friend of Terrell who would tell him everything. That gave patience an advantage to know everything the boys talked about because her and her boyfriend would gossip.

The last bell rung meaning school had ended Hadiya went outside and walked towards her fathers car. Getting in she fastened on her seatbelt as he pulled off they rode in silence just letting the music play. Stevenson didn't have much to say to his daughter he was still pretty pissed about her skipping school like any other parent would.

They finally made it home and she made we way up to her room. Scanning through her closet Hadiya picked out this basic red two piece outfit that she would wear with these cute slides that she had just got. Closing her room door and locking it she undressed but kept her bra and panties on. Laying flat on her bed her head went back to Terrell the way he worked his tongue from how big his dick was.

It was harder than she anticipated it to be her thoughts would always involuntary go back to him. She recalled the manliness of his touch that lingered on her. The way it created a pleasurable shiver down her spine, the way her body reacts to it every-time. Instinctively, Hadiya's fingers slipped in her underwear and the fantasy of Terrell crept through her mind. She could feel her pressure rising each second as she plunged her fingers inside and out. Gripping her breast Hadiya bit her lip and went harder and harder, loving the way it felt. With her eyes rolling to the back of her head Hadiya legs begin to shake violently as she felt a warmth come between her legs.

"Hadiya, open the door" Stevenson said as he twisted her doorknob becoming enraged. She knew one of their rooms were to have no locked doors and here she was breaking another rule. Jumping up out of her bed she quickly got a big shirt from her dresser and flung it over her head. "NOW!" Stevenson yelled making her stop in fear her father barely yelled so it frightened her to hear it.

"Sorry I was just about to get in the shower" lying through her teeth she watched as Stevenson rushed passed her and searched her room. Going by the closet he angrily pulled it back and moved her clothes out the way. Looking back at his daughter he put a hand on his forehead and sighed obviously stressed by her current behavior.

"I don't want to feel like I can't trust you, you know not to have your door locked what were you doing?" She slickly sat on her bed to cover up her mess you could barely see it but he wasn't too far from her bed.

"..I just told you, I was about to shower" still lying she continued to stare into his eyes so he could believe her. Stevenson didn't but he didn't have time to argue with his sixteen-year old daughter who was living under his roof. Taking a deep breath he put his hands up and chuckled, walking out of the room he slammed the door.

Tip-toeing our of her room Hadiya went to her parents room that was just across from hers, grabbing the handle she gently twisted it and opened it seeing that both her parents were sound asleep. Not waisting anytime she closed the door softly and creeped down the stairs she got excited as she unlocked the door and stepped outside seeing his truck parked by the curb across the street. Jogging towards it she giggled and got in the passenger seat.

"Let's go!"

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