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He stepped forward getting close to her rolling strands of her hair around his fingers

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He stepped forward getting close to her rolling strands of her hair around his fingers."My offer is still valid doll. Become mine and you will be free from all this."

"So you still have the audacity to say that after all you did to me." She scoffed not believing him at all. Was he goddamn serious.

"what did I do?" He licked his lips, a satisfied smirk appeared on his lips. "Revealed your fiance's true face? Or your Granny's dirty secrets."

Her hands curled in to fists. She looked away as her jaw clenched. He was right too. Marrying Jay would only bring her pain and heartbreak. But after marriage they wouldn't be able to separate. Sometimes it's good if you find the true face of your partner before at the right time. It might give you pain but at least your life is not ruined.

YN:"I still don't believe my granny did that"

He let out a laugh stepping away putting hands in his pockets. "Soon baby girl, soon your dear granny will say it from her own beautiful mouth. Till then give my offer a second thought. It's always available. "

He sent her back as she appeared back in her room. He knew everything what was going in her home but he didn't say anything. For him, watching the scene has always been fun.

The door of her room was opened and she heard noises coming from lounge. Walking out of her room she stopped in staircase looking at her mother sitting on couch and Mrs Park trying to comfort her. While her father was trying to call someone seemed like police.

She gulped as she looked at time and it was 10pm. Guess a whole day passed or who knows even days. She had no track of time. She slowly stepped Down the stairs as everyone's attention went on her.

Her mother instantly stood up and ran to her. "YN where have you been!? Oh my go I was so worried." she hugged her daughter tightly who looked at his father hanging up the call.

YN's Mom:"where were know how much we looked for you?"

YN: " How much..... Time has it been?"

YN's Mom :" what do you mean honey. It's been 3 days tell me where were You and..... Why are you coming from inside? "

She felts her hands getting cold as she looked at everyone who are waiting for their answer. Being a center of attention was making her want to hide in blankets." J-Jungkook. "

She let out a faded sound hardly audible to everyone. Jay balled his fists hearing that not able to believe this. She was getting on his nerves. "I told you uncle about that Jungkook and her. She is really going crazy."

YN's Dad: "Jungkook what!?"

She yelped hearing him yelling. She was not used to yells and shouts at all."J-Jungkook took m-me to his world. Dad why don't anyone believe me he is not a human being. He died a long ago. He is a dead soul who wants revenge."

Her dad gritted his teeth at the nonsense. When Jay told him he couldn't believe him. He actually behaved rudely with Jay just because he was saying nonsense about her daughter but Jay was right she was really going crazy." Enough of these fairy tales! Call a doctor for her and you.... You are not leaving this house till I allow you to."

Regret.... Only regret was left.

Getting up she went to her room not looking at anyone anymore. That's it. How long she is going to bear this all. Locking the door behind, she was about to yell out his name but he was already there sitting on her bed. His legs rested comfortably on it as his back leaned against the best rest.

YN: "I accept your offer."

Jungkook : "Think again doll. There's no way back."

Yn : " There is nothing to think anymore."

"Come here" A satisfied smirk appeared on his lips. He has been waiting for it. Now she was going to be under his control too. She walked to him as he pulled her on his lap slamming his lips on her. Their lips molded against each other feeling so desperate and needy as ever.

He threw her back on bed hovering above her. His hands roughly gotten rid of her clothes tearing them off of her body attacking her neck.

Flashbacks started playing in her brain. 

Flashbacks of Jay proposing her
going to abroad.
using other girls.
cheating on her.
Giving her place to another women.
Calling her psychopath.
Using her for his purpose.

She didn't want to care about anything at this point. She completely gave herself to this soul who was touching her like he owned every part of her. Enough of humiliation. Enough of trying to help other. Now it was her time to think about herself.


His hand rested on her back letting her rest on him as her hands wrapped around his chest falling in to deep slumber after having her energy used that way. She was tired mentally and physically and all she wanted was to close her eyes and lose her senses so atleast a part of her will be at ease.

He was feeling much at peace. With her in his arms..... It's like his heart was finally at peace and that was surely surprising for him. Every thing about this girl was quite surprising.


After few hours, someone kept knocking at YN's door who was sleeping peacefully. She squinted her eyes slowly opening them as she looked around not finding Jungkook there. She was well dressed and even the torn clothes were not in sight anymore.

She got up fixing herself a bit and opened the door revealing her mother who brought her breakfast. Stepping a side she slowed her in closing the door behind as her mother asked her to sit beside her.

YN's mom : "you must be hungry. Eat up something."

Yn didn't say anything cause she didn't want to bicker on anything. She just quietly picked up the utensils and started eating. Her mother looked at her how thin and weak she became. She didn't say until she was done eating.

YN's Mom: " Your father appointed a psychiatrist. He will come everyday at 4pm for one hour."

YN: "No need for that. I realized what I have been saying doesn't make sense. I need some time for myself I won't say anything about it anymore. Those were only stupid nightmares. You can Cancel the appointment"

Her mother smiled a bit caressing her head and left from there giving her time alone as much as she want.

She grabbed her phone and saw a lot of missed calls and texts from Soyeon. She told her that she is alright and went out of room to garden to have some fresh air.

She saw Jay was there too who looked like he just woke up and came here straight from bed. He was in his sweats and hair all ruffled up. He must be here to have breakfast with the family which is in few minutes.

Jay: "So you are finally over those shitty nightmares"

YN : "News surely spread like fire."

Jay : "Well good for you. Give your brain some rest."

He said as he turned around while YN spotted a hickey on his neck. A sinister smile appeared on her lips. "Atleast I was right when I said you cheated on me."

She walked away going to backside of mansion wanting some time alone as he instantly put a hand where he had a hickey letting out a faded curse. He knew he had to be more careful at his point.

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