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Everyone sat on the table for the morning breakfast except for Jay who was the VIP of today's breakfast. YN was asked to go and check on Jay since the elders were waiting to start the breakfast and it was no good sign for anyone. Knocking at the door twice she got no answer so she decided to go back but she didn't want Jay to get scold by grandmother so she slowly opened the door peeking in and found him still sleeping.

Slowly entering in, she found his clothes all scattered on floor and he himself was covered in sheets. There were empty bottles of alcohol. He drank a lot no wonder he was still asleep.

He groaned as she slid the curtains letting the sunlight hit his eyes. "God YN what do you want at this hour."

YN : " Everyone is waiting for you at breakfast table."
A light fear creeping to her heart again knowing she won't get a nice answer. She didn't know what she got herself in to but slowly her heart was dying. She was losing interest of getting any kind of affection or love.

" For God sake YN, can I rest in peace for once. Bring my breakfast later in the room." He said groaning in extreme annoyance.

YN: "But Jay, everyone is waiting and bringing breakfast in room is n--"

" Listen, you are my fiance, my soon to be wife. You are obliged to do what I told you to. Stop talking about others in front of me and now please leave for God sake."

She stared at him with blank eyes. Strange enough she didn't felt hurt by his words. She used to cry at nights missing his warmth but now that he is back she feels a certain urge to keep a distance from him. Accepting his proposal was like ruining your life with your own hands and she did that and now she knew she can't even back up. Her family won't ever allow that.

After doing the breakfast here she sat on the stairs in garden like always,to find some mental peace. Looking at the little boy who was watering the plants. Sighing she looked up and wished it was night. She finds an indescribable beauty in the night sky..... filled with darkness.

"Are you alright?"
Her gaze shifted from sky to the Boy who was standing in front of her. Her eyes turned soft. It was the first time the boy gathered the courage to talk to the her.

YN : " I am, Sit"
Her fragile hands patted the space next to her. He stared at her then at the seat and decided to sit down.

YN: "Do you like Roses?"

"Who doesn't....... But guess you don't like them, I always saw you getting snowdrops."

YN : " Jay likes them."
It came out as merely a whisper from her lips. He was waiting for the time when he will remove this word from her universe. A word.... That will be forbid able.

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