60. Cakes and Clay Kittens

Start from the beginning

Once I arrived at home and parked my car next to John's, I hurried in with the massive cake and went to put it down in the kitchen table. I stared at it with a wide smile on my face, just bubbling in my great emotions before I realized how quiet it was in the house.

"Is anyone home?" I called out, but no one replied. "John?"

"I'm here..." I heard his not-so-enthusiastic reply, so I followed his voice into the living room.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I spotted him sitting on the couch with a big box on his lap. I immediately recognized it as the one I stored Jordan's clocks in.

John was holding one of the clocks with a sad expression on his face. "Just... thinking," he muttered.


"Jordan," he breathed out. "We never should've left for that trip... It ruined our family... Do you remember? You didn't want us to leave."

I let out a breath and went to sit down next to him. I took Jordan's alarm clock from the box, wiping some dust off it.

"The reason why I didn't want you to go was that I knew I'd miss you both terribly, but I wanted you to have a fun trip with your son," I told him, leaving out the fact that I had cursed him over and over again for wanting to go for years. "None of us knew what was going to happen, and there is no point in dwelling in the past anymore. Jordan is healing. He is finally returning to us."

"Not thanks to me..." he mumbled.

"John... It's time to look forward. There's nothing we can do to change the past. We can only learn from it. I have learned a lot. How about you?"

John looked at me for a good while. Then, he breathed out, and nodded. "I have learned to trust your instincts. And I have learned that our children's happiness must always come first."

"Does that mean you have accepted the fact that your son is in a loving relationship with another man and you are offering your full support?" I asked, trying to keep voice neutral, but I was still a bit upset with his behavior.

"I never had anything against gay people," he said with a bit of a scolding tone. I wasn't convinced, but since he finally seemed to accept it, I didn't push it. Instead, I let him continue.

"I just... didn't know what to think about the whole thing. Blake is a criminal."

"A criminal who had no other choice," I said sternly. "He is a sweet young man."

"He does seem to have a good heart, yes. I have learned that, too," John said, looking at the clocks. "He has done an amazing job with Jordan..."

"He has," I smiled. "He wouldn't call it a job, though."

"No, I guess not," he spoke absentmindedly. "I still can't believe he has come out of his room..."

"Twice now," I said, placing my hand on his, squeezing his fingers in excitement. "He's getting better so fast it almost scares me."

"Me too," he said, and smiled lightly. "Maybe... Maybe he can have a normal life after all."

"I know he will," I said with no doubt in my mind. "He will have everything he's ever wanted."

"I can't wait to see that," John smiled.

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